First-class daughter

Chapter 1076 Check the Cause of Death

Chapter 1076 Check the Cause of Death
Chapter 1076 Check the Cause of Death
Qing Dai bent her knees and quickly knelt on the ground, her eyes flushed, "Princess, if something happens to you, this servant will wish to kill herself, and this servant will not live alone."

Thinking about it now, Qing Dai is still very scared. During the quarter of an hour she left, if someone took the opportunity to tamper with the concubine's abortion pill, she would have committed a heinous crime!

"Do you know why you slapped yourself in the account room today, but my concubine didn't stop you?" Lian Siyue asked, her voice a bit indifferent.

"Princess, please make it clear." Qing Dai knelt on the ground and said.

"You have been by my princess' side for so long, from Miss Lian's family to now Princess Hengqin, have you ever seen me careless about any small matter? I am also cautious about even the smallest things.

I know that you are sympathetic to me, afraid that I will suffer, and eager to take care of me, and you trust the steward, so you left the matter of decocting the medicine to the steward, but you made a big mistake, you were not calm enough, and you forgot your duty thing.Qingdai, you have to remember, you are by my side, if one day, a knife is pressed against your neck, you can't tremble, let alone show a scared expression, otherwise, you can't protect you. You want to protect You will not even be able to protect yourself. "Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, this servant's mistake is simply unforgivable! This servant will reflect on herself." Qing Dai wished she could beat herself again, regretting too much.

"Kneel down in the yard, kneel for a day and a night, and reflect on yourself." Lian Siyue raised his hand and said.

"Yes, servant girl, go and kneel now." Qing Dai walked into the yard and knelt on the ground, she shed tears of remorse, but fortunately, the princess was fine in the end, otherwise she would never forgive Own.

At the same time, she also secretly made up her mind that she must firmly remember this lesson and not let the princess down again.

When Qing Dai was kneeling in the courtyard, the rest of the servants were shocked. This girl Qing Dai is the most popular person in the mansion and the most beloved servant girl of the princess, and she was punished to kneel.

So, one by one, they were more cautious, not daring to be negligent.

"Go and invite Madam Ru over here." Lian Siyue ordered.

Like Steward Liu, Nanny Ru is an old man in Prince Heng's mansion, and was sent by the queen mother to serve in the mansion when His Highness the Ninth Prince was old enough to move out of the palace.

I heard that for a long period of time, Mammy Ru took care of Yun Zheng's life personally. He said that those maids were all frizzy, so it was better to be an old man like Mammy Ru.

After she got married, Nanny Tai took care of her affairs, and Nanny Ru took care of the dispatch of servants in the whole mansion and so on.

After Mammy Ru came in, she knelt in front of Lian Siyue and said, "My servant has seen Wangfei."

"Mummy Ru, get up." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

"Mother Ru, you and Butler Liu are the oldest people in this mansion, right?" Lian Siyue asked.

Mammy Ru nodded, bowed, and said, "Yes, my concubine, servants and housekeepers are considered old people in the house."

"The butler just hanged himself and passed away." Lian Siyue said.

"What..." Mammy Ru suddenly raised her head when she heard this, a look of disbelief flashed across her face, "How could this happen?"

"Does Madam Ru think it's strange?" Lian Siyue asked.

Mother Ru couldn't recover for a long time, and after Lian Siyue asked the question, she suddenly recovered and said, "Yes, if the words were not spoken by you, the princess, the slaves would definitely not believe it, Liu The butler is so decent, how could he hang himself with a three-foot white silk?" Mammy Ru was also puzzled.

"Before he died, he washed eight words on the scroll, saying that the princess is a slave, and the servant is guilty!" Lian Siyue said.

"Guilty?" Mammy Ru was startled again, "He, what is he guilty of? Is he going to hang himself to apologize?"

Thoughts flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, and he said, "Whether it's a death apology or other reasons, this princess is still under investigation, and this princess invited Mammy Ru to come here because I want you to know everything about Steward Liu's situation." Please tell this princess clearly. In any case, this is a major matter and must be investigated thoroughly."

"Yes, if you want to know anything, you can ask, and the slaves will tell you everything." Ruma said.

"When did the butler enter the mansion?" Lian Siyue asked.

"They entered the mansion together with the servants. At that time, the noble concubine, oh no, the queen empress selected them together, and sent them to Prince Heng's mansion to serve His Highness Ninth Prince together. They were also people trusted by the empress empress." Ma said.

Lian Siyue had a serious flash of thought——

It was chosen by the queen mother, and she has been in the mansion for so many years, so she must be trusted by Yunzheng. Like him, Yunzheng is a reborn body, and she will never leave an untrustworthy person by her side——

The housekeeper's death was really strange. It seemed that he hanged himself to death, but in fact it was very likely that he was persecuted.

At this time, Wu Qiao came back and said, "Princess, I have already found out that the butler has left the mansion three times this month, and went to Qianzhuang, Mizhuang, and Buzhuang respectively. There are records in these mansions, all for the sake of the mansion. out of procurement."

Wu Qiao handed over a booklet with both hands, and said.

Lian Siyue took the booklet, flipped through it page by page, tightened her hands, and said, "Send someone to check again, who did the housekeeper meet on the way, and who did he fight with in this bank, rice village, and cloth village?" Remember, don’t leak any rumors. If the housekeeper has contacts with anyone, that person will definitely come to the housekeeper. After the investigation is clear, I will choose a day to lure the snake out of the hole. The princess wants to see, who else would dare Come move my child!"

Once found out, no mercy!

"Yes!" Wu Qiao took the order to go.

Mother Ru said, "Princess, between slaves and maidservants, the steward will not harm the concubine, and if it is critical, he will not wait until now. He must have been instigated by someone. Now, when he dies, it is very likely that he feels speechless." To Your Highness Ninth Prince and you, that's why I apologize with death."

"Harming someone actively or being victimized is both harmful, not to mention that it was the idea of ​​the child in the womb of the princess. No matter what the housekeeper's thoughts are, as long as the fetal movement of the princess is related to him, he will be regarded as an apology by death. The concubine will not forgive him either! His Highness Ninth Prince will not either!" Lian Siyue said coldly, with no expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, you are right, wangfei, you are right, wangfei. It is the old slave who was confused and said such stupid things. No matter what, the steward should not hide anything from you, wangfei. Tell me, this is the duty of a slave, if you go beyond this duty, you will be punished with death." Mammy Ru hurriedly said.

Lian Siyue clenched her fists slowly, and now she is waiting for the investigation results of Wu Qiao and others before deciding on the next step.

(End of this chapter)

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