Chapter 1064
Chapter 1064
"You!" Leng Mei's eyes widened suddenly, and he was tricked again!She reached out and slashed at his head.

"Shh!" Night Breeze took her hand, put it on his lips, and lay on her body. Then, he closed his eyes, lowered his head, and kissed her lips.

Her lips were icy cold, just like her, but they made him want to stop.

Cold eyebrows pushed him away, she was still not used to such intimacy, she felt out of breath, and felt that after opening her eyes, she would not know what to do.

Night Breeze was pushed away by her, stared at her deeply, and said, "I only have you, it's true."

"..." Finally, she turned away her cold eyebrows, and a struggle flashed in her indifferent eyes for many years, and she said, "I don't know when I will die, and I don't want to take advantage of you, so don't be like that anymore." I'm getting close, otherwise, I will kill you with one knife."

"Don't say you're dead!" Night Breeze held her face in both hands, making it impossible for her to escape, and said, "Lengmei, your illness, Your Highness, me, and the princess have been trying to figure out a solution. Don't be so pessimistic."

"...No one in my family can survive." Leng Mei said, there was an inexplicable sadness in that cold voice.

"Even if you can only live for one day, you are my Night Breeze's forever!" Night Breeze said, staring at her deeply.

That night, the seriousness in his eyes caused ripples in Leng Mei's usually calm heart, she looked at him.

He bowed his head and hugged her tightly.

The news that Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue had repeatedly defeated Xiao Zhenhai spread back to the palace after a while, Zhou Chengdi, who was ill, was overjoyed, and his complexion gradually improved a lot.

Xu Guogong couldn't sit still, Hong Ling, whom he sent to Shanhaiguan, suddenly lost all contact.

So it looks like he was caught out?If he was pulled out, how could there be no movement from Shanhaiguan?Shouldn't Feng Yunzheng immediately seize this matter and report it to the emperor?

Since there is no?Did Hong Ling commit suicide?
Many thoughts flashed through his mind, and after a court visit, he hurried to Prince Yu's mansion, closed the study, and said to Feng Ye, "Your Highness, His Highness Ninth and Eleventh have won consecutive victories, directly repelling Xiao Zhenhai, and the Khitan army has already retreated." For more than 20 miles, if I have not miscalculated, at most one more person will pass, and the two Highnesses will return triumphantly, and by then, Your Highness will be threatened by both of them!"

Feng Ye dropped the official duties in his hand, without raising his head, he said calmly, "Isn't this very good? Repelling the Khitan has always been my father's long-cherished wish."

"Because of this! Your Highness can't continue to be indecisive. This time, it's really the last chance!

Shanhaiguan is at the time of the most severe cold, cutting off food and grass now can cause serious damage to the two of them!If you miss this time, Your Highness..." Xu Guogong said, with a plop, kneeling on the ground, "Your Highness, you are gentle and martial, you will not lose to any prince, but you lost your mother and concubine!And he had to kill his own child with his own hands!
Do you know why?Because the power in your hands is not enough, only if you have the supreme power, you can get everything you want most, including... the person you want. "

Xu Guogong mentioned the child that Feng Ye had personally dealt with. Feng Ye's hand holding the brush tightened suddenly, and the brush broke into two pieces.

"Your Highness, Your Highness!" Seeing that Feng Ye hadn't responded for a long time, Xu Guogong hurriedly called out.

"Grandfather, wait a minute. This king is investigating a matter. After the matter has a result, I will make a choice." Feng Ye said, a flash of thought flashed in his eyes.

Xu Guogong was taken aback, and asked, "What is His Highness still investigating, I have never heard of it."

"Wait a little longer, it's only a day or two." Feng Ye secretly clenched his fists on the table and said.

Xu Guogong calmed down slowly, and said, "Your Highness, I will wait for news from His Highness for just a couple of days."

Feng Ye waved his hand, and Xu Guogong retreated.

After a while, Feng Ye got up and told Yin Huai, "Go to Jiuhua Temple."

"Yes." Yin Huai immediately went to arrange the sedan chair.

Arriving at Jiuhua Temple, Feng Ye met Abbot Jiufang, and listened to the abbot's lectures in the Zen room as usual, until a little master came and said, "Your Highness, Second Miss Xie also came to the mountain to worship Buddha, and she is outside."

Feng Ye got up, put his palms together towards Abbot Jiufang, and walked out.

Then she saw Xie Jinran clasping her hands together and closing her eyes. Opposite her was a pot of lotus. When she heard footsteps behind her, she turned around, "Your Highness?"

Feng Ye glanced at her slowly, walked over, put his hands together, and asked in a low voice, "You go to accompany the Queen Mother every day, can you hear anything?"

Xie Jinran said, "There is one point, but His Highness needs to confirm it in person."

"Say." Feng Ye said in a deep voice.

"A few days ago, when the news of the victory of His Highness the Ninth Highness and the Eleventh Highness reached the Shouning Palace, the Emperor happened to be there, and both the Queen Mother and the Emperor were very happy. At that time, the Emperor said something that made me think A little suspicious." Xie Jinran said.


"The emperor said that there has been no empress in the harem for a long time, and the empress dowager's health is also a bit weak. I worry a lot about the affairs of the harem. I don't want to tire the empress dowager. I want to establish Concubine Liang as empress as soon as possible. It was intentional to avoid the servants, but I stayed behind the screen to pack things for the queen mother, so I overheard these words." Xie Jinran told Feng Ye exactly what Zhou Chengdi said.

Do you want to make Concubine Liang your queen?Feng Ye slowly clenched his fists in his sleeves, and said, "Looking at the entire harem, my mother and concubine are no longer there, and today's Concubine Shu doesn't have any ambitions, and she takes pleasure in taking care of the fourteenth imperial brother, while Concubine Feng De has no princes, and the other concubines There is no one comparable to Concubine Liang, and it is reasonable for the emperor to make her queen."

"In this way, Father intends to appoint His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince as the crown prince?"

"But, the emperor said another sentence." Xie Jinran said again.

"Anything else to say?" Feng Ye asked again.

"The emperor said something when he mentioned His Highness Eleventh. He said, it seems that I have not misjudged him, and Eleven has not disappointed me. These experiences are his future capital, and they can block you!" Xie Jinran continued, There was some worry in his eyes, "His Royal Highness, listen to the emperor's intentions, do you want to make His Royal Highness the Eleventh? Earlier, there were rumors that the Emperor wanted to adopt His Highness Eleventh to Concubine Liang, and now he has Concubine Liang as his queen. This..."

(End of this chapter)

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