First-class daughter

Chapter 1067 Tire inflation

Chapter 1067 Tire inflation
Chapter 1067 Tire inflation
"When I returned to the princess, I only read the will of the empress, and did not announce the candidate for the crown prince." Eunuch Yu replied

Lian Siyue signaled Qingdai to offer the silver, and said, "Thank you, Eunuch, for making this trip."

"The princess is being polite, this is what a slave should do." Eunuch Yu bowed.

After sending off Eunuch Yu, Lian Siyue fell into deep thought——Emperor Zhou Cheng suddenly issued an imperial decree to announce the candidate for the queen, and let the mother and concubine enter the Changchun Palace. There is only one reason, that is, his body can't hold it anymore , if he died suddenly, there would be no master in the sixth house, and he might fall into chaos.

And if the candidate for the crown prince is not announced, it may really be like the previous emperor who directly announced the candidate for the new emperor after his death.

As a result, the situation in the DPRK and China is even more confusing.

Lian Siyue fell into deep thought, suddenly, the child in her belly kicked her twice, she lowered her head and covered her abdomen——

In the past few days, the child in her womb has been very active, especially at night, which made her unable to sleep in the middle of the night, but this feeling is happiness.


"Ah..." Suddenly, her abdomen tightened and a pain came. She quickly covered her stomach and frowned.

"Princess, concubine, what's the matter with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Seeing this, Nanny Tai hurried forward, supported her, and asked hastily.

"I'm feeling unwell, hurry up and call Imperial Doctor Rong." Lian Siyue clenched her teeth, with sweat dripping from her forehead, and ordered.

"Yes, yes." Qing Dai hurriedly ran out, telling the butler to go to the palace immediately to invite Imperial Doctor Rong.

And several servants carefully supported Lian Siyue to the bed and lay down.

"Is it possible that the baby is about to be born now? Otherwise, call the mother-in-law as soon as possible." Mother Tai said again.

"Yes, yes, go, go!" Qing Dai also said hastily.

Lian Siyue was lying on the bed, sweating profusely all over her body, she gritted her teeth, endured the pain, calmed herself down, and said, "Don't panic, everything will be fine, don't panic, the imperial doctor and the stable The mother-in-law called all over first, and got the preparations ready. Although the child is not full-term, it can be born now, and nothing will happen. "

"Yes, Concubine." After Lian Siyue comforted her, Qing Dai, Mother Tai and others gradually calmed down.

However, they were actually very disturbed, because even Siyue's expression was in pain, and her hair was wet with sweat.

"Ah!" Lian Siyue moaned in pain, her abdomen suddenly curled up, and she almost sat up in pain.

Just after the good news that Concubine Liang was named empress, the concubine started to suffer from abdominal pain before she gave birth. It was both joy and sorrow.

"Wu Qiao, you send, send people to guard around my yard and everywhere in the mansion, and never allow anything to go wrong, and don't let anyone have a chance to harm this princess!" Even the veins on Siyue's forehead were exposed, Enduring the pain, he commanded in a deep voice.

"Princess, who should be guarding where? Your Highness has made all the arrangements before leaving. Just go out and give me an order." Wu Qiao walked out quickly.

About half an hour later, Imperial Physician Rong and Po Wen came in a hurry, Po Wen was waiting outside the house, and Imperial Physician Rong entered the room to check the pulse of Lian Siyue and check the situation.

Nanny Qin and Qing Dai stood in front of the bed, closely watching the every move of Imperial Physician Rong.

"This..." After doctor Rong took the pulse, there was a trace of tension in his eyes, and he said, "The princess is not about to give birth, but her fetus is moving!"

What?Tired now?

Nanny Tai and Qing Dai were shocked, how could they move their tires so well?The concubine has been in good health for the past few days, and she hasn't done anything she shouldn't do, that is, she just watched plum blossoms outside, and she didn't catch a cold.

"..." After hearing this, Lian Siyue slowly closed her eyes, clutching the sheets tightly with her hands, sweat dripped down her forehead, and even the pillow was wet, she was so painful that she couldn't speak Come.

Hearing what Dr. Rong said, she, who was always calm and brave, felt flustered in her heart. In her mind, the previous life, the child who had been cut alive from the abdomen, suddenly felt palpitations, and her abdomen hurt even more.

"Then, what should we do now?" Qing Dai asked.

Lian Siyue grabbed Doctor Rong's sleeve, the veins on her forehead and cheeks bulged, her eyes bulged, and said, "Doctor Rong, no, no matter what, keep, keep my child, I, I can't lose it anymore, Can't!"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she felt a warm current flowing from below, and her eyes showed panic.

"Ah, princess, princess is bleeding, she's bleeding!" Nanny Tai saw a patch of red on the skirt under Lian Siyue's body, she was so frightened that she knocked over the bowl in her hand.

Lian Siyue stared closely at Doctor Rong, and said, "Hurry up, find a way to save, save my child!" After she finished speaking, her whole body seemed to be discouraged, and she gradually lost her strength.

Doctor Rong was also startled when he saw the bleeding, he wiped his sweat frequently, and said, "Yes, yes, I will do my best! I will give the princess a few injections now, Miss Qingdai, hurry up and fuck me!" The prescription prescribed last time has been taken out and fried, hurry up, don't delay!"

"Yes!" Qing Dai's legs and feet were a little weak, and her hands were trembling even more.

She looked back at Lian Siyue's painful look, and immediately slapped herself twice, and said to herself, "Don't be nervous, don't be nervous!"

After two slaps, Qing Dai also calmed down, thinking about Siyue's calmness and composure in her daily life. She hurried to the kitchen, took out the medicine bag that Doctor Rong said, added water to the stew pot, and put The medicine bag was opened, and the formula inside was carefully checked several times. After confirming that there were no mistakes, it was poured into the stew pot.

Then, she squatted in front of the stove, took a cattail fan and quickly lit the fire, and kept chanting, "Bodhisattva bless, Bodhisattva bless my princess is safe, and the child in her belly is safe, my princess is really not easy, people Everyone thinks that she is cold and strong, but in fact she is the one with the last burden. I beg the Bodhisattva, as long as my princess is safe and sound, I, Qingdai, am willing to reduce my life, no matter how many years! I beg the Bodhisattva, I beg the Bodhisattva!"

While fanning the fan, Qingdai thought of the ball of blood on Lian Siyueru's skirt in her mind, but she shed tears involuntarily, she wiped away the tears again, and said, "Don't cry, what are you crying for, the princess will be fine, It will be fine for sure!"

"Qingdai, Qingdai, is the medicine ready?" At this time, a voice came from outside, shouting hurriedly, it was Housekeeper Liu calling.

Qing Dai got up quickly, took a look at the cover, and said, "We have to wait a little longer!"

(End of this chapter)

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