Chapter 1070
Chapter 1070
Feng Yu bowed and entered the Hall of Rongyuan, prostrated herself on the ground like Feng Ye, and shouted, "Long live the father, long live, long live, long live."

"Excuse me, get up." Unlike having Feng Ye kneel on the ground from the beginning to the end, Emperor Zhou Cheng made Feng Yu stand up.

"Thank you father." Feng Yu got up, bowed and stood in the hall.

"Yu'er, when I think about it carefully, it seems that I haven't had a good conversation with you for a long time." Zhou Chengdi coughed lightly and said.

Feng Yu hurriedly cupped her hands, and said, "I'm afraid, I, I'm guilty, I don't come to accompany my father often, I ask my father to punish me."

"I just remembered here that when you catch your first birthday, once you are put down, you hold on to a volume of poetry books and refuse to let go, and you don't want anything else. Sure enough, when you grow up, you will eventually I like poetry and poetry. One year, you made a poem for me to appreciate. After I praised you, you told your mother and concubine that you should not be a prince in the future, but a poet of idle clouds and wild cranes. At that time, cough, cough, At that time, your concubine's face was frightened, and she asked you to change your words immediately, but you refused to die, and said that the poet of Xianyun Yehe is the most comfortable, and you want to be a poet. In the end, your concubine made you kneel in anger One day and one night, you are not allowed to say such things in the future. But in the end, although you failed to become a poet of idle clouds and wild cranes, you are also the most unrestrained and comfortable one among my many sons." Zhou Chengdi recalled the long past, Said.

After hearing this, Feng Yu said shyly, "Father, do you still remember this incident? At that time, my mother and concubine were afraid that Father would be angry and disappointed if he knew what I said. So, I ordered my son to change his words, and warned I'm not allowed to say such things in the future. I thought my father didn't know about it, but you know everything, my father."

"Actually, your mother and concubine are wrong. I have so many sons. If all the sons only think about one thing, that's not good. Father is actually very happy with thoughts like Yu'er, so Father didn't restrict your freedom very much since you were a child, if you love the wild cranes, you can go there, and I won't stop you from traveling everywhere." Zhou Chengdi said.

All sons have only one thing on their mind?

Feng Yu was slightly taken aback, the meaning of what the father said was probably talking about the princes' struggle for the throne.

"Yu'er, Father Hope, if you are allowed to grab it once, what you grab will still be a volume of poems and songs. Look at you, aren't you happier than them?" Zhou Chengdi said after taking a heavy breath.

Feng Yu understood that Emperor Zhou Cheng was reminding him to remain aloof from the world as before, not to get caught up in the struggle for imperial power, and to protect himself wisely.

He solemnly knelt down, kowtowed his head three times, and said, "Yes, father, my son understands father's meaning and obeys it."

Emperor Zhou Cheng nodded and said, "This is the best." After coughing twice, he said again, "You Yunzheng and Ye'er are younger than you, and they already have their own concubines, Yunzheng I'm going to be a father soon, and you, do you have someone you want, and now, the emperor will give you a marriage."


Feng Yu's heart trembled, and a chill ran down her spine, and she said cautiously, "Father, my son is used to idle clouds and wild cranes, and I don't want to get married yet, besides, I haven't met a suitable partner."

"There are so many girls in the capital, even Feng Ye chose one himself, why don't you have a crush on them?" Emperor Zhou Cheng never knew Feng Yu's true preferences, but saw that he was not feeling well, and Feng Yu was older than Feng Yu. Ye Fengyun is big, but he still hasn't kissed, so he wants to propose marriage to him as soon as possible.

"My son, my son will look for it carefully, and when there is an agreement, I will immediately come to ask my father to marry me like the eighth emperor." Feng Yu said while thinking.

"Ahem, okay, father is waiting for you, you go down first." Emperor Zhou Cheng waved his hand to let him back down.

Walking out of the Rongyuan Hall, Feng Yu shuddered all over——

"How?" Feng Ye had been waiting for him, and when he saw him come out, he stepped forward and asked.

"Let's talk after leaving the palace first." Feng Yu said.

After leaving the palace, Feng Yu went to Prince Yu's mansion and told Feng Ye everything except Zhou Chengdi's marriage.

Feng Ye sat in front of the desk, his eyes flashed in thought, and said, "Obviously, Father means not to let you get involved in our struggle, and at the same time, he is also expressing to us that he is very concerned about many things. clear."

"Don't worry, although I'm used to idleness and wild cranes, I don't have ambitions for power and throne, but when it comes to you, I will not choose to be wise and protect myself. My brother will fight side by side with you." Feng Yu patted Feng Ye on the shoulder, solemnly He said, a force came from the palm of his hand.

Hearing this, Feng Ye's heart trembled slightly, and he felt very touched in his heart. He held Feng Yu's wrist tightly, held it firmly, and said, "Brother Liu Wang, my brother has you, that's enough!"

"Hey, hey, just talk, don't move." Feng Yu also held Feng Ye's hand tightly, saying so, but a smile appeared on his face.

"However, you still listen to your father, and continue to idle around!" Feng Ye said.

Feng Yu was startled, "Feng Ye?"

Feng Ye turned around, walked to the window, looked at a skylark flying from nowhere, and said, "Father, today, he said a lot of important things to me, and he also said that I did not disappoint him. They all know it.”

Feng Yu was overjoyed and said happily, "Could it be that Father means that the crown prince will be given to you?"

Feng Ye shook his head and said, "I don't know, but what I can be sure of is that Emperor Father has made an imperial decree on who will be the Son of Heaven."

"Father said?" Feng Yu was taken aback, but he didn't talk about this issue with him today.

"No, I observed it." Feng Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "Today, my father sent me into the Rongyuan Hall, and I carefully observed his desk. Judging from the situation on the desk, he called today The ministers went in and wrote not only the will for the queen, but also the will for the crown prince."

"However, he didn't announce it." Feng Yu said with concentration.

"In my opinion, the emperor will not announce until the time of his death. At that time, the crown prince will ascend the throne directly." Feng Ye said.

"Then... do you think this person will be you? After all, Father has praised you a lot." Feng Yu asked.

"I'll find out soon." An incomprehensible expression appeared on Feng Ye's face.

"How do you know?" Feng Yu asked.

"Feng Qianyue is not the only one who knows how to cultivate power secretly, I can too." Feng Ye smiled lightly.

"You mean..." Feng Yu's heart trembled, a chill rose up her spine, and she said tightly, "Is there someone beside you?"

(End of this chapter)

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