First-class daughter

Chapter 1056 Take him away

Chapter 1056 Take him away

Chapter 1056 Take him away

Seeing Xiao Rou's hysterical appearance, Lu Xi sighed, walked in front of her, and said, "At least you are still alive, and Fu'er is in front of you, but what about your second brother? His life and death are still uncertain, and I don't know what to do." Well, I'm worried every day, and I don't have a good night's sleep."

In Lu Xi's mind, her favorite child is Xiao He. Ever since Xiao He's accident happened, there has been no peace day and night.

"Second brother deserves it right? Who made him fall in love with a little bitch who shouldn't be." Xiao Rou said coldly, her eyes were cold.

As soon as Lu Xi heard this, he immediately stretched out his hand and slapped Xiao Rou fiercely on the face. Xiao Rou covered her face and looked at her mother in shock.

"Xiao Rou! I don't care if you scold Lian Siyue! If you dare to curse your second brother, I will never forgive you! Your second brother treats you well. The prosthetic limb under your feet is your second brother's painstaking research. I will give it to you. Made it, so that you can walk like a normal person on weekdays, but a little slower! Now, you don’t worry about him, and you say he deserves it?”

"I, I'm not wrong, if he listens to his father and treats Yeluyan well, he will be Khitan's awe-inspiring son-in-law, but he was deceived by the little goblin, who can blame him?" Xiao Rou was not to be outdone, her eyes Almost frantic, scary.

"Hehe!" Mrs. Xiao sneered twice, and said, "You listened to your father so much, what happened? Are you happy, happy?"

"Mother, you..." Xiao Rou was blocked by Mrs. Xiao's words.

"Your second brother dares to love, dare to hate, and is aboveboard. He is much happier in his heart than you don't know! You know how to pay for the one you love, do you know? Hmph!" Mrs. Xiao stood up abruptly, and said, "Send the Princess Go back to her yard, don't come here if you have nothing to do!"

"Mother, mother, I'm just, actually, I'm also worried about my second brother, but I'm really a little angry that he left us and left like this, so..." Seeing that Madam Xiao was really angry, Xiao Rou became scared and begged for mercy.

"What qualifications do you have to say about your second brother, apart from losing your temper and beating and scolding the servants all day long, have you done anything beneficial to the family?" Mrs. Xiao said coldly.

"..." Xiao Rou didn't dare to speak anymore.

In the back, the nurse hugged Xiao Fu and walked quickly to the room, and said as she walked, "It's also a poor one, without a father, and the mother is so moody, so I can't see her a few times, but every time I see her Beating and scolding, hard-fated child, so what about rich clothes and fine food, it would be better to be born in an ordinary family."

Feng Qianyue passed by with her head down, and heard the nanny's words.

"Your things fell." Suddenly, he said.

The nanny looked back, and sure enough, her earring had fallen on the ground behind her somehow, so she hurried over to pick it up.

"The slave will carry the young master for you, you can pick it up." Feng Qianyue took Xiao Fu from the nurse's arms and said.

As soon as he touched his small body, Feng Qianyue felt an inexplicable feeling, the faint milky fragrance exuded from his whole body, and Xiao Fu lifted up a pair of milky little hands, and touched his face.

"Okay, give it to me." The nanny put the earrings back on, took the child from Feng Qianyue's arms, and said kindly, "Put down the charcoal and leave, don't go around and bump into the master. "

"Thank you for reminding me, big sister." Feng Qianyue said, but looked at Xiao Fu, suddenly, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, but he seemed hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him like this, the nanny asked.

"Slave, I dare not say anything." Feng Qianyue looked terrified.

"Tell me, there is no one else here." The nanny asked out of curiosity.

"Does this young master often cry at night recently?" Feng Qianyue asked, in fact, he based on the conversation between Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Rou just now, as well as what the nanny said to herself just now, and the dark circles under the nanny's eyes. of the conclusion.

When the nanny heard this, she felt very strange, and said, "Yes, I cry all the time, especially at night. I often can't sleep all night, so I have to hug him and comfort him."

"This young master is probably bewitched by an evil spirit. If you want to sleep peacefully, you can persuade the princess to take the young master to the mountain temple to drive away evil spirits." (Khitan people believe in mountain gods, deer gods, etc.) Feng Qianyue said .

The nanny thought for a while and said, "I've been talking to the princess for the past two days. Anyway, the princess hasn't gone out for a long time."

"The servant is leaving first."

Back in the backyard, Feng Qianyue was chopping firewood while secretly thinking in his heart that his son must not be reduced to a tool and pawn for Xiao Zhenhai's revenge. He will take him away, and after he settles down, he will do another thing , another looming event.

A few days later, news came that the county chief took the young master to the mountain temple, but the original bearer was bitten by a snake for some reason last night, and fell unconscious in the house, waiting for the county chief to leave. Only then did I realize that the bearer was missing.

Wang Bao, who was in charge, said angrily, "It's trash, it's all trash, the princess is leaving soon, why didn't you say it earlier!"

"Slave, let's be the bearer." Feng Qianyue seized the opportunity and said.

In fact, the bearer was bitten by a snake he had caught and thrown into the bearer's house.

Wang Bao glanced at him and said, "Then you change your clothes, hurry up."

"Yes, yes, yes." Feng Qianyue quickly put on the bearer's clothes, and trotted to the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion like a slave, and with a shout, he lifted the sedan chair and went to the mountain temple together.

Xiao Rou was sitting in the sedan chair, holding her son in her arms. Today, she was in a better mood than usual, and she was still in the mood to make him smile while holding the child.

Feng Qianyue listened to the voice coming from the sedan chair, a smile slowly spilled from the corner of his lips, he kept his head down all the time so that no one would notice.

When they arrived at the mountain temple, the servants helped Xiao Rou to get off the sedan chair, and the nanny carried Xiao Fu to her, and they walked into the temple together.

Several bearers carried the sedan chair aside and waited for the master.

Feng Qianyue also stood with them, and after a while, he suddenly covered his stomach and stewed down, and the bearer next to him asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"I have a stomachache, and I want to go in and use the toilet." Feng Qianyue said with a painful expression on his face.

"Then go in quickly." The bearer said.

"Hey, good, good." Feng Qianyue covered his belly with one hand and rubbed it with the other, and walked into the temple with his head bowed. Today, there were not many people in the temple. He lowered his head and looked at where Xiao Rou's son was while walking. The place.

Xiao Rou entered the hall with the child in her arms, while the servant girl waited outside, Feng Qianyue glanced at it secretly, Xiao Rou was clasping her hands together, chanting words, while little Xiao Fu was held in the hands of the nanny.

After a while, Xiao Rou hugged Xiao Xiao Fu and kowtowed in front of the Bodhisattva together.

(End of this chapter)

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