First-class daughter

Chapter 1063 New Directions

Chapter 1063 New Directions
Chapter 1063 New Directions
Shanhaiguan, Feng Yunzheng's account.

Night Breeze and Leng Mei stood in front of them.

"How, what's the new news?" Feng Yunzheng asked.

"There is no news from His Highness the Fourth Highness." Ye Feng said, "However, another thing happened in Youzhou City."

"What's the matter?" Feng Yunzheng raised his eyes.

"Xiao Rou, the former Prince of Yue, took her son Xiao Fu to the mountain temple to worship God. Xiao Fu was snatched away. Mrs. Xiao and Xiao Rou sent people to search for many days, but they couldn't find Xiao Fu. whereabouts again." Leng Mei added.

"Your Highness, both Humble and Leng Mei felt that this matter might have something to do with His Highness Fourth, so they came to report immediately and asked His Highness to make a decision," Ye Feng said.

Feng Yunzheng stood up, thoughts flashed in those deep eyes, and said, "Although Xiao Rou is the princess of Khitan, she is actually sensitive and has no husband. Come to think of it, Xiao Zhenhai will not let her give birth to a child." Too many people know. If an ordinary person snatches a child who is waiting to be fed, with the power of the Nanxiang Mansion, they will not be able to find the whereabouts of the child. In addition, after the child was snatched away, they did not use the child as a threat to report to Xiao. What do you want, because, apart from Feng Qianyue, this king doesn't think anyone else will rob Xiao Fu."

"Your Highness is right, so it must be what Fourth Highness said." Night Breeze and Leng Mei nodded and said.

"Infiltrated into Lian's house, and together with Yeluchu's people set fire to Xiang Fu's mansion, and if he wanted to seize the opportunity to snatch Xiao Fu, he must start with Nan Xiang's mansion first. Conspiracy, it seems that Feng Qianyue has used the trick of hiding to the fullest now." Feng Yunzheng said, with a half-real smile on his lips, "Compared to the previous Feng Qianyue, the current Feng Qianyue is going to be much more frenzied."

"Your Highness, isn't that more difficult to deal with than before? Now, he is in the dark." Night Breeze felt that it was not easy for him to hide so well.

"Difficult to deal with?" Feng Yunzheng's handsome face showed a hint of coldness, "If you are difficult to deal with, you have to deal with him! Who told him to provoke Yue'er once is not enough, so provoke him again?"

Night Breeze and Leng Mei saw the long-lost murderous look in His Highness Ninth Prince's eyes!
"Xiao Fu is still a child who is waiting to be fed, and there must be many changes when he is with him. Unless Feng Qianyue purely wants to raise a son, otherwise he will not bring a child who is so easy to expose the target. So, change your thinking now. , don't look for Feng Qianyue, look for Xiao Fu, if you find Xiao Fu, Feng Qianyue's whereabouts are almost there." Feng Yunzheng ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness is wise." Night Breeze had a new direction, and felt that Feng Yunzheng's words made him suddenly enlightened, "It must be easier to find a child than to find a disgusting mouse who burrows around like a mouse." gone."

Feng Yunzheng laughed, a disgusting person who burrows around like a mouse?The description of Night Breeze is indeed very appropriate.

"By the way, Your Highness, speaking of it, the princess is due to give birth in less than a month. Are you feeling nervous now, Your Highness?" With a new direction, Night Breeze became more relaxed, curiously asked.

"..." Feng Yunzheng laughed again, covered his heart with his hands, and said, "Yes, here, I dance every day."

"Oh, when can I experience what it's like to be a father?" Night Breeze scratched his head and said.

"Your Highness, I have other things to do. I'm leaving first. You can talk to Night Breeze." When Night Breeze was giggling, he raised a cold eyebrow and said.

Night Breeze was taken aback, and he turned his head abruptly, seeing Leng Mei walking out, he quickly turned his head to look at Feng Yunzheng, bowed his hands, and said, "What kind of dark guard are you raising, more than ten days, more than ten days Ah, you didn't speak a word to me, I've done everything I can to spit, and you won't say a word to me."

"You don't like it? This king happens to have other tasks, so I can send Leng Mei to perform them alone." Feng Yunzheng coughed and said seriously.

When Night Breeze heard it, he knelt on the ground with a plop, and said, "No, no, I'll kneel down for you."

"It is said that men have gold under their knees, you kneel very fast." Feng Yunzheng said lightly.

"In front of you and my little sister, I'm just a soft bone. I kneel if I say so." Night Breeze said truthfully, patting his chest.

"Get out, I don't want to dirty my ears." Feng Yunzheng waved his hand.

"Your Highness is wise, I'll get out of my humble position immediately." Night Breeze cupped his hands, saluted and retreated, and then ran out in a hurry.

After Night Breeze went out, Feng Yunzheng returned to the desk, unfolded the portrait of Lian Siyue, his intoxicated eyes fell on her body, raised his body, and brushed her face with all kinds of treasures, "Yue'er, our winning streak! Stop, Xiao Zhenhai and Yeluchu have been repeatedly frustrated, I will speed up and go back to accompany you and our children as soon as possible."


Night Breeze ran out of the military tent, looked around, saw the stern figure with cold eyebrows walking towards the other side, he hurriedly ran after him, and shouted, "Xiaomei, Xiaomei... don't go away , Listen to me, that day, I just said it casually, in fact, I... I haven't tasted the first rain yet, and I'm still a very pure person." He blushed as he spoke.

Hearing what he said, Leng Mei suddenly stopped in her tracks and glared at him, "Shameless, this kind of talk goes everywhere!"

Seeing her talking, Night Breeze pulled her sleeve and said, "Are you willing to talk to me?"

"...There is nothing I would or would not like, and I have no interest." Leng frowned, and immediately walked forward.

"Ouch!" Night Breeze plopped again, fell to the ground, and said, "It hurts, it hurts, my wound broke out, little eyebrow, don't ignore me, ah, it hurts."

He yelled miserably, as if he was in too much pain.

However, it was not the first time that he used this trick to deceive her, so Leng Mei would not believe it. She didn't even look back at him, and continued to walk forward.

However, after she walked a few steps, she didn't hear that cheeky guy crying and howling. According to his temperament, he could always pretend to be pitiful and pester her all the time.

What's going on here?
Leng Mei's footsteps couldn't help slowing down a bit, a strange expression flashed across his face, he listened attentively, and there was really no sound at all!She gritted her teeth, slowly let go of her clenched fist, and looked back——

Night Breeze actually fell to the ground, lying there upright, motionless, and even dropped the sword that never left his body.

"Night Breeze! Night Breeze!" Leng Mei frowned, and ran over quickly, "What's wrong with you... Ah!"

She was about to reach out to feel her pulse, but he grabbed her wrist with his backhand, pulled her into his arms, and rolled on the grass several times until he pressed Leng Mei under his body.

(End of this chapter)

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