First-class daughter

Chapter 1053 Find out the details

Chapter 1053 Find out the details
Chapter 1053 Find out the details
Feng Yunzheng looked at Feng Jue, with a gratified smile on his face, but the next moment, a thought flashed in his eyes, and he quietly retreated into his military tent.

"Your Highness." Leng Mei cupped his fists and nodded.

"How, I found Feng Qianyue's trace." Feng Yunzheng asked.

"His Highness has been searching secretly for the past few days, and has not found any traces of His Highness the Fourth Highness in the army. According to preliminary estimates, His Highness has not hidden in the army." said Leng Mei.

Feng Yunzheng nodded, and said, "Expanding the scope of the search, it will be difficult for you alone, call Yefeng and other dark guards together."

"...Yes!" Leng Mei paused and said.

Feng Yunzheng paused for a moment, glanced at her, and asked, "Do you have an idea?"

"No, I'll obey you." He said with a cold brow, and went out as soon as he opened the military tent, but Night Breeze stepped back abruptly and looked at her.

Without saying a word, she walked past him——

"Hey..." Night Breeze shouted.

"Come in." At this time, Feng Yunzheng summoned him from inside. He glanced at Leng Mei's back, bent over and entered the military tent, and said with cupped hands, "Your Highness, the humble job is here."

Feng Yunzheng glanced at him indifferently, and asked, "Did you provoke cold eyebrows?"

Night Breeze was taken aback, lowered his head, a little embarrassed, and said, "Your Highness is wise."

Feng Yunzheng shook his head, "It hurts to be angry, this king never makes his women angry."

When Night Breeze heard it, he bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and said, "Your Highness, I'm so remorseful, it's all because of my mouth, it's nothing but nonsense, she heard it, and now I don't care about you any more. Not 'pure wind' anymore."

After hearing Ye Feng's words, Feng Yunzheng felt goosebumps all over his body, and waved his hands, "Get out, get out!"

"Your Highness!" Night Breeze hugged Feng Yunzheng's legs, put his face on his legs, and said, "Your Highness is your No. [-] hidden guard, you can't just ignore your Highness, please, Give the humble job a trick, the humble job can't help it."

Feng Yunzheng gave him a disgusted look, and said, "You are worthy of being called the king's number one secret guard?"

"Your Highness, take care of your humble position." Night Breeze said in a tearful voice.

"Okay, you guys, summon Leng Mei and say that the king is looking for her." Feng Yunzheng said to the guard at the door.


Hearing that, Night Breeze breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "That's great."

"After I sent her here, I ordered her to submit to you. If you don't agree, I will punish you severely." Feng Yunzheng said with a serious face.

"..." The smile on Night Breeze's face froze immediately, and he quickly stopped the guard who was going to call someone, "Hey, don't, don't go!"

Then he said bitterly, "Your Highness, you... do it, you know the humble job, you have to rely on yourself."

"However, don't rush about the matter of cold eyebrows. This king has something important and I want you to investigate it." Feng Yunzheng recovered his indifferent expression for a moment.

"Your Highness, please tell me, I will take orders from a lowly position." Seeing Feng Yunzheng getting serious, Ye Feng immediately became serious and calm himself.

"Little demon girl, quickly come to the arms of the Lord." In a certain military tent, while undressing his clothes, a soldier hurriedly crawled over to the woman with her fragrant shoulders in front of him.

"Master Jun, don't worry..." The woman smiled coquettishly, a chill flashed in her eyes, and she made seductive movements.

When the soldier threw himself on her and pinched her body, her hand sneaked up to his neck, the needle in the sleeve slipped into her hand, and she stabbed it hard.

"Hmm..." The man didn't even yell, and fell down slowly.

Hong Ling took a bunch of keys from his clothes, put on his clothes, tied up his hair, dressed up like a man, and wiped the dirt on the ground on his face,

Then, he went out the door openly.

Outside, it was getting late, and bonfires were burning everywhere, and torches were erected.

She lowered her head all the way, passed many eyes and ears, and walked to the granary where the grain and grass were stored. "Who?" The two guards guarding the door asked harshly. She raised the key in her hand and shook it to show that own identity.

Those two put their swords back and stood aside. She walked over, took advantage of the unpreparedness of the two, and quickly shot them, using the same method to make the two unconscious, then opened the door of the granary, and left go in.

The granary in front of him is the food and grass for the soldiers of the whole army for the next 20 days. If the food and grass are gone just like this, the strength of Dazhou will be greatly damaged.

Hong Ling's eyes froze, and then she closed her eyes, and threw the torch in her hand onto the pile of grain and grass.

And at this moment, a black shadow flashed over like the wind, and grabbed the torch that was thrown out.

She was taken aback, then raised her head suddenly, is it him?His Royal Highness's hostile bodyguard?How did it come so fast?

"Come here, take her to see His Highness." Night Breeze ordered with a cold expression.

Seeing two guards coming to grab him, Hong Ling suddenly shot, grabbed a guard by the neck, and threw him to the ground hard.

Night Breeze shook his head when he saw how she was fighting back, and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, how much do you cooperate honestly, I have to make a move, looking for abuse!" As he spoke, his face turned cold, and the torch in his hand was used as a weapon. Fighting against Hongling, after several fights, he stepped on Hongling on the sole of his feet and said, "Take it back!"

