First-class daughter

Chapter 1061 Departure

Chapter 1061 Departure
Chapter 1061 Departure
Within a month, the two sides fought four times, all of which ended with Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue winning, while Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu's father and son retreated steadily. Yeluchu was furious because of this, and denounced Nan Xiang for being incompetent.

In Yeluchu's account.

Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu knelt on the ground on one knee, Yeluchu was furious, he was so eager to win this victory!
"Nanxiang, this king has given you such a long time to prepare and meet all your needs. However, you have been defeated every time after five consecutive battles. Now we have been forced to retreat for more than 20 miles! If this continues, will we be punished? Are you fighting all the way back to Youzhou?"

"My lord, forgive me!" Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu said in unison.

Yeluchu gave Xiao Zhenhai a cold look, and said, "If Prime Minister Nan is really not qualified for the position of commander-in-chief, you might as well hand over the commander-in-chief directly."

"Your Highness!" Xiao Zhenhai raised his head abruptly after hearing this, and said, "Your Highness, please give me one more chance, this time, I will definitely beat Feng Jue brothers hard!"

"Nanxiang, I have heard your words three times, but the result is disappointing every time! I have to doubt you, do you still think that you are from the Central Plains, and you are deliberately wasting the king?" What about the troops?" Yelu Chu asked.

Xiao Zhenhai was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly said, "My lord, the conscience of heaven and earth, both Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue are the enemies of this minister, and they are the people I most want to kill. The dog emperor has betrayed my Xiao family. If it wasn't for the little lord to rescue him, I would have already gone down the road to Huangquan, and I wished to take his head, so why would I work with him? The little lord has learned a lesson!"

"Yes, little prince, my father and I are sincerely working for Khitan, we have absolutely no other ideas, please give us father and son another chance." Xiao Hu kowtowed and said.

"Oh, opportunities don't come every time." Yeluchu seemed to have made up his mind.

"Little prince, there is a man who is asking for a meeting outside, and he said that there is a way to turn the defeat into victory." At this time, Mo Dan opened the army tent and said.

Yeluchu's eyes narrowed, and he asked, "Where did this person come from, how dare he be so arrogant, drag it down first, and serve him twenty boards!"

"Yes!" Mo Dan took the order and went away, and ordered the soldiers outside the account to beat the person who offered the advice twenty slaps first.

Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu glanced at each other, their father and son had been training this team for a long time, even if they were defeated, who would dare to boast that they could turn defeat into victory.

"Don't, don't hit my son, don't..." At this time, a woman's pleading voice came from outside the tent.

Yeluchu was taken aback, and asked, "Why is there still a woman's voice?"

Modan said, "That man brought it."

After being whipped three times, Yeluchu thought for a moment, raised his hand, and ordered, "Let him in."

The sound of whipping stopped, and after a while, the military tent was lifted, and a woman came in. She was wearing a light yellow dress embroidered with bamboo leaves and plum blossoms, and was covered with white gauze. His eyebrows are like willow moons, and his apricot eyes reveal a noble and proud expression. On his head, there are white red lotuses strung obliquely in an arc-shaped cloud-footed red lotus tendril hairpin, plum blossom and emerald pearl earrings, and his temperament is like a snow lotus on a high mountain. He is cold, noble, and quiet. like water.

"Lian Siyue?" Xiao Zhenhai saw this woman at a glance, and immediately drew out his sword and stabbed at her.

"Stop!" Yeluchu ordered immediately, he had seen Lian Siyue when he went to the capital to find Feng Jue to avenge the murder of his father, when this woman came in, he also regarded her as Lian Siyue.

Xiao Zhenhai took back the sword that was stabbed out, the masked woman didn't have any panic in her eyes, her indifferent expression was Lian Siyue!

"Xiao Guogong, isn't this like the Lian Siyue you hate the most?" At this time, another voice came, and a man in a dazzling purple brocade robe came in. Because he had just been beaten three times, he Walking is slightly sluggish.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Zhenhai looked at him abruptly, "Your Highness the Fourth?" He said with some doubts, his voice was exactly the same, but his appearance...Only those shrewd and calculating eyes could still see Feng Qianyue elegant demeanor.

"Master Yue Zhang, it's been a long time." Feng Qianyue had a faint ironic smile on his face.

Xiao Zhenhai's heart trembled suddenly, "It really is you! How could you? How could you be with that bitch Lian Siyue?"

"Heh..." There was a touch of coldness on the corners of his lips, he walked up to Yeluchu and said, "Feng Qianyue has seen the little prince."

Yeluchu looked at Feng Qianyue, then at Lian Siyue who was covering his face, and asked, "The Fourth Highness said there is a way to turn defeat into victory for Xiao Wang?"

"I heard that the soldiers led by Nan Xiang were retreating steadily, so I wanted to offer a plan for the young prince." Feng Qianyue said.

When Xiao Zhenhai heard this, he felt displeased, and said with a sarcastic smile, "Your Highness doesn't have a single soldier, so how can you offer advice? I'm afraid it's because he has nowhere to live, so he lied and came to seek refuge with the young prince."

Feng Qianyue was not angry, and said, "Although I don't have a single soldier, I have a woman who can be worth thousands of troops."

"You mean...she!" Xiao Zhenhai glared at "Lian Siyue" and said, "Lian Siyue and Feng Yunzheng are deeply in love, she will listen to you? And Lian Siyue is a scheming bitch. You must have been tricked by her."

Xiao Zhenhai resisted the strong urge to kill Lian Siyue immediately, and held down the sword with his hand.

"Hehe... take off your veil." Feng Qianyue ordered.

"Yes, young master." Under Xiao Zhenhai's and Yeluchu's surprised eyes, Qingfeng slowly took off the veil, and then slowly raised his head.

"It's not Lian Siyue!" Xiao Zhenhai was shocked, but her words, deeds, and actions just now were clearly Lian Siyue herself.

"Who is this person?" Yeluchu was also very surprised and asked.

"This is the magic weapon I want to give to the little prince to win. After changing his appearance, he can be as fake as the real thing. You say, in Feng Yunzheng's opinion, can it be worth thousands of troops?" Feng Qianyue said indifferently typical.

Yeluchu got up, walked in front of Qingfeng, looked her up and down carefully, and asked, "Could it be possible that you also brought the disguised person?"

"I have already learned that if the young prince is interested in my strategy, I can also show it to the young prince and Nan Xiang, but if the young prince does not want to believe me, then I will accept the rest of the plan and take the breeze Just leave." Feng Qianyue said.

Compared with Feng Qianyue, Yeluchu's morality is not so deep.

"My lord, there are many inadequacies in this method, please think again." Xiao Zhenhai realized that Feng Qian was getting more and more unkind, and he might have to deal with not only Feng Yunzheng alone, but also him!
"Since the Fourth Highness is here, let's try it." Yeluchu said.

"Then please give me two hours, my little prince, and then give me a separate military tent." Feng Qianyue demanded.

"Quite!" Yelu said clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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