First-class daughter

Chapter 109 What's Wrong

Chapter 109 What's Wrong
Chapter 109 What's Wrong
"My lord, my lord has been wronged, this is not the third lady's intention." Aunt Xiao raised her red and swollen face, knelt on the ground and cried to Lian Yanqing.

"You still dare to talk to her!" Lian Yanqing was so angry that he grabbed the kettle on the table next to him and smashed it on the ground, "Which one is not her intention? The parrot is not what she wants to take, and the jade pendant is not hers." ?”

"My lord, think about it carefully, don't you think it's strange?" Aunt Xiao said with tears in her eyes, "Originally, the third lady had good intentions and wanted to please the lord in front of the princess, but she spoke lightly. , nothing, unlike the Eldest Miss, who can sit and chat happily with the princes, have a good marriage in the future, and protect the master, so she can only work a little bit on some small things. She heard that Princess An's favorite When the parrot died, he tried everything possible to buy a parrot.

The parrot was fine at first, and many people had heard it say auspicious words, but it suddenly disappeared three days ago, and today the third lady suddenly appeared before going to the princess mansion, and then the parrot pecked the princess on the face.

Don't you think this is strange, master?Why did the parrot disappear, and why did it appear when Miss San was most anxious? "

After hearing Aunt Xiao's words, Lian Yanqing calmed down a little, and said, "You mean, someone tampered with the parrot?"

"Yes." Aunt Xiao nodded, and then secretly observed Lian Yanqing's expression.

"Who could it be?" Lian Yanqing narrowed his eyes slightly, and began to think about what Aunt Xiao said.

"Yes..." Lian Shiya eagerly wanted to say that it was Lian Siyue, but Aunt Xiao stopped her with her eyes, and she continued, "It's not just this time, master, think about it carefully, this paragraph As time goes by, all kinds of incidents are always happening in our mansion, and it hasn't been quiet for a few days, isn't it... strange? It has never happened like this before."

Aunt Xiao slowly and skillfully led the matter to Lian Siyue, Lian Shiya noticed her intention and said, "Father, if my parrot is unreliable, how dare I get the princess's parrot?" Go to..."

"Then what about your jade pendant? Someone framed you too?" Lian Yanqing snorted coldly, his face becoming even colder.

"I..." Lian Shiya was speechless all of a sudden, and this became a shadow point that she could never erase for the rest of her life.

"Master, who is not at the age of lovesickness? The third lady did something wrong. She was also punished. She was beaten by the princess, the old lady, and the eldest lady, and she was humiliated in public. .But, if you let go of those who are behind the scenes, this is connivance!"

"You mean... is it that Siyue is playing tricks in the dark?" Lian Yanqing asked in a cold voice.

Aunt Xiao hurriedly knelt down, with a look of fear, and said, "My lord, please forgive me. I don't dare to mention the name of the eldest lady. Now everyone around the eldest lady is a god. Today, just a little maid will kill the three. Miss was beaten, the old lady and maidservant outside my yard must have seen it when the master came in, they were all injured by that maidservant, especially Nanny Qin, her arm bones were broken."

"Yeah, father, look at my hand." Lian Shiya raised her hand weakly and said, "This maid doesn't know why, but just pinched my wrist, and my wrist became swollen. In this way, Eldest Sister has never dissuaded her, if in the future she strikes at the master of the house if she is not happy, then... so what will happen. "

"What?" Lian Yanqing was taken aback, "Is there such an ignorant person beside Yue'er?"

"Master..." Aunt Xiao wiped away her tears and said, "Maybe the young lady was bewitched by something to keep such a dangerous person by her side."

Seeing Lian Yanqing's frown gradually, she felt relieved gradually——

Very good, I have already led Lian Yanqing to think about Lian Siyue!

"Father, my daughter has really been wronged by the heavens. Father must investigate clearly and return my innocence, otherwise, my daughter will die with regret!" Lian Shiya Lihua cried from time to time, as if she had been wronged by the heavens. .

"Master, no matter whether you still believe in me or not, no matter whether you feel pity for the third lady or not, even if it's for the prime minister's house, for this back house, let's investigate once." Aunt Xiao continued to say from the side.

"Yeah, father, and that maid who beat people, when did our Prime Minister's Mansion become so indistinguishable between master and servant, and slaves attack masters, if this is learned by other slaves, or passed on..." Lian Shi Ya Ji hated what Lu Zhi did to her, and she must teach this desperate maid a lesson.

"Go to Xianheyuan!" Lian Yanqing turned around and walked out with a dark face, thinking in his heart, Yue'er has indeed become very different since he came back from Yaocheng, if she dares to do something that will harm him He will never forgive his father's matter lightly.

"Yes." Aunt Xiao was overjoyed, and hurriedly helped Lian Shiya up, and said in a low voice, "In case she makes sophistry, we all have to go and have a look. Don't talk nonsense later, let me talk about it."

"Mom, I got it! Father has already suspected her. We can't sleep well, and she can't sleep well either."

As the two mother and daughter spoke, they quickened their pace and followed behind Lian Yanqing, and hurried to Xianhe Courtyard, their eyes sparkled with excitement.

