First-class daughter

Chapter 110 Won't Forgive

Chapter 110 Won't Forgive
Chapter 110 Won't Forgive
And father, instead of going after the fault of the third sister for causing a catastrophe, and not going after the fault of Aunt Xiao for raising her daughter improperly, he is in a hurry to go after my maid.

Father, what did I do wrong?
When I came back from Yaocheng, I endured it again and again, but what did I get in the end?
Tonight, my father only listened to a few words of provocation, and in the middle of the night, he led a large number of people, regardless of indiscriminately, to break into my yard, trying to arrest my maid.

If this gets out, how will I gain a foothold in the Prime Minister's Mansion?
Father, you think of Third Sister in everything, and stand up for Aunt Xiao in everything, what about me?Where is my mother?Father, have you ever thought about us?
How many grievances has my mother suffered in these years?How many tears shed, do you know?

Too eccentric!

Father is too eccentric!

It's so chilling! "

As Lian Siyue spoke, her eye sockets were stained with a layer of mist, and her face showed a mournful look, which was moving.

Although it was an act, her words also contained seventy percent of the truth. In the previous life, her father was eccentric, but in this life, there is still no change. Although she does not place any hope, she no longer bothers to get the favor of Lian Yanqing, a father. She loves her, but she feels worthless for her mother!
"Yue'er..." The interrogation fell on Lian Yanqing's heart, and Lian Yanqing suddenly felt a little guilty, and the anger on his face was not the same as before.

However, Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya did not expect that Lian Siyue would be so courageous as to question Lian Yanqing in public.You know, Lian Yanqing is the absolute authority in this family, even the second, third, and fourth masters in the family obey his orders and dare not make mistakes, and even the mother would not use such attitude to speak to him.

And Lian Siyue, she dared.

But Lian Yanqing was the prime minister after all, although he was touched by Lian Siyue's repeated questioning, but——

His face was still gloomy, and his voice was cold and authentic, "No matter what, the slave must never do anything to the master. This rule cannot be broken. If she does something today, she will be punished! Someone, tie her up, punish her forty times, and drive her away." He will never be hired in the prime minister's office, just to make an example."

"Yes!" The guards came forward again to catch Lvzhi.

"If this is the case, then my father will also tie me up!" Lian Siyue took a step forward and said with a determined face.


At this time, a majestic voice sounded!

I saw that mother Lian with an angry face came in with the support of Lian Jue, and hit the ground several times with her cane!

Lian Jue was going back to Wenhua Courtyard to rest after greeting his grandmother, but at the corner, he saw Lian Yanqing, Aunt Xiao and others walking towards Xianhe Courtyard, so he hurried back to Qing'an Courtyard to invite Lian Mu come over.

"Old lady..."


Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya didn't expect Lian's mother to come by such a coincidence. At this time in the past, she had already rested.

Lian Mu walked over in three steps at a time, and Lian Siyue hurriedly greeted her, "Grandmother..." Although she didn't complain, her eyes were red, and Lian Siyue understood everything when she looked at her.

Her complexion became even uglier.

"Mother, why are you here?" Lian Yanqing quickly stepped forward, lowered his head, and said respectfully.

"Hmph." Lian Mu said with a gloomy face, "If I don't come, Yue'er will suffer a lot!"

"..." Lian Yanqing was so choked up by Lian's mother that she couldn't speak.

She pointed at Lian Shiya with her cane, and scolded:
"Little bastard, you caused a catastrophe by yourself, and instead of repenting, you dare to blame your eldest sister, causing a lot of restlessness. You mother and daughter think my old woman is dead, don't you?"

"Grandmother, Ya'er dare not..." Lian Shiya quickly knelt down, and Aunt Xiao also knelt down—

"Old madam, I really don't dare, Miss San was wronged, that's why..."

"What wronged? What wronged her? You didn't ask for it, and you didn't kill yourself! I don't want her to go to the princess mansion, so you tried your best to force her to go, go Just go, like Sheng Ru and Wan Yin, honestly, and divide their duties, so nothing will happen!

