First-class daughter

Chapter 1068 It's Just a Bowl of Medicine

Chapter 1068 It's just a bowl of medicine
Chapter 1068 It's just a bowl of medicine
Steward Liu walked over quickly and said, "The princess cried out in pain, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

"No!" Qing Dai immediately stopped the butler from saying the following, "The princess will be fine."

"I'm here to look at the medicine, you should hurry over and have a look, it's the first time I feel that the princess can't bear the pain." The butler said anxiously.

"Okay." Qing Dai handed the fan to Butler Liu, and said, "Uncle Liu, just wait a little longer until the concoction reaches this place."

"Okay, I see." Butler Liu took the fan and fanned Qing Dai herself.

Qing Dai hurried back to Lian Siyue's room, and as the housekeeper said, when she reached the door, she heard Lian Siyue's uncontrollable call.

She shook the hand holding the door frame, and walked to Lian Siyue's bedside.

I saw that Dr. Rong was giving needles to her arm and the back of her hand. The silver needles were pierced into the flesh one by one, which made people look a little scared.

"Where's the medicine? Qingdai?" Mother Tai looked behind Qingdai and asked.

"Steward Liu is watching over there and will be here soon. I'll come over to see if there is anything else to do." Qing Dai raised her hand, wiped the sweat off her face, and said.

"Ah..." Lian Siyue tightly grasped the lapel of her stomach with one hand, closed her eyes tightly, and called out one sentence at a time, "Yun Zheng, Yun Zheng!"

"Ah!" In Feng Yunzheng's army tent, he was having a meal with Feng Jue, when suddenly, he felt as if a needle had been pierced in his heart, and the chopsticks in his hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Feng Jue quickly raised his head and asked, "Brother Jiuwang, what's wrong with you?"

Feng Yunzheng stood up abruptly, covered his heart with his hands, and said, "It felt like my heart was stabbed by something just now, and I feel extremely flustered, shouldn't it be..."

Could it be that something happened to Yue'er!He didn't dare to think about it.

After hearing this, Feng Jue knew what Feng Yunzheng was going to say, his eyes narrowed, and he said, "Brother Jiu Wang, don't worry, is it because you are too sensitive?"

In fact, seeing Feng Yunzheng's nervous appearance, Feng Jue's heart was also nervous. Even Siyue was always a very important person to him, a sister who always protected him.

Feng Yunzheng sat down slowly, and the feeling in his heart slowly subsided. He took a deep breath and said, "I want to send someone back right away. No matter how you feel about Yue'er, Can't be ignored!"

"Okay, Brother Nine Kings, hurry up." Feng Jue also said hastily.

Feng Yunzheng got up and walked out quickly.

Feng Jue sat at the dining table and slowly put down his chopsticks. He couldn't help but think of the time when he was with his sister in the past. He said slowly, "Sister, you must take care of yourself and wait for me to bring Shi Yi back to see you. And Brother Jiuwang's child, if it is a little prince, I will be responsible for his kung fu, if it is a little princess, I will treat her as my own child, she has lost an uncle, but has gained an emperor uncle."

Feng Yunzheng immediately summoned several hidden guards, and said in a deep voice, "The four of you hurry up and go back to Beijing to see if everything is well in the palace. If you get a letter from the princess on the way back to Beijing, you two People continue to return to the palace, and the two will quickly send the letter to the king."

"Yes!" The four hidden guards said in unison.

Feng Yunzheng paced back and forth in the military tent, he had never hated himself for being so far away from Yue'er like now.

He suddenly opened the curtain, walked outside, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said to the sky, "God, bless Yue'er, let her survive this more than a month. When the time comes, I will definitely go back, and I will never leave again." She's half a step away!"

"Ah, it hurts!" In the palace, Lian Siyue yelled again, after being pierced by Doctor Rong, the blood under her body stopped flowing, but the pain was still there.

"Doctor, what is going on here, the princess is in pain all the time, you should think of a way." Qing Dai squatted beside Lian Siyue's bed and said.

"Wangfei's pregnancy is much bigger than other people's. I reckon that this Wangfei may have two children in her womb. If there are two children, it will be more painful when she is about to give birth." Dr. Rong said. Wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he said.

"Two?" Mother Tai was surprised, and said, "The princess' abdomen is indeed bigger than any master's I have ever seen. Could it be that there are really two?"

"Here, here, the medicine is here." At this time, Butler Liu said at the door of the house.

Qing Dai got up quickly and brought the medicine over.

Nanny Tai helped Lian Siyue up a little bit. Fortunately, she was as strong as a cow, so she could easily help Wang Hao, who was as big as a basket, to sit up.

Qing Dai put the medicine near her mouth and blew it, then put it near Lian Siyue's mouth, and fed it.

However, as soon as he took it in, Lian Siyue felt nauseated, and the medicine juice overflowed from his mouth. Nanny Tai quickly wiped it off with a veil, and comforted her, "Princess, this is the medicine ordered by the imperial doctor. You must drink it."

Qing Dai took another spoonful, blew it, put it near Lian Siyue's mouth, and said, "Princess, don't worry, take your time, drink less."

Lian Siyue opened her mouth and drank it, feeling nauseous again, she immediately covered her mouth, forced herself, swallowed hard and hard, tears were forced out by herself.

"Come again!" After taking this sip, her eye circles were red, she held the veil tightly in her hand, clenched her teeth, and said firmly and loudly.

"Yes." Qing Dai took another spoonful and handed it to her mouth, she opened her mouth again, drank it, covered her mouth again, and swallowed forcefully.

She has a strong belief in her heart, she doesn't want to lose her child again, she has already lost it, and she will never lose it again!
Lian Siyue, you have never experienced any suffering, you have never experienced any torture, mountains of swords and seas of blood, you have come here, just a bowl of medicine, compared to the sins you suffered in the previous life, it is nothing!
Thinking about it, she suddenly took the whole medicine bowl from Qingdai's hand, raised her head suddenly, and poured all the medicine into her mouth. She clenched the edge of the silver bowl tightly, biting hard until a trace of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

Nanny Tai and Qing Dai watched from the side, extremely moved, Qing Dai clenched her fist tightly.

Finally, Lian Siyue drank all the medicine in the bowl, loosened his teeth and softened his hands, the silver bowl rolled down from his body and fell to the ground.

Leaning her back against the head of the bed, she breathed a sigh of relief, almost exhausted from exhaustion.

At this moment, she looked a little embarrassed, with wet hair sticking to her face, her cheeks were pale, her lips were also pale, and her face was as gray as dead.

(End of this chapter)

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