First-class daughter

Chapter 1062 Goal 1 Towards

Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062

inside the military tent.

Qingfeng sat in front of Feng Qianyue, Feng Qianyue stared at her with deep eyes, and said, "Qingfeng, if you don't want to, we will leave immediately."

Qingfeng also stared deeply at Feng Qianyue, tears slowly appeared in her eyes, and said, "If it weren't for you, I would have spent my life in Zuixianglou, because of you, I have experienced another part of my life." Taste, I like it very much, I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do, but I have a little extravagance."

"You said."

"I hope I can still see you often." Qingfeng said with slightly flushed cheeks.

Feng Qianyue put Qingfeng's hand in his own, stroked it, and said, "If my plan is successfully completed this time, you can spend the rest of your life with me, and we will take care of Fu'er together."

These days, Feng Qianyue told Qingfeng everything about herself.

Qingfeng was shocked when she heard his life story, and felt even more distressed for those days when he was honing alone in northern Xinjiang. She had completely fallen for him, and felt the hatred for him.

She herself has been carrying hatred for several years, so she naturally has a deeper understanding of Feng Qianyue's hatred.

Now, hearing Feng Qianyue's promise, she shed tears, nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll wait for this day, before that, I will cooperate with you, avenge you, and kill the person who deserves to be killed , I am willing to listen to you in everything. My person and my heart are all yours. "

Feng Qianyue reached out to her skirt, and unbuttoned her buttons one by one, the skirt slipped to the ground, revealing her

He bent down, picked her up horizontally, put her on the bed, his lips fell on her earlobe, neck, shoulders...

She was flushed and covered all over.

In the end, the skirts of the two fell to the top, and the bodies were together, sweating, and mixed together.

Qingfeng was intoxicated by it, but Feng Qianyue remained expressionless from beginning to end, very calm, and only then did the expression on his face change.

Half an hour (an hour) later, he wiped off the sweat stains on her body, put clothes on her with his own hands, and said, "It's started."

"Okay." Qingfeng said obediently.

Yeluchu and the others waited for more than two hours, but they still did not see Feng Qianyue approaching.

Xiao Zhenhai said, "My lord, I always feel that it is inappropriate for a woman to deceive Feng Yunzheng? How shrewd is Feng Yunzheng? Besides, Lian Siyue is pregnant now, and she suddenly appeared in the Will they believe Feng Yunzheng's side? This child in the womb is also easy to see through, after all, there are too many loopholes, it's not appropriate."

"You can make a fake face, but why can't you make a fake stomach? This king thinks that you are worrying too much, Prime Minister Nan." Yelu Chu said.

"But, little lord, have you ever thought of it? Besides, there must be many secrets between husband and wife that outsiders don't know. At that time, wouldn't they be seen through in a few words? According to Xiaohu, this Feng Qianyue is just He is playing tricks, so that he can get a half-job in front of the little prince. He escaped from the northern border with nothing, and the dog emperor issued a wanted order, so it would be nice for him to have a bowl of rice to eat now." Xiao Hu also said.

Yeluchu concentrated his attention and said, "You father and son, what you said makes sense."

After hearing this, Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu couldn't help looking at each other and smiling.

"It's just that since he's here, you and I have been deceived by that woman. Nan Xiang even almost killed her as Lian Siyue. This king thought, this woman has her use after all, and listen to Feng Qianyue How did you say it?" Yelu Chu said.

About half an hour later, it was almost dark, Feng Qianyue finally led the breeze and came late.

Qingfeng stood in the middle of the tent, her face still covered with her white gauze.

"Open the veil." Feng Qianyue nodded towards her and said.

So, Qingfeng slowly lifted the veil again, and everyone stared at her closely. When her whole face appeared, Xiao Zhenhai was completely stunned——

This is just like a Lian Siyue!

He even couldn't help but want to pull out the saber at his waist and hack her to death!
"Like, like, it's too similar." Yeluchu stared at her face and said.

"Your Highness, either she looks like Lian Siyue." Feng Qianyue reminded.

"Yes! Yes! Lian Siyue, this is Lian Siyue, with the same expression and demeanor, there is no difference." Yeluchu nodded and said.

"What about the stomach? Lian Siyue is pregnant." Xiao Zhenhai said after recovering from the shock.

"Nan Xiang, I'm just showing you and the little prince the magic of this disguise technique. As for how to use this 'Lian Siyue', I will explain it to the little prince at the critical moment." Feng Qianyue appeared somewhat mysterious, said.

"To be mysterious, now is the time when the two armies are fighting, and it is the most imminent time, yet you still want to trick the little prince, heh." Xiao Zhenhai sneered sarcastically.

"Isn't Xiao Zhenhai yourself the one who put the little prince in such a passive situation?" Feng Qianyue said coldly.

"You!" Xiao Zhenhai suddenly became angry.

"Since I'm here, it's because I have the same goal as the little prince. I killed Feng Jue and Feng Yunzheng. Naturally, except for Qingfeng, I will not be idle. I beg the little prince to give me soldiers and let me lead the army." , to fight Feng Yunzheng head-on, this is something I have been looking forward to for a long time." Feng Qianyue knelt down on one knee and begged.

Yeluchu saw the deep hatred in Feng Qianyue's eyes, he nodded and said, "My king agrees."

"Thank you, little lord, Feng Qianyue will definitely do his best!" Feng Qianyue slowly raised her head, then looked up to the sky and laughed, and said, "Feng Yunzheng, the Lian family is almost dead, it's your turn next! "

Xiao Zhenhai and Xiao Hu walked out of Yeluchu's military tent with sullen faces. Xiao Hu said worriedly, "Father, what should we do now? The little prince is already very dissatisfied with our defeat. Follow us."

Xiao Zhenhai's face was condensed, his brows were tightened, and he said, "He is full of tricks, I don't know what he wants to do with this 'Lian Siyue'? Xiao Hu, next, this is our last chance, we can't let it go opportunity, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to gain a foothold in Youzhou."

"Xiao Guogong." The two father and son were about to walk into their military tent when Feng Qianyue came from behind.

Xiao Zhenhai turned his head and said. "What are you doing here?"

"To tell you something, I have already taken my son away, and he will not be a tool for your Xiao family's revenge." Feng Qianyue said, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"What?" Xiao Zhenhai was taken aback, "When did this happen? How did you take Fu'er away?"

"More than a month ago, I personally took it from your daughter." Feng Qianyue smiled slightly, and suddenly, with a gloomy face, she turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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