Feng Yunzheng is in the account.

"Kneel down!" Night Breeze put her foot on Hong Ling's knee, and she bent her knees and knelt heavily on the ground.

Feng Yunzheng looked over like a cold arrow, and said, "While disguising as a military prostitute, I want to lure you to Xiuxiu, give me a wrong direction, and make me mistakenly think that you just want to show off, and then , and then seize the opportunity to burn the food and grass in the army. It is a good plan..."

"It's a pity that our Highness doesn't like Se Yanxiu. Not only did he fail to be successful, but His Highness also saw your intentions thoroughly." Night Breeze sneered, and said, "Childish."

Hong Ling was taken aback for a moment - His Highness the Ninth Prince had already seen it?

That's right, there are two plans, one is to show off his body to make Feng Yunzheng sick, but he didn't expect that he would not accept this at all, so he started to burn food and grass, but was caught again.

In fact, she was really moved by Feng Yunzheng, because she had never seen such an extraordinary man, the moment she approached him pretending to be a military prostitute, she was moved.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Feng Yunzheng asked with a cold voice.

"No one sent it. I wanted to do it myself. Since His Highness caught the current situation, I have nothing to say." Hong Ling insisted that it was what she wanted to do, and refused to let go.

"It's a good thing to serve the Lord wholeheartedly, but if you do something rebellious, you will definitely have no way out. And the sky net is full of laxity. If you don't tell me what I want to know, sooner or later, I will know it. I don't want to follow you." I know it." Feng Yunzheng said, and ordered, "Ye Deng, pull it out and cut it off."

"Yes!" Night Breeze stepped forward, pulled her up from the ground, and walked out rudely.

"But it's true that I love Your Highness!" Hong Ling suddenly turned her head when she was pulled to the door, and said.

Feng Yunzheng didn't even raise his head, Ye Feng slammed Hong Ling's body with his elbow, and said, "You dare to admire His Highness, you don't even know what it means! Let's go!"

"If I'm willing to tell His Highness who sent me here, can His Highness let me dance for His Highness in the account." Hong Ling asked expectantly.

Feng Yunzheng raised his eyes, looked at her coldly, and said, "You are too flattering yourself."

"Your Highness..." Hong Ling didn't expect Feng Yunzheng to refuse so simply.

"Let's go, now that you are begging His Highness to tell you the result, His Highness may not be willing to listen. You have lost the chance to talk to His Highness!" Night Breeze said.

"It's Xu Guogong!" Suddenly, Hong Ling bent her knees, knelt on the ground, and said, "It was Xu Guogong's instruction. If I didn't fall in love with His Highness, I would never say it anyway."

Xu Guogong?
Feng Yunzheng was taken aback.

"It was Xu Guogong who instructed me to disguise myself as a military prostitute and get close to His Highness. I ruined His Highness in two ways. One was to have a skin-to-skin relationship with His Highness and pass the toxins in my body to His Highness. Your Highness." Hong Ling replied truthfully.

"Night Breeze, lock her up so she can be taken care of!" Feng Yunzheng said.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." Hong Ling called his name, but Ye Feng forcibly blurted it out.

Feng Yunzheng sat in the tent, lost in thought——

Xu Guogong was so courageous that he dared to strike when the two sides were fighting, and wanted him and Feng Jue to die in Shanhaiguan, so that they could not go back and compete with Feng Ye for the throne.

Is this Xu Guogong's personal bestowal, or is it Feng Ye's intention?
"No, Feng Ye has also gone to war many times. He is bloody. Would he do such a thing? This will always damage the interests of Da Zhou. Will he do this for the throne?"

Kyoto, Imperial Palace, inside Rongyuan Hall.

"...haha, it's true that the tiger father has no dogs, and Jue'er did not disappoint me. Xiao Zhenhai, an old thief, has suffered from Jue'er!" Zhou Chengdi was there to rescue the soldiers, but when he heard the good news from Shanhaiguan , and his complexion also improved.

"Eleventh brother won the true biography of his father and won the initial victory. It is really gratifying and congratulatory." Feng Ye clasped his fists, bowed, and said.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, Your Eleventh Highness has become famous as a young man, and now he is showing his talents again, I admire you!" Xu Guogong hurriedly knelt on the ground, with room to prostrate, and said happily.

After leaving the Hall of Rongyuan, he walked all the way back to Zhengyangmen, and when he was out of Zhengyangmen, the smile on Xu Guogong's face froze, and he said, "Your Highness, you have seen it now, Feng Jue and Feng Yunzheng are threatening you! "

Feng Ye had a pensive look on his face, but he didn't speak.

"Your Highness, don't hesitate any longer. This is the best opportunity. Think about how your mother and concubine died. You are a good boy and have always been filial to your mother. Don't you want to avenge your tragic mother and concubine at all?" Xu Guogong continued forced to ask.

"Stop talking!" A struggle flashed across Feng Ye's face.

At this time, a sedan chair stopped at the gate of Zhengyang, the curtain of the sedan chair was opened, and a man with a big belly came out of the sedan chair.

(End of this chapter)

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