First-class daughter

Chapter 108 Green Branch Explosion

Chapter 108 Green Branch Explosion
Chapter 108 Green Branch Explosion
"Pfft... demon method?" Lian Siyue couldn't help laughing out loud. She thought that Lian Shiya could see through parrots and she was not confused, but she didn't expect to think of "demon method".

Seeing that Lian Siyue could still laugh, Lian Shiya felt that she had been insulted again, and became even more furious, so she raised her hand and rushed towards her——

"When her hand was about to slap Lian Siyue's face, suddenly, a green shadow came from the side like a gust of wind, and quickly pinched her wrist. Immediately, she yelled "Ah", pain Her wrist was about to fall off, she pushed Lian Shiya back, staggered twice, and fell heavily to the ground.

She raised her head and took a closer look, the person who attacked her turned out to be a maid in a green shirt!

What?A mere maid actually dared to do something to her.

"Baby maid, what are you, dare to do something to Miss San, come here! Tie her up for me!" Aunt Xiao hurried to Xianheyuan when she heard the news. Lian Shiya started to make a move, and immediately became furious, not caring about dealing with Lian Siyue, and immediately ordered.

"Yes!" Several women and maidservants obeyed the order and walked over at the same time. The flesh on Nanny Qin's face trembled twice, and she said, "Catch this little bitch and beat me to death!"

"You..." Seeing that these people were about to beat up regardless of the eldest lady's presence, Qing Dai immediately took a step forward, but was stopped by Lian Siyue.

A few servant girls surrounded Lu Zhi, and Nanny Qin stretched out her hand to pinch Lu Zhi's waist.

Luzhi snorted coldly, her face was expressionless, and there was a hint of contempt and disdain in her eyes. Just before Nanny Qin was about to touch her body, she turned around nimbly and caught her at a dizzying speed. Nanny Qin's arm, and then pulled it hard——

There was only a crackling sound, and the bone broke, and Nanny Qin suddenly tilted her body and fell to the ground, her hands drooping, howling like a pig being slaughtered.

The rest of the people were stunned when they saw that this seemingly ordinary maid had such good skills, Lu Zhi's face became even colder, and these servants couldn't help but took two steps back.

And Lian Siyue stood calmly at the door, looking at everything in front of her with cold eyes.

"What are you still doing standing there? Come up together, teach me a lesson on this lowly servant girl, go!" Lian Shiya was almost bewildered, and ordered in a sharp voice.

The women and maids didn't dare to disobey, so they rushed over together as if they were going all out, but!




After several screams one after another, the six maidservants were thrown out of the door one by one by the green branches, stacked on top of each other like arhats, and they couldn't get up for a long time.

Luzhi looked coldly at these people who kept talking, and said, "Get out! Don't dirty the young lady's place!"

"You, you..." Aunt Xiao didn't expect that the taciturn maid beside Lian Siyue was actually such a skilled person!
She stood in front of Lian Siyue, and these people couldn't even get close to Lian Siyue's body.

"Let's go!" Aunt Xiao knew that if she stayed any longer, not only would she not be able to get any benefits, but she might alarm the old lady, so she picked up Lian Shiya and hurried away.

After walking a few steps, she turned around, looked at Lian Siyue's cold face, and said, "Miss, you are so poisonous."

"Poison?" Lian Siyue smirked, then narrowed her eyes slightly, overflowing with a bone-piercing coldness, "That's right, I will be a cold-blooded and ruthless poisonous girl in this life, so Aunt Xiao must cheer up, otherwise I will kill you." I don’t know how to poison to death, I will find it very boring.”

"..." Aunt Xiao felt a bone-piercing coldness slowly rising from the soles of her feet, she trembled all over, and said, "Miss, I am always waiting." Yes, it seems that the chaos caused by Lian Siyue's defeat.

"Let's go!" Aunt Xiao helped Lian Shiya out of the courtyard door, and said to the maids on the ground, "Get up quickly, it's a shame to be here."

Qingdai, Jiangxiang and the other ladies and maids in the yard once again fell in admiration of Luzhi, and even applauded.

"Miss, you've already left." Luzhi walked in front of Lian Siyue, bowed her head, and said.

Lian Siyue raised the corners of her lips, and said, "Be gentler next time."

"Those who bully the eldest lady never thought of being soft!" Lu Zhi said.

"Is this what your master said?" Lian Siyue asked.

Luzhi blushed, and said, "This is what the servant said." After a pause, she continued, "But, the master probably meant the same thing."

Lian Siyue smiled, and said, "I'm afraid that your hands will hurt. For these fragile people, you can use only [-]% of your strength."

"...Yes, the slaves will pay attention in the future." She is so loyal that it is extremely reassuring.

"Let's all go into the house." Lian Siyue said to everyone.

"Miss..." After the tune, when Lian Siyue was about to approach the boudoir, Lu Zhi called out behind her.

"What else?"

