First-class daughter

Chapter 1055 This Is My Son

Chapter 1055 This Is My Son

Chapter 1055 This Is My Son

"Cut it out!" With an order, the woman's bulging stomach was cut open. Immediately, blood flowed profusely, and there were tragic screams in the room. There was actually a child in the belly, the child's heart beating weakly...

"Ah!" Feng Qianyue in the dream suddenly sat up, gasping for breath, his head was covered with sweat, he opened his hands, looked at the palms, trembling, and was very panicked.

He had a dream just now, dreaming that he cut open a woman's stomach with a knife, and there was a living child in that woman's stomach.

why?Why did he have such a dream, why did he cut open a woman's belly, who is this person?Is it her?The one who looks exactly like Lian Siyue?
In the past days, he often dreamed of a woman who looked exactly like Lian Siyue, but had a very different temperament. In the dream, that woman was very obedient to him and loved him deeply.

At first it was a dream once in a few days, and then almost every night, and the dream became more and more real and closer to him. Sometimes after he woke up, he would not be able to distinguish reality from the dream for a long time, as if the woman really As if he had lived with him, he even felt that there was still warmth from her in his palm.

Feng Qianyue, who was troubled, once asked an old monk in the temple why he frequently dreamed of a person he knew, but the temperament of that person was completely different from that of the real person. The old monk said eight words, "Both When you think, you dream."

He chewed these eight words carefully, and then came to the conclusion: Deep down in his heart, he was very eager for Lian Siyue to surrender to himself, so he wove a fake Lian Siyue in his dream to accompany him through the day.

Hehe, he laughed, "What is this? I actually made up a person I hate the most to accompany me."

After a long time, he got up, lit the candles in the room, brought a basin of water, and was about to wash his face. He lowered his head and saw himself in the water.
He can't see the light, so he can only live in exile for the rest of his life, desolate, not like a living person, nor like a ghost.The throne, the power has long been far away from him, and all of this——

It's all caused by Lian Siyue!
He knocked over the water basin, staggered two steps back, with a ferocious expression on his face, "Lian Siyue, I, Feng Qianyue, will never share the sky with you in this life!"

He fell to the ground, his fists clenched, his eyes sparkling with hatred, and he sat like that until dawn.

"Bang bang bang" At this time, his door rang, and a rude voice came from outside, "You little slave, hurry up and get up and clean, and all your monthly money will be deducted!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Qianyue's eyes, and the next moment, he pushed open the door of the low house, and saw a tall and thick man who was spitting and spitting at him. This man was Wang Bao, the steward of the backyard.

He hastily claimed yes.

Lian Siyue, this is what you want, right? Make me, Feng Qianyue, even more humble than a humble person.

"It's getting cold, send these charcoals to the madam and princess. Remember, bend as low as you can, and be as obedient as a dog. Do you hear me?" Wang Bao put two baskets of charcoal on the In front of him, she reached out and patted his face.

"Yes, I see."

Feng Qianyue walked towards the front yard with a basket of charcoal on her back.

"Bah! Bastard!" Wang Bao spat and said.

Feng Qianyue's hands gripping the basket rope secretly tightened, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

No one would have imagined that he is now hiding in the residence of Khitan Southern Prime Minister Xiao Zhenhai, he went to Youzhou before Ling Yue, and after arriving in Youzhou, he has been looking for opportunities to meet his son.However, the Nanxiang Mansion is heavily guarded, and Xiao Zhenhai is extremely vigilant now, so he has not been able to get in touch with the people in the Nanxiang Mansion for several days, and continues to pretend to be a beggar and dwell in Youzhou City looking for opportunities.Until a few days ago, when the Nanxiang Mansion wanted to buy a group of slaves, he killed one of them named A Mu Ze, pretending to be him and entering the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Today, I can finally see my son.

He went all the way to the front yard, first to Xiao Rou's yard, Xiao Rou was not here, he put the charcoal at the door, and the maid took it in and carried it in.

Then, they went to Nan Xiang's wife Lu Xi's yard, just as they arrived at the gate of the yard, they saw Lu Xi and Xiao Rou sitting on the chairs inside, and a half-old child was eating in the hands of the nanny.

His heart trembled slightly, is this his son Fu'er?That face looks very similar to him, although he is still small, but his kind can be seen between the brows.

Feng Qianyue lowered her head, moved a basket of charcoal into the yard, stood at the door, and said, "Madam, Princess, this is the charcoal for the past few days." He deliberately made his voice rough, without People can hear it.

Sure enough, Xiao Rou stared straight at her son, did not speak, and did not hear Feng Qianyue's voice.

Lu Xi raised his head, looked at it, and said, "Take it in."

"Yes." Feng Qianyue lowered her head, bowed her waist, passed in front of them, her eyes were on the child, and the child actually glanced at him too.

"Crack!" Suddenly, Xiao Rou smashed the teacup in her hand to the ground, holding the back of the chair tightly with both hands, her eyes were scarlet and trembling all over, "Lian Siyue! It's this bitch! If not She, why should we be degraded to Khitan! We are watched day and night here, and I can’t even take my own child with me to raise! I really want to pull her skin and tear her bones! Then throw her to the ground It was eaten by wild dogs!"

Xiao Fu was frightened by her, and immediately hid in the nurse's arms and began to cry.

Now, Xiao Rou was even more disturbed, pointed at him with a vicious face, and cursed, "Cry, cry, cry all day long, why are you crying, I'm not dead yet!"

Xiao Rou looked like an evil ghost, Xiao Fu didn't dare to cry anymore, lying in the nurse's arms, with a look of horror in his eyes, he sobbed softly.

Lu Xi frowned, signaled the servant girl to clean up the floor, and said to Xiao Rou, "You are angry with the child, it has nothing to do with him, you came to Khitan because your father brought you here. Also, usually your father doesn't I asked you to take Fu'er, now they are going to war, you have a chance to see your son, before you always cried and said you missed your child, now it seems that you don't love him much, you haven't hugged him these few days Once, you scolded him at every turn, and cursed him to death, you are not like a mother, no matter what, this child is the flesh that fell from your body."

"Mother!" Xiao Rou looked hoarsely at Mrs. Xiao and said, "I have a lot of resentment in my heart, I can't take care of myself, how can I love a child!"

Lu Xi didn't say anything to Xiao Rou, and told the nanny, "Report Fu'er in, don't scare him."

"Yes, ma'am." The nanny was also frightened by Xiao Rou's appearance, and quickly carried Xiao Fu out.

(End of this chapter)

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