First-class daughter

Chapter 1077 Interrogation

Chapter 1077 Interrogation
Chapter 1077 Interrogation
Wu Qiao brought back a man, a buddy from the bank. The young guy looked like he was in his teens, and he stood timidly in front of Lian Siyue, with a look of panic.

"This is Princess Heng, hurry up and kneel down!" Wu Qiao said.

The little guy knelt on the ground with a plop, and said quickly, "Little one, I pay my respects to the princess."

"..." Lian Siyue glanced at Wu Qiao.

"Back to Wangfei, he saw that when the housekeeper was in Mizhuang, he met a man in black in the backyard of Mizhuang, and stayed for about half an hour." Wu Qiao said.

"How do you know about Steward Liu's Prince Heng's Mansion?" Lian Siyue asked the boy.

"Because, because Steward Liu has been to Mizhuang many times, everyone knows that he belongs to Prince Heng's residence." The boy replied.

"Did you hear what the butler said to the man in black?" Lian Siyue continued to ask,
The little guy shook his head and said, "It's far away, and the voice is quiet, so I didn't hear it very clearly. I just remember that the butler was a little bit out of control later. He forgot to give the money when he bought rice that day. I thought it was rice from the palace. There will always be rice money, so I didn't ask. Wangfei, you called the little one, do you want to give rice money?"

"Presumptuous!" Wu Qiao immediately scolded, "How dare you talk nonsense in front of the princess!"

The little fellow was so frightened by Wu Qiao that he knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

"How many times have you seen the housekeeper meet that person?" Lian Siyue asked.

The young man raised a finger and said, "Just once, there will be nothing else."

Lian Siyue thought for a while, and said, "You go back, you go back and tell your shopkeeper that the housekeeper will send rice money over in two days, and you have to buy rice at that time."

"Yes, yes, I obey, I will go back and tell the shopkeeper." The young man kowtowed, got up and left.

Lian Siyue got up, walked to the window, looked at the plum tree outside the window, frowned slightly——

In this way, part of it became very clear that someone had threatened the butler, and the butler had a clue in that person's hands. However, the butler stopped halfway, and finally apologized with death.

"Wu Qiao." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess." Wu Qiao nodded and said.

"The news of the butler's death has been blocked. The person who threatened him must think he is still alive, so that person will come back to look for the butler. You find some people who are the same size as the butler to come and show me. When the time comes, I will let the replacement People go to Mizhuang, you hide it in advance, so as not to be discovered.

This princess needs to take a good look at who it is who is so unwilling to give up on this princess and wants her life and child. "

The child will be born soon, if something happens to the child in the womb, her life may not be saved.

A smile slowly appeared on her face, and the corners of her eyes were cold and terrifying.

"Princess, what a plan! I will make arrangements for this humble official, and I will definitely capture that person in front of the concubine." Wu Qiao took the order and left.

Because the tire's gas hadn't recovered for a long time, Lian Siyue couldn't let herself continue to work hard.

He didn't deal with the matter right away, and asked Wu Qiao to find someone who could replace the housekeeper, while he lay down on the bed and rested to restore his energy.

At this moment, she misses Feng Yunzheng who is far away in Shanhaiguan even more, misses his every move, misses his dry love words and warm embrace.

She slowly closed her eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips——

One day, she had a dream, dreaming of Feng Yunzheng, dreaming that he was riding a horse galloping from a distance, he picked her up in his arms, looked at her tenderly, and said——

"Yue'er, I'm back, I miss you, my heart hurts when I think of it, the tip of my nose is sore, and my eyes are hot. I wish I could keep you by my side all the time."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and kissed her deeply. The kiss made her panting, and she lay in his arms coquettishly.

The best time with Yun Zheng is such a time.


When Lian Siyue was dreaming, Feng Yunzheng was turning over the portrait, staring at it affectionately for a long time, with a slight smile on his lips, raised his hand to touch the face of the portrait, and murmured, " Yue'er, once in a while, let me enter your dream and guard you in the dream, that's fine too."

"Your Highness Ninth Prince." When he was intoxicated in Lian Siyue's picture scroll, a voice sounded outside.

"Come in." He put down the scroll and said,

After a while, Night Breeze and Leng Mei walked in together.

"How, is there any news about the snatched Xiao Fu?" Feng Yunzheng raised his eyes and asked the two subordinates.

Leng Mei stepped forward and said, "Go back to Your Highness, we found a few children named Xiao Fu, they are all the same age, and they live in different places."

"Your Highness, it seems that the Fourth Highness has snatched Xiao Fu away. This is obviously a deliberate maze. None of us have seen Xiao Fu, and we don't know what he looks like." Night Breeze said, really did not expect, then The Fourth Highness seemed to have an immortal body, they were all demoted to northern Xinjiang, and they came back to snatch their sons.

There was a cold smile on the corner of Feng Yunzheng's lips, and he said, "Feng Qianyue is undoubtedly the one who has prepared so far. In order to keep his son, he has taken great pains, but he has never seen him treat anyone other than himself. After going through so much trouble, this son was originally a burden to him, so he tried every means to stay."

"Your Highness, you have to find out that the child is the real Xiao Fu, so you can arrest him and interrogate him. Otherwise, if the interrogation is wrong and the news leaks out, you may startle the snake." Night Breeze said.

"It's useless to arrest anyone for interrogation. How could Feng Qianyue tell others about his whereabouts? Even if he did, it must be false. Don't bother to interrogate. Through this matter, it can be confirmed that Feng Qianyue has been to Ling The city is enough." Feng Yunzheng said, "Lingcheng is not close but not far from here. It seems that he came to seek revenge from the king after he settled his son."

"Then now, where are we going to find the whereabouts of His Royal Highness?" Leng Mei asked.

It was rare for her to have a feeling of lingering fear. She had personally experienced the matter of His Royal Highness burning the Lianxiang Mansion. This person had no reason at all and was completely surrounded by hatred. She was worried that he would secretly deal with His Highness Ninth.

"Don't look for it, wait for him to find it by himself." Feng Yunzheng said with a half-truth and half-fake smile on his face, "Or, he has already found it, but we haven't noticed it yet. .”

"The enemy is clear and we are dark, and the Fourth Highness is so insane and unreasonable. Your Highness, you must be careful! Leng Mei, from today onwards, you and I will never leave His Highness's side! Your Highness, let me stay with Leng Mei every step of the way." Just watch over you!" Night Breeze's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and an ominous premonition filled him, which made him feel uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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