First-class daughter

Chapter 1074 Thorough Investigation 1

Chapter 1074 Thorough investigation

Chapter 1074 Thorough investigation

Whatever Ren Fengyu said, Feng Ye remained silent, the expression on his face and the clock were different from the past.

Feng Yu finished applying the ointment, put the ointment on the table, and asked, "You don't have anything else to say, do you want to tell me? You suddenly drove me away yesterday, and you have to make a decisive attitude after entering. Tell me honestly." , do you already have any plans?"

Feng Ye opened his mouth, and finally said, "It's better that you don't know."

Feng Yu's heart sank, the corners of her eyes twitched a few times, she leaned forward, her hands tightly grasped the edge of the chair, and she said tightly, "You, you already know who Father Father wants to pass on the throne to? People around you told you? And that person is not you?"

Feng Ye nodded, "All these years have been wasted, it's not me, no matter how many things I've done, it's still not me."

"I think it's mainly because of your mother and concubine." Feng Yu glanced at Feng Ye's face and said, "Back then, in order to protect your throne, your mother and concubine thought too far and sent the infant Feng Jue sent out of the palace, based on this, the father has a prejudice against you. He can't forgive your mother and concubine in his heart, so he can't accept you.

Feng Ye nodded, "You're right, I think so too. It's just that the more this happens, the more I'm unwilling. I'm unwilling to accept that years of hard work have turned into nothing."

"Then who is on the edict? Lao Jiu?" Feng Yu asked.

Hearing Feng Yu's guess, Feng Ye was not surprised at all, after all, almost everyone would think so, and this was also what Royal Father hoped.

Feng Ye did not correct Feng Yu's thinking, but with a wry smile on his face, he said, "Anyway, it's not me." And this misleading sentence also made Feng Yu think that the queen was reserved for Feng Yunzheng.

"Then... Do you want to do what you said before? Get rid of Feng Yunzheng and Feng Jue? Cooperate with the Khitan people inside and out?" Feng Yu was sweating nervously on his forehead as soon as he finished speaking.

"Okay, my brother Liuwang, don't make wild guesses. It's not what you think. In the future, don't ask about these things. I have asked Yinhuai to find some reliable people for me. How can you In the name of going out to seek medical advice on behalf of my father, I will travel far away tomorrow. Like what my father said, Idle clouds and wild cranes, live a good life. Don’t come back until you get news of me. I have been traveling outside and take care of me. It's good to look outside." Feng Ye said calmly.

Feng Yu's legs and feet softened, and he sat on the chair, his body seemed to be limp. He understood that Feng Ye had already made a plan, and he was about to give it a go, and a big bloodbath was about to be drawn in the hall. It was rainy and windy, and letting him go out to travel was to push him away from here.

"Fengjue, I used to like him very much. Later, because I found out that he was my younger brother, I felt embarrassed, so I deliberately distanced myself, and I didn't have any more contact with him. I hope, no matter what, you let him live, that's the same. A poor child." Feng Yu said.

Hearing Feng Yu's words, the corners of Feng Ye's lips slightly raised. He already knew that Feng Yu would definitely beg him so, so he couldn't speak too clearly.

"Brother Liu Wang, God has already made a decree for everything. It is said that people make things happen in heaven. I am just wrestling with this fate. Feng Jue is, and Feng Yunzheng is too."

"..." Feng Yu stood up, grabbed Feng Ye's shoulders tightly, her eyes turned red, her lips trembled, and in the end, she couldn't utter a single word.

"Go, Father, I will explain it for you." Feng Ye stretched out his hand and patted Feng Yu's shoulder.

Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue had a sudden fetal movement yesterday, and after a day and night of cultivation, her whole talent gradually recovered, and her face finally became as rosy as before.

Everyone was finally relieved, but they also seemed more cautious in taking care of the princess.

After recovering, Lian Siyue began to have some suspicious thoughts about the sudden fetal gas movement yesterday.

Doctor Rong diagnosed that it is because the abdomen is abnormal, so in the later stage, the body is easy to feel uncomfortable, which will cause the fetal gas to be unsatisfactory, and in severe cases, it will ooze blood.

However, she always vaguely felt that things were not as simple as that. She was always aware of her own body. Although her abdomen was unusually large, she never felt any discomfort.

Even if the fetal gas is moved, will it be so serious to bleed so much?
Will someone tamper with the food?No, everything she ate surpassed silver bowls, silver chopsticks, and silver spoons, all of which were specially made by Yun Zheng to identify poisons.

She called Qingdai, Mother Tai, Wu Qiao and the others, and said, "Please tell me everyone in the house, from the servants in my yard to the servants in the back kitchen, everyone's origin and residence, and what else is there in the house." People, all of them have been carefully investigated and made into a booklet, bring it here, and let me have a good look at it.”

Mother Tai's heart trembled, and she asked, "Princess, did something dirty get into our mansion?" If someone stays in the mansion and wants to harm the concubine, I feel terrified even thinking about it.

"It's not completely sure yet, so I need you to do this, remember, don't make any noise, just do it one by one in secret." Lian Siyue ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes, wangfei, the servants know." The three said, and they left Qing Dai first, and the other two started to work.

"Speaking of which, concubine mother, oh, no, empress mother should be staying in Changchun Palace. I experienced that terrible thing yesterday, and I haven't had time to think about empress mother until now." Lian Siyue supported her forehead and said .

"Princess, Mother Li is already waiting outside, sent by the empress, because the concubine has been resting, so she didn't wake you up, you were too tired yesterday." Qing Dai said.

"Let Nanny Li come in." Lian Siyue said.

"Yes." Qing Dai turned around and went out. After a while, Nanny Li came in, knelt down and said——

"Congratulations, Consort Wang, Congratulations, Concubine Wang, the master of our Menghua Palace, has now entered the Changchun Palace. The Empress specially sent servants here to tell the Empress Wang about this."

"Mother Li, get up quickly, get up and talk." Lian Siyue raised his hand and said, "How is the queen mother?"

"Your Majesty entered the Changchun Palace yesterday, and early this morning, all the empresses from the various palaces came to say hello one by one. Your Majesty is not feeling well, and everything is in order," said Nanny Li.

A slight smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, and said, "The concubine mother has a good character. Now that she is in charge of the Changchun Palace and rules the harem, I think everyone will obey her. It's a pity that I can't enter the palace now. If you don’t let me, I want to visit the queen mother as soon as possible.”

"The empress is just because she is afraid that the empress is impatient, so she specially sent a servant here to talk to you, empress."

(End of this chapter)

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