First-class daughter

Chapter 1071 Who is the prince?

Chapter 1071 Who is the prince?

Chapter 1071 Who is the prince?

Seeing the tacit expression on Feng Ye's face, the palace fan in Feng Yu's hand fell to the ground with a slap, a look of astonishment appeared on her face.

really have!Feng Ye actually arranged his own people beside his father, but he didn't know it at all, he still thought of himself as Feng Ye's ally.

"When did this happen, and who was that person?" he asked.

Feng Ye turned around, bent down, picked up the palace fan on the ground, put it back into Feng Yu's hand, and said, "Everything you know, it all ends here. From now on, even my Prince Yu's mansion, you will have to Come on less, let alone ask questions, write your poems, make your paintings..."

"Feng Ye, what do you mean, tell me clearly! Don't think about sending me away!" Feng Yu didn't listen to him, stepped forward a few steps, and grabbed Feng Ye's lapel tightly, her eyes closed. Staring fiercely, looking at him closely, forced.

"Let's go, don't ask any more questions. If you ask too much, it won't do you any good. You should keep your net worth." Feng Ye took Feng Yu's hand and took two steps back, with a slight smile on his face. Smiling, said.

"Feng Ye, do you still consider me your brother? You didn't tell me about such an important matter? Now I know, but you want me to pretend not to know, how do you want me to deal with myself!" Yu looked very angry, "I said before, Xianyun Yehe won't ignore your business."

Among the princes in the palace, could it be that they were intrigues, just look at the Fourth Highness, Feng Qianyue, who brought the conspiracy to the extreme, such as the brotherhood that Feng Yu gave, it was too precious, how could it not move Feng Ye.

But it was precisely because of this that he wanted Feng Yu to be innocent!
Feng Ye walked back to the desk, picked up a volume of poems, and said, "These are all poems written by you. I have nothing to do recently, so I finished reading them one by one. I think that with your attainments in poems and songs , It’s a pity to only write this one. I really hope that you can write another one, which can be regarded as a benefit to future generations. From today on, do your own thing well. Brother Wang’s heart is like a daughter, brother Thank you, and I will remember everything."

Feng Yu snatched the poem and held it tightly in her hand, "Feng Ye, what do you mean? I don't want to hear you say this now. I don't feel it at all. I want you to know, what are you planning to do?" What to do, how to do it."

"Listen to the emperor's words, how can Feng Ye be able to have brother Wang's affection." He patted his heart vigorously and said.

"Feng Ye!" Feng Yu said angrily.

"Yin Huai!" Feng Ye called out, but his eyes were fixed on Feng Ye, and he said word by word, "Send His Highness the Sixth Prince back to the residence."

Feng Yu stared at him closely, her eye circles were red, her fists were clenched tightly, trembling——

"Your Highness Sixth, please." Yin Huai walked over and said.

Feng Yu looked at Feng Ye for a long time, then he tossed his brocade robe, turned around, and hurried out of the study, Feng Ye watched his figure until he disappeared.

After a while, he walked back to the desk, sat down, and looked at the scroll in front of him without saying a word, as if he was waiting for someone to arrive.

A strong storm seems to be coming soon. In this storm, where should he be located?

Here -

Feng Yu walked to the gate of Prince Yu's mansion, and when he was about to step out, he suddenly turned around and asked, "Yin Huai, you know everything, tell me quickly, what is your master planning?" I don't know!"

When Yin Huai heard this, he quickly knelt down and said, "Forgive me, Your Highness, I will not tell anyone anything about His Highness the Eighth Highness, please don't embarrass the lowly one, let the lowly one be a servant. "

"You!" Feng Yu flicked her sleeves violently, but in the end she could only turn around and walk out.

Yin Huai hurriedly got up, followed, and sent Feng Yu back to his mansion.

Then he reported it to Feng Ye after he came back, saying that His Royal Highness the Sixth Highness seemed very unwilling to give up, he was depressed all the way back to the mansion, he had nothing to say when he returned to the mansion, and went back with a sullen face.

Feng Ye smiled and said, "Leave him alone, just let him go."

"Yes." Yin Huai withdrew.

Feng Ye was sitting on the desk, waiting quietly, without saying a word, the time passed bit by bit, the sky was gradually getting dark, and he never left the study.

Until the middle of the night, there was still no light in his study, and it was all pitch-dark, except for the occasional sound of bugs coming from outside.

After a while, the whole mansion became quieter and darker. The door finally opened with a creak. Feng Ye slowly raised his head and looked over.

Yin Huai said, "Your Highness, he is here."

Feng Ye's eyes became sharp immediately, and he said in a deep voice, "Let him in."


Not long after the words were finished, a man wearing a black cloak walked in. The hat behind the cloak was on his head, covering almost his entire face. Even his eyes couldn't be seen clearly, and his whole body exuded a mysterious aura.

"His Highness Eighth." The visitor bowed and said.

Feng Ye signaled Yin Huai to close the door, leaving only the two of them in the room.

There was still no light in the room, and the study was pitch black. They couldn't even see each other clearly, but they could hear each other's breathing.

"The candidate for the crown prince has been decided today, right?" Feng Ye asked after a long time.

"Yes, Your Highness, it has been confirmed." The visitor said.

Feng Ye clenched his fists slowly, with a calm expression on his face, but he felt very nervous in his heart. He didn't want things to develop in a bad direction, because if the direction was not good, he would still go on!

He asked slowly, "Who?"

The man in black took a few steps forward based on his feeling, walked to the desk, and said, "Please stretch out your hand, Your Highness."

Feng Ye stretched out his hand and opened his palm. The man held his wrist and wrote each word in his palm until he finished writing a name.

Feng Ye retracted his hand, slowly closed his eyes, sat on the chair, and did not move at all.

The wind outside was very loud, and there were bursts of gloomy sounds, which made people feel chills in their hearts.

After an unknown amount of time, the candles in the study were finally lit, and the room gradually became brighter. The person who had just stood in front of Feng Ye and told him the secret had already left, as if he had never been here before. of.

Feng Ye blinked his eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on the corner of his lips. He got up and called, "Yin Huai, come in."

"Yes, Your Highness." Yin Huai walked in, bowed, and said.

Feng Ye picked up a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, wrote an address on the paper, and said, "Go to this place quickly and send this letter written by this king."

"Yes, Your Highness, I'll go right away." Yin Huai took the order, took the letter, and walked out quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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