It's night, and the night is as cool as it should be.

Lian Siyue didn't sleep, sitting in front of the desk and flipping through the books, Qingdai pushed open the door, walked over gently, and said, "Miss, I've been busy all day today, it's already late at night, why don't you go to the bed and rest first. "

Lian Siyue put down the book, glanced at the erratic candlelight, then looked at the sky outside the window, and said, "No need, it should be here by the time." A faint look appeared on her face.

"Miss, the prime minister has brought Aunt Xiao and Miss San over here." As soon as she finished speaking, the maid Bai Wei hurried in, with a nervous expression on her face, she said worriedly, "Luzhi, she... Will she be arrested by the prime minister?"

"Go out and have a look." However, Lian Siyue still didn't feel nervous at all, put down the scroll and walked out.

Lu Zhi nodded to her, and said, "Miss, no matter what the Prime Minister wants to do, I can bear it, Miss, don't get angry."

When she spoke, she was always so expressionless, as if she never smiled.

Lian Siyue looked at her and said, "Lu Zhi, no one can do anything to you, including my father." There was no doubt in that voice.

At this time, a flame appeared at the entrance of Xianhe Courtyard, and Lian Yanqing walked in, with no anger or doubt on his face, instead he looked at Lian Siyue calmly.

Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya who followed stood behind Lian Yanqing.

Lian Siyue walked over unhurriedly, bent his knees, and said, "Yue'er pays homage to his father, it's so late, I don't know if father is coming, what do you want to tell Yue'er."

Seeing her demeanor, Lian Yanqing felt that she was indeed different, she was the appearance of his most satisfied first daughter, but... this change was really strange, he had to figure it out.

"Which one is the green branch?" He looked around the crowd with his majestic eyes, then looked at Lian Siyue, and asked.

"Slave maid." Lu Zhi stepped forward, saluting like an ordinary maid, but her posture was neither humble nor overbearing. Lian Yanqing's inquiring eyes fell on Lu Zhi, looking at her like this, she really didn't look like an ordinary maid.

"Come on! Tie her up for me!" Lian Yanqing's expression darkened suddenly, and he ordered. Immediately, several nurses rushed in to tie up the green branches. Lian Shiya's face showed a smile With a happy smile, this servant girl has angered her father and will never end well.

Seeing those guards approaching, Luzhi's eyes were fixed, and there was a dangerous breath in his eyes. With a move of his hand, the hidden weapon slipped from his cuff to his palm.

"Wait!" Lian Siyue stepped forward, blocked in front of him, and said sharply, "Who dares to mess around?"

"Eldest sister, you... are you actually disobedient to father's wishes? Father wants to tie up a girl, doesn't it mean that he doesn't have the right?" Lian Shiya deliberately provoked, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Lian Siyue glanced at Lian Shiya lightly, and said, "Third sister, you just caused a big disaster, it's best to be quiet, Princess An's face hasn't healed yet, and your head is still on her You should still burn incense and pray to the Buddha, and ask the Bodhisattva to bless her face back to its original state."

"I..." With these words, Lian Shiya's arrogance disappeared all at once, "The parrot is also you..."

"Miss San, let the Prime Minister speak." Aunt Xiao was afraid that Lian Shiya and Lian Siyue would quarrel again, so she hurriedly stopped her and signaled her not to worry.

"Father, you want to tie up my maid, can you let my daughter know what Luzhi did wrong?" Lian Siyue looked at Lian Yanqing again and asked.

Lian Yanqing's face was cold, and he said, "A mere servant dares to attack the master brutally, and even injured several servants. My Prime Minister's Mansion will never tolerate such a person. I must teach her a good lesson today, and then drive her out of the mansion. No more coming in."

"Obviously she is sincerely protecting the lord, but it is said to be disrespectful to the lord. Isn't father going to ask why my maidservant did this?" Lian Siyue stared at Lian Yanqing's eyes with sincerity. A thin layer of mist flickered, and Lian Yanqing's heart trembled slightly when he saw this gaze.

"No matter what the reason, as long as she beats the master, it will be absolutely unforgivable! This is the rule of the Prime Minister's House, and no one should violate it." Lian Yanqing will definitely put the rules of the Prime Minister's House first.

"Then, what about the concubine's younger sister who wants to beat the first sister? How should she be punished? Is this the rule of the Xiangfu?" Lian Siyue never retreated, aggressively, said——

"What did you say?" Lian Shiya's face turned pale.

"The third sister caused a great disaster in the princess' mansion. In order to appease the princess' anger and comfort the whole Xiangfu, the grandmother who was originally highly respected knelt down, kowtowed, and begged for mercy in front of so many people. Secretly sneered, it was so hard for the princess to spare the third sister's life.

But you, third sister, not only do you not reflect on your words and deeds, as soon as I come back from the princess mansion, you jump out and kick and beat me, you are not enough alone, even Aunt Xiao brought a group of women and maids to find me Trouble!More than a dozen people wanted to beat me, and my servant girl acted to protect the Lord in order to protect me from being abused. What's wrong with that?

(End of this chapter)

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