Chapter 1060

Chapter 1060

The walking carriage had already left the murder scene.

It took Qingfeng a while to recover, her hands were still stained with the man's blood, her face was still sweating, her whole body was still trembling uncontrollably, the person she wanted to kill was finally killed.

She knelt down in front of Feng Qianyue and said, "My lord, I have avenged my great revenge. In the future, I will be at your service."

"I need you to imitate another person." Feng Qianyue finally expressed her request to Qingfeng.

"Imitate another person?" Qingfeng was stunned, and asked, "But the person you love?"

"No, it's the person you hate, the person you hate to the bone." Feng Qianyue said.

"The person you hate?" There was a hint of doubt in Qingfeng's eyes. Does this young man want to keep a person he hates by his side?
"Don't worry about it so much. From tomorrow onwards, you have to forget yourself and live according to that person's words and deeds. As for how to do it, I will teach you well. You are so smart, you will definitely learn it." Feng Qianyue said .

"Yes, Qingfeng is talking too much. From now on, Young Master, Qingfeng will do whatever he wants Qingfeng to do, and he will never ask too many questions." Qingfeng nodded and said.

"Get up, I won't make you a slave, there's no reason why you jumped out of a pit of fire just now, and immediately jumped into this pit of mine." Feng Qianyue said, pulling out a red gold ruby ​​bracelet from her sleeve, Picking up Qingfeng's hand, putting it into her wrist, he said, "This is for you, put it on."

This was the first time in my life that someone gave me something, Qingfeng choked with tears and said, "Thank you, my lord."

"Get up, you don't need to kneel down anytime soon." Feng Qianyue held her shoulders with both hands again, and made her stand up slowly.

She slowly raised her eyes, looked at Feng Qianyue, her heart was pounding, she could be regarded as a beautiful woman, "My lord..."

Feng Qianyue lowered her head, took her lips in her mouth, and penetrated bit by bit...

Qingfeng put his hands tightly on his chest, his body stiffened, and he didn't move at all, letting him pick.

After a while, Feng Qianyue let go of her, then sat back opposite her, and said, "Go to sleep for a while, tomorrow you won't be Qingfeng."

Qingfeng was still sleepy, she covered her lips with her hands, his breath still remained on her lips, she felt as if she was dreaming, and slowly, a sweet smile appeared on her face.

The corners of Feng Qianyue's lips raised slightly, he knew very well that the only way for a woman to be willing to do things for him is to make her fall in love with him.

He did what no man has ever done for Qingfeng, and even avenged her for killing her father. It was only a matter of time before Qingfeng fell in love with him.

The carriage moved forward slowly, and Qingfeng's heart gradually sank. She felt that the man in front of her had changed her with a bang.

After waking up early the next morning.

Feng Qianyue began to ask Qingfeng to live in full accordance with Lian Siyue's words, deeds, actions, tone and posture, and he himself made some suggestions.

However, it is very difficult for a person to suddenly abandon himself and become another person. At the end of the day, Qingfeng did not do very well.

She felt very guilty herself, and said to Feng Qianyue, "I let you down, I'm sorry."

Feng Qianyue said, "There is no need to be uneasy, and you don't need to worry. It takes a process for a person to forget himself, so take it slowly."

"Yes, son, I understand." Qingfeng's uneasy heart calmed down.

What Feng Qianyue asked her to do, she didn't ask much, but she found that the son had complicated feelings when he talked about the words and actions of another woman, as if he hated it deeply, but he had some expectations.

She kept silent, obeyed silently, and looked at him silently.

On this day, the young master said that he was going to find a person with a high level of disguise, and he wanted to learn the ability of that person's disguise, so the two continued to walk forward.

Because they had a life on them, they were not very far from the mausoleum, so for the sake of safety, they did not stay in the inn, but directly rested in the carriage for one night.

Qingfeng and Feng Qianyue slept on both sides of the carriage.

That night, in the middle of the night, Qingfeng vaguely heard something coming from Feng Qianyue's mouth. She got up quickly, followed by the moonlight, and saw the painful expression on Feng Qianyue's face. It's sweat.

She hurriedly knelt down in front of him, held his hand, and whispered, "My lord, my lord, what's the matter with you, what's the matter?"

In the dream, Feng Qianyue didn't know what she was going through, and she kept chanting a name. She listened carefully, but only vaguely heard the word "Yue Yue", and it was not very clear what she said specifically.

He unconsciously held Qingfeng's hand tightly, Qingfeng's finger bones were almost broken by him, but she clenched her teeth and endured the pain vigorously, while the other hand was wiping Feng Qianyue. The sweat on his head gently stroked his heart, trying to calm him down.

"Ah!" Finally, Feng Qianyue let out a low cry, and woke up with his eyes open.

Qingfeng was overjoyed, "My lord, you finally woke up." She also fell to the ground with a stone.

The expression on Feng Qianyue's face faded away, and when she saw that she was holding Qingfeng's hand, she slowly let go and sat up.

Qingfeng's hands were bruised from his pinching, but she hid her hands in her cuffs and said, "Young master seems to have had some kind of nightmare. I'll pour you some water to drink."

"No need, I don't drink water." Feng Qianyue's voice became very cold.

He had another nightmare just now. He dreamed that the person cursed him fiercely, saying that he would be struck by lightning and die badly. The person also said that he would definitely kill her!

What's going on here?
In the dream, Lian Siyue has always been very obedient, almost obedient to him, why did she suddenly become like this.

"My lord..." Qingfeng called out.

"..." However, Feng Qianyue opened the curtain of the carriage and walked down. Standing in the open world, her deep eyes looked at the vast sky in the distance. The twinkling stars in the sky seemed to be telling stories deep in the years. .

"Why? Why is the dream so real, as if it happened yesterday? Why?" He muttered to himself, "I can't wait to kill even Siyue, how can I be kind to him? But the dream The me here has always been kind to Lian Siyue."

Sitting in the carriage, Qingfen secretly lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked outside—— her gaze fell on Feng Qianyue, his back seemed particularly lost and desolate in this lonely night, which made her feel a sense of sadness. I really want to go forward to comfort the feeling.

However, at this moment, there was an aura of refusal in him, and she didn't dare to go forward to offend him.

The "Yue" that the young master has been calling in his dream just now is the person he wants her to imitate, Qingfeng thought silently, it seems that that person hurt the young master deeply,

(End of this chapter)

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