Chapter 1072

Chapter 1072

Feng Ye sat on the chair with deep eyes and an unfathomable expression. He didn't get up until dawn and walked out of the study door.

It was dawn, and a new day began again.

The vortex of fate suddenly involved him in the torrent, pushing him forward involuntarily, and he was deeply trapped in it, unable to get out.

It has been a long time since he experienced the scenery of this early morning. The morning mist is misty, and the place where he can see is gray and white. The servants have already shuttled around the mansion. Seeing him, they all knelt down and said:

"Your Highness."

Without squinting, he looked ahead, step by step, passed through the crowd, walked out of the mansion, and got into the carriage.

The name that person wrote on his palm was two characters - Feng Jue.

That is to say, yesterday, the father wrote the imperial edict to pass on the crown prince to the eleventh prince, Feng Jue, and now the imperial edict is hidden behind the upright plaque in the Rongyuan Hall.

He clenched his fists tightly, father, father, for the sake of Feng Jue, why do you use me as a shield to confuse everyone, and give me a faint hope.

Since, my son is gentle and martial, why bother to push my son to a bloody road.

The carriage moved forward slowly on Zhengyang Street until it reached Xu Guofu. When Xu Guogong saw him, he immediately welcomed him into the study without saying a word, and immediately asked, "Your Highness, how do you know the result?"

Feng Ye sat down, nodded, and said, "I already know, and the emperor put the edict under the four-character plaque of 'upright and bright', saying that when he was about to die, the few patrons who entered the palace yesterday Order the ministers to announce the successor to the throne together."

"Who is that person?" Seeing Feng Ye's expression, Xu Guogong understood that the person in the imperial edict was not him!But someone else.

"Feng Jue." Feng Ye said.

"It's not His Highness the Ninth Highness, but His Eleventh Highness?!" Xu Guogong was startled, "I thought that if it wasn't the Eighth Highness you, then the Ninth Highness, and the Ninth Highness is even more likely, because the current Lianggui Concubine is already the ruler of the Sixth Highness. Empress Wenren of the palace, but I never thought that the person chosen by the emperor would be His Royal Highness the Eleventh."

"Father has worked so hard for the Feng Jue." Feng Ye's lips showed a hint of a smile or a cold expression, and there was a sense of failure in his heart that it was all a dream and nothing. Concubine Liang is the empress. In this way, everyone will think that he wants to make Feng Yunzheng the crown prince. If I am like others, I don’t know that my father has the idea of ​​adopting Fengjue to Empress Wenren, I’m afraid I will be like others The same, thinking that the father wanted to establish the Ninth Prince, the son of Empress Wen Ren, not anyone else."

"The emperor deliberately misled, it's dangerous. If we don't know the news that His Royal Highness the Eleventh will be adopted by Empress Wenren, and don't know the content of the edict, we will regard His Royal Highness Ninth as the only opponent, and then we will use the wrong direction. It is." Xu Guogong couldn't help feeling deeply for the emperor's deep thoughts. Although the dragon's body was ill, these things were arranged one by one and seamlessly. Fortunately, His Highness the Eighth Prince had already prepared, otherwise, they really had no chance of winning.

"Your Highness, His Highness the Eleventh will be adopted by Empress Wen Ren, and the content of today's edict, are these the most confidential contents?" Xu Guogong asked curiously.

"This is so far only me and that person know about it. Grandfather doesn't need to be curious." Feng Ye said, the less people know, the less danger there will be.

"Yes, Your Highness is thinking about Zhou Xiang, so now His Highness the Eighth Highness can no longer hesitate, we must act quickly, and before the emperor dies, Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue will be buried in Shanhaiguan forever, and they will never return to Beijing. In this way The emperor had no choice but to change the imperial edict, Your Highness, we have no time to hesitate, let's make a decision quickly." Xu Guogong urged.

"Now that I know the result, I feel both disappointed and relieved that I can finally make a decision." Feng Ye said, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"Then His Highness's decision is..." Xu Guogong approached and asked in a tight voice.

"Let me think about it again, think about it again." Feng Ye said, he was always decisive, but he couldn't make a decision on this matter.

"To be honest, Your Highness, in fact, I have already arranged for people to approach Feng Yunzheng in the army, but... there has been no news for a while!" Xu Guogong said, in fact, it was because he was very anxious to get rid of Feng Yunzheng quickly. He was very worried about the reason for He Fengjue, and his handle had already fallen into Feng Yunzheng's hands.

When Feng Ye heard this, he was immediately furious, and said, "How could my grandfather act without telling me! Could it be that my grandfather is going to be like my concubine, self-righteous again and again, not only killing myself, but also implicating me?"

He stood up abruptly, brushed all the things off the desk and dropped them to the ground!
At the beginning, if the mother concubine hadn't done so many things without telling him, she wouldn't have fallen to the point of tragic death.

Seeing that Feng Ye was angry, Xu Guogong quickly knelt down and said, "Yes, Your Highness the Eighth Highness, I know I was wrong. I see that His Highness has taken a lot of care, and he has not made a decision for a long time. He is afraid of missing the opportunity, so he arranged for someone to go. Execute the plan. However, now that His Highness has made a decision, I will follow His Highness's arrangements."

"What is your plan, tell me!" Feng Ye asked.

So, Xu Guogong told the story of Hongling.

"Nonsense! Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. My grandfather didn't know much about Feng Yunzheng, so he arranged a beauty trick. The last thing Feng Yunzheng would fall for is such a low-level trick! Now that Hongling has no news, ten Most of the time, they have already seen through it, and now, even if this king does not intend to fight against them, they will use this as evidence, thinking that this king is plotting something wrong!" Feng Ye said angrily, then slowly closed his eyes, Calm yourself down.

"Since this is the case, your Highness might as well stop hesitating and act formally! Your Highness is now in charge of the country, so you can use reinforcements as an excuse to send some of your own people there. Your Highness will definitely die!" Xu Guogong said with excitement in his eyes.

"You can do what your grandfather said." Finally, Feng Ye said.

Xu Guogong was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Your Highness has finally figured it out, that's great! Then start deploying immediately, time is running out."

"However, this king does not want to cooperate with the Khitan people. You can fight internally, but you must not invade abroad, otherwise this king and the Great Zhou Dynasty will pay the price. Since this king wants to inherit the throne, he can't do treason. Wang's bottom line, please grandpa remember this bottom line firmly, don't cross it." Feng Ye warned.

"Yes, Your Highness, I know, I will firmly remember His Highness's bottom line, I wonder if His Highness has any foolproof method?" Xu Guogong said.

(End of this chapter)

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