"The master said, whoever bullies the young lady, the young lady just bullies him back, he will be the support of the young lady from now on, the young lady has nothing to be afraid of." Luzhi told Lian Siyue what the master explained.

backing?Even after Siyue lived her whole life, she never expected to have any backing, and at the same time, she didn't need a backing, no need!
This is a bloody road, she will walk barefoot over the tip of the knife, her muscles and bones will be broken, and she will not hesitate to bleed into a river.

"Let's rest first, as long as you can rest, tonight is also a restless night." Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya have suffered a lot here, how can they let it go?

She walked into the room and closed the door, leaving Green Branch standing outside to watch.

Qingquanyuan is in chaos at the moment.

Most of the maids and wives were injured, and there were not many people who served Lian Shiya, so Aunt Xiao had to do it herself, wipe her face and change her clothes.

She received several slaps in the princess mansion today, and her face was swollen.

She was lying on the bed, stroking her hot and swollen face, weeping all the time, crying about Lian Siyue's various evil deeds today, then sat up suddenly, and said sharply:
"Mother, I suffered all kinds of insults in the Princess Mansion today. In the future, who else will be willing to pay attention to me? All of this was done by Lian Siyue, and it was her conspiracy that made me..."

"Slap!" Suddenly, Aunt Xiao raised her hand and slapped Lian Shiya's face again, her mouth that had been chattering was finally closed, she looked at Aunt Xiao in astonishment, "Mother..."

"How did your uncle and I teach you since childhood? They want you to remain dignified and behave more noble and mysterious than Lian Siyue in front of the princes, but you... actually act as Laoshizi's token of love and return the king's heart." Like my heart, I’m so ashamed for you! It’s all right now, the things are not sent out, but everyone knows it, and Princess An is angry. In the future, don’t say that the emperor will not allow you to marry his son , that is, those princes themselves won’t want you anymore. Your uncle knows about this, but he still doesn’t know what to do. Even if he gives up on you, it’s possible. He won’t want a useless person!

Just think about it!If your uncle abandons you, then what else do our mothers have?From now on, Lian Siyue's mother and daughter will only be able to ride on their heads forever, how could you never have imagined it! "Aunt Xiao said, trembling with anger.

"...Mum, it was you who told me since I was a child that I was born from a concubine. I have to fight and grab to get what I want, otherwise I would have nothing. I look so immature that Lian Siyue is proud of herself." Lian Shiya covered her eyes. With a straight face, tears streaming down his face, he cried.

"That's not the way to fight and grab! I told you over and over again to hold your breath, hold your breath... But you, you are still so unbelievable!" Aunt Xiao sighed, only feeling a splitting headache.

"Then, what should I do now?" Lian Shiya panicked, she held Aunt Xiao's hand tightly, "Mother, please, tell uncle not to give up on me."

"The only plan for now is..."

"Miss San, Aunt Xiao, Prime Minister... Your Excellency Prime Minister is here, seems, seems to be very angry." Lily ran in sweating profusely, and said in a hurry.

"What should I do? Mother, my father must have come to punish me. I angered Princess An. He..." Lian Shiya trembled with fright when she heard that Lian Yanqing had rushed over, and her fragile face turned pale. .

"Don't worry, don't worry, there will be a solution." Aunt Xiao also panicked, she stood up and sat down immediately, sat down and stood up again, it is really a big deal to annoy Princess An, and it will affect her if she is not careful. Lian Yanqing will definitely attach great importance to official career.

"Bang!" At this time, there was only a loud bang on the door, and Lian Yanqing appeared at the door with a face full of anger, that expression almost killed people!
Lian Shiya was so frightened that she slid from the edge of the bed to the floor——

"Father, father..." Her tongue was almost rolling as she spoke.

"Master..." Aunt Xiao had never seen Lian Yanqing angry at them like this, and she was so frightened that her face turned pale, like a fallen leaf in the wind, extremely weak.

"Crack!" Lian Yanqing walked over a few steps, raised his hand, slapped Aunt Xiao's face, and cursed angrily, "Look at you, what kind of daughter did you teach to act like a monster in front of Princess An? I really don't know how to live or die! I don't know what to say!"

Aunt Xiao was stunned. She had been with Lian Yanqing for so many years, and even Yanqing loved her very much, and he never said anything serious, but now he actually slapped her——

It shows how much this matter has affected Lian Yanqing, and it also shows what a disaster Lian Shiya has caused.

Yes, Lian Yanqing was discussing the flood victims with his colleagues in the palace, but when he suddenly heard that Lian Shiya had caused a catastrophe in the princess mansion, he hurried out of the palace and went to the princess mansion to see Anguo, but An Guo was resting.

So, a majestic prime minister, in order to eliminate Princess Anguo's dissatisfaction and prejudice towards the prime minister's mansion, he knelt outside Princess Anguo's bedroom for two full hours until she woke up, and presented twelve rare night pearls , pleaded guilty again and again, and finally got Princess Anguo's sentence: I will not pursue it anymore, and the prime minister can return home with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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