First-class daughter

Chapter 1059 Controlling Useful People

Chapter 1059 Controlling Useful People
Chapter 1059 Controlling Useful People
Qingfeng was finally taken aback, a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, he clenched his fists tightly, and said, "Think."

The beast who killed his father often came to Zuixianglou to have fun, and once asked her to accompany him. After all these years, the man no longer recognized her, but she left a deep impression on the beast. In her mind, but, she failed to find a chance to kill him!

"I'll help you." Feng Qianyue said.

Qingfeng raised his head, slowly regained his composure, and said, "My son and I are not related, so naturally you won't help me for no reason, you avenge me, what are your demands?"

There was a slight smile on Feng Qianyue's lips, and he asked instead, "What price are you willing to pay to avenge your father?"

Qingfeng gritted his teeth and said, "I am willing to pay any price. If that bastard hadn't killed my father that day, I would have read poetry and books. Why should I be reduced to this!"

The reason why she is indifferent is because she is used to seeing the cruelty of the world, and she has no longing and expectations.

"You don't need to pay any special price, you just need to follow me, and I will redeem you." Feng Qianyue said.

"Redemption for me?" Qingfeng's eyes showed a hint of confusion, "I don't think the young master will fall in love with a brothel girl at first sight, but as long as the young master can avenge me, I will obey the young master's orders."

"Okay, that's it." Feng Qianyue stood up, walked in front of Qingfeng, stretched out her hand, and fastened the buttons one by one for her, and said, "From now on, don't rush to take off the buttons." Clothes, not everyone only wants your body, and your value may not only lie in this body, fasten some buttons, don't untie them casually."

After hearing these words, Qingfeng was stunned, raised his eyes, and looked at Feng Qianyue——

There is no expression on his face, it can even be said to be very indifferent. His appearance is a bit scary, but he has his own temperament. Besides, he is tall and handsome, which can also make up for the lack of face.

"Okay, you wait here, I'll go to the bustard to pay you the ransom money." Feng Qianyue turned and walked out.

Qingfeng stood where she was, staring blankly at Feng Qianyue's back, what kind of person did she meet?
About half an hour later, Feng Qianyue came back again, he already had an extra contract of sale in his hand, he gave the contract of sale to Qingfeng, and said, "Clean up, I'll wait for you at the door."

Qingfeng held the deed of sale, feeling a little unreal. She thought that she would be buried here for the rest of her life, but she didn't expect that suddenly, someone would redeem her body and claim revenge for her.

"Don't delay too long." After Feng Qianyue left a sentence, she turned and left Zuixiang Tower.

After Qingfeng came back to his senses, he hurried back to his room to pack up some clothes and calligraphy, and then walked to the agreed place.

Sure enough, Feng Qianyue stood there waiting for her, and her heart beat inexplicably quickened.

She walked over and called out, "My lord, it's packed, where are you going now?"

"Avenge you." Feng Qianyue said, "Where is the person you want to kill?"

Qingfeng was taken aback, "It's so fast, don't you need to prepare? What if..."

"Just tell me where he is." Feng Qianyue said.

"In these years, I have observed that beast every day. Now, I know his basic whereabouts very well. He should be in the gambling house now." Qingfeng said.

"Lead the way." Feng Qianyue said.

"Yes." Qingfeng hurriedly said, leading the way, while she was walking, she was a little suspicious. She had waited for several years but didn't find a chance to take revenge. This young man said he would take revenge, is it so easy?
Thinking about it, he walked all the way to the door of the gambling house, Qingfeng looked inside, and sure enough, he saw the figure of killing his father and enemy. Seeing him inside, his eyes seemed to be red from gambling, and he kept swearing.

She clenched her fists tightly!

At that time, she and her father bought lantern paper and went home to prepare the lanterns for the New Year. They also ran into this red-eyed animal who gambled. Dad walked with his head down and accidentally bumped into him, so he wanted Dad to pay for it. , Dad only had a few copper coins on him, and he didn't think it was enough, so he beat him up and left.She knelt on the ground and begged the people around to take her father home. After returning home, she hurried to find the doctor, but when the doctor came back, her father, who was already weak, was already dead.She went to the government to sue, but she was only eight years old, how could she fight this powerful beast?

From then on, her miserable life began.

Feng Qianyue took out a piece of cloth from her bosom, walked in front of Qingfeng, wrapped it around her head, tied it around her chin, and said, "We'll talk about it when he comes out."

Feeling the warmth from his palm, Qingfeng raised her eyes to look at him. There was no expression on his face, but it made her feel at ease.

Not long after, the enemy lost everything and came out of the casino cursing. Feng Qianyue winked and followed Qingfeng slowly.

After the man came out of the casino, he wanted to go to the wine shop again, but he touched his body, but there was no money, so he immediately cursed, "Unlucky!"

When he turned around, a string of copper coins fell from a person beside him. The person didn't notice, and hurried away. When the enemy saw it, a burst of joy appeared in his eyes, and he bent down immediately, picked up the money, and ran into the wine room. In the workshop, I bought two jars of wine.

The one who dropped the copper coin was Feng Qianyue himself.

When it was dark, the man came out of the wine shop drunk, holding a jug of wine in his hand, drinking while walking.

"Let's go." Feng Qianyue signaled Qingfeng to follow, it was completely dark, and when he reached a corner, Feng Qianyue walked up quickly and bumped into this person.

"Blind your mother's dog eyes, how dare you..." He just cursed, and Feng Qianyue's dagger hidden in his sleeve slammed into his abdomen, and Qingfeng covered his mouth violently, watching this People fell down.

"He still has a breath, come here and kill her yourself, you have solved your hatred for many years." With a sound, Feng Qianyue pulled out the dagger in his stomach, and threw the dagger at Qingfeng's feet, Said.

Qingfeng lowered his head, looked at the bloody dagger, bent down slowly, picked up the dagger, and slowly walked towards the twitching and bleeding man on the ground. The man looked at him with terrified eyes, his mouth opened and closed. , "Forgive, forgive, forgive..."

Qingfeng walked in front of him, trembling with the hand holding the dagger, and said, "Back then, my father begged you in the same way, but you didn't listen, you punched him round and round, and you would only give up if he died. , why bother in the first place?" As she spoke, she raised the dagger in her hand and stabbed him viciously, hitting his vital spot.

Then, her body became weak, and she fell to the ground, trembling all over, and big drops of sweat slid down.

A smile appeared on Feng Qianyue's face.

(End of this chapter)

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