First-class daughter

Chapter 1075 The Death of the Steward

Chapter 1075 The Death of the Steward
Chapter 1075 The Death of the Steward
After Madam Li came to announce the happy news, she left Prince Heng's Mansion, looking at the gray sky outside the house even like the moon, the air was a bit oppressive, she always felt that a storm was coming.

"It's not good, Wangfei, Butler Liu, Butler Liu..." Qing Dai hurried in, her expression was ugly.

"What's wrong?" Lian Siyue asked.

"His three-foot white silk, he hanged himself!" Qing Dai's heart is still beating non-stop. She just went to see Butler Liu to check the list of every servant and nurse in the mansion, and when she entered, she found him He had already been hanged, his tongue was pulled out very long, his face was blue, and he looked horrified.

Butler Liu hanged himself? ; Lian Siyue was taken aback, at this moment, such a strange thing happened?

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, her eyes flashed with thought, and after a while, she got up, took a few steps back and forth in the room, and asked, "Wu Qiao, have you seen the death of Butler Liu?"

"Go back to Wangfei, Wu Qiao is checking." Qing Dai's voice trembled.

"Princess Fuben, go to the cashier to have a look." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Princess, you've moved your tire and it's just right, but another person died there, you still..." Qing Dai said worriedly.

"I moved my fetal gas not because I was weak, but because someone moved my hands and feet. It's just that the hands and feet didn't have time to move to the root. But my belly is big, so I reacted prematurely." A deep look flashed in Lian Siyue's eyes. Binghan, "Based on what this princess sees, this matter has nothing to do with Butler Liu! I need to go and have a look."

As she spoke, she had already lifted her feet and walked towards the accountant's room, her face was full of coldness.

"Princess, be careful." Qing Dai hurriedly stepped forward to help her, and the other maids quickly followed.

When I arrived at the door of the accounting room, I saw Wu Qiao, Nanny Tai, and the two nurses there. Wu Qiao was squatting on the ground checking the tears on Butler Liu's neck. Mammy looked very distressed.

Seeing Lian Siyue coming, Nanny Tai quickly covered Steward Liu's face with a veil, lest she would be frightened by this appearance.

Lian Siyue didn't feel any discomfort, and said, "Don't cover it, just take it away."

"Yes." Nanny Tai removed the handkerchief with trembling hands, and threw it on Butler Liu. This handkerchief was designated as a serious necessity.

"Wu Qiao, do you see anything coming?" Lian Siyue asked.

Wu Qiao got up and said, "Princess, I have carefully checked it out. Butler Liu was indeed hanged to death, not killed by someone. There were no unnecessary scars on his body, and there were no signs of poisoning. Moreover, there was no sign of poisoning under his neck. There are deep tear stains on the white silk, and there are some sweat stains on the white silk, and I speculate that when he hanged himself, in order to die faster, he stretched out his hand and pulled the white silk up."

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, walked in from the yard, and gave orders.

"Wangfei, be careful." Qing Dai, an ordinary person, was frightened to feel unwell when seeing Butler Liu died like this. Thanks to Wangfei, she was still as calm as usual.

Lian Siyue walked up to Butler Liu, looked down, and then looked around the accountant's room, searching carefully, trying to find some clues.

Suddenly, she found a pair of scrolls in the vase in the southwest corner, "Bring that over here and show it to my princess."

"Yes." One of the hidden guards walked over and took the scroll,

Lian Siyue opened the scroll, which was originally a picture scroll, but when she opened it, she saw that the picture had been destroyed, because some words were written on the picture:

"My lord, the servant deserves to die!"

Eight characters, the strokes are weak, it can be seen that when Steward Liu wrote these words, he was very nervous and his hands had no strength, otherwise, the words would not be written so weakly, and there was ink dripping on the side, even Siyue saw it Butler Liu's handwriting is usually strong and correct.

"Princess, I'm just wondering if the butler has been persecuted to do something that hurt the concubine, and then his conscience found out that he couldn't bear to continue to do it, so he committed suicide in fear of crime." Wu Qiao judged.

Lian Siyue put down the picture scroll, a flash of deep thought flashed across his face, and said, "The matter of my concubine's pregnancy must have something to do with the butler. But, did the butler feel guilty about this princess and committed suicide, or did he not complete the other party's explanation?" It is too early to say now, since the person is dead, the evidence is not so easy to find."

"Ah..." Suddenly, Qing Dai let out a soft cry, her knees softened, and she knelt on the ground, a large bead of sweat appeared on her forehead, her face was pale.

"What's the matter, Miss Qingdai?" Nanny Tai hurried forward to help her up, but her legs and feet were weak, and even Nanny Tai took a lot of effort to help her up.

"The medicine that the concubine drank when she was moving, in the end, the housekeeper helped to fry it. What if, if he is the one who hurt the concubine, he tampered with the medicine." Thinking of this, Qing Dai trembled all over, and her face became paler.

Steward Liu is an old man in the palace, and he has always been someone His Royal Highness and the princess would trust. In her mind, the housekeeper and Nanny Tai are the same, so she didn't think much about it at the time and hurried back to the princess. go around.

"Is there such a thing? Did the butler help to decoct the medicine?"

It stands to reason that that is the best time to act, but she has been drinking the anti-fetal medicine for such a long time, and now there is no reaction.

"Wu Qiao, there should be some residue in the medicine bowl, you bring it quickly, I will check it myself to see if there is any problem." Just in case, Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes, this servant is here to find it!" Wu Qiao hurried to fetch the medicine bowl.

"Your slave should die, your slave should die!" Qing Dai felt particularly frightened and annoyed when she thought about it, and slapped herself vigorously one after another.

All of a sudden, the rest of the people felt both sympathetic and gloomy, and the whole palace was suddenly covered with a layer of darkness.

Lian Siyue returned to the room and summoned all the people who knew that the butler had been hanged. She first checked the remaining concoction in the bowl——

First of all, it must not be ordinary poison, because the silver of her utensils, if it is poisonous, the bowl will turn black.After inspection, I also found that this is a tocolytic, without any other redundant ingredients.

Holding the bowl, she was thoughtful, and finally raised her eyes, with a cold face, and said:
"No one is allowed to say anything about the housekeeper. You must grit your teeth and keep your mouth shut. Once this matter gets out, this princess will immediately pull out the tongues of all of you and drive you out of the house. You will never be merciless!"

There was an oppressive force in her majestic gaze, which made people dare not be negligent, and everyone knelt on the ground and said yes.

Then, he told Wu Qiao to pay close attention to anyone who approached Prince Heng's mansion, and finally asked everyone to retreat, except for Qing Dai.

(End of this chapter)

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