But she is dressed up in a beautiful way, like a butterfly, flying around, for fear that others will not see her!

It's another show for the princes and nobles, another macaw, and another jade pendant for love!

You blame Yue'er, did Yue'er ask her to do these things?
If you want to say grievances, who of you has Yueer grievances!
Do you think the princess will spare this little bastard just because of me?Here, there is Yue'er's contribution!Because Yue'er's performance has been liked by the princess, she will give Yue'er a bit of a nudge!

Fortunately, now, one by one, you are all here to trouble her! "

After Lian's mother finished speaking, her face was red and her ears were flushed, and she was out of breath, which showed how angry she was at the moment!
"Grandmother..." Lian Siyue couldn't help exerting a little force on the hand supporting Lian's mother. She had never heard of such words of defense in her previous life.

In fact, even the mother is a person who treats her children and grandchildren kindly, and she will not be too partial.

It's just that in the previous life, Lian Siyue always disappointed Lian's mother, and Lian Shiya was so outstanding, over time, she also favored Lian Shiya.

With these words, Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya couldn't even raise their heads, they were ashamed and lost all face.

No one has ever seen Lianmu lose such a big temper.

"Mother, Ya'er made a mistake, and my son will not be merciless. Shan Siyue'er's slave will not do anything to his master, but he will not allow it. He will punish himself, and he will not be able to stay in the prime minister's house in the future." Lian Yanqing still insisted on punishing Lu branch.

"I arranged the green branch for Yue'er, who has any objections?" Unexpectedly, Lian's mother said.


After hearing this, Lian Siyue was stunned again. Grandmother recognized Lu Zhi as her person, which not only acquiesced in Lu Zhi's behavior of beating Lian Shiya, but also blocked other people's mouths.

"..." Aunt Xiao was also stunned. When the old lady said this, didn't she mean that she was the one who signaled to fight Lian Shiya?This... This makes Lian Shiya's face where else to put it?
" was mother's arrangement." Even Yanqing was also surprised.

"Yue'er suffered a lot of grievances in Yaocheng, and she didn't have a moment of peace when she returned home. Why don't I arrange a few more waiters for her to relieve her boredom?" Lian Mu asked repeatedly.

"My son doesn't dare. Since the mother personally arranged it, then there is no need to pursue it." Da Zhou is very particular about filial piety, and Lian Yanqing is also a well-known filial son, he is very obedient to Lian's mother,

Mother Lian looked at Aunt Xiao with sharp eyes, Aunt Xiao felt her heart was stabbed suddenly, and she lowered her head.

"Yanqing is a dignified prime minister. Every day he has to talk about the shooting with the emperor, but he is dragged in by you time and time again to get involved in the rear house! If this matter gets out, it will reach the emperor's ears, and someone who cares will say it. It is necessary to describe a majestic prime minister as a person who does not do his job properly and indulges in the boudoir... Can you, a little aunt, bear this crime? When the time comes, I am afraid that the entire prime minister's mansion will be buried with you!"

"Old lady, I don't dare to be a concubine, I don't dare to be a concubine." Aunt Xiao shrank from fear.

"Don't you dare? What else are you afraid of? Xiaoshi, I think you are very daring!" Lian Mu hit the crutch vigorously.

"Grandmother..." Lian Shiya wanted to explain something.

"Get out of here, don't be in a place where the moon is dirty!" However, when Mother Lian got angry, she drove the mother and daughter out.

"Grandmother..." After Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya walked out in despair, Lian Shiya bent her knees, knelt on the ground, solemnly kowtowed three times to Mother Lian, and said emotionally, "Let you run again , The granddaughter is very disturbed, thank the grandmother for making the decision."

"Hey..." Lian's mother sighed, helped Lian Siyue up herself, and said, "You are the only one who can do this as a prostitute. Get up, you have been tired all day, take a rest earlier." Let’s go. And Jue’er, let’s go and rest too.”

"Yes, grandma." Lian Siyue and Lian Jue said in unison.

Lian's mother showed a trace of tiredness on her face, she called Lian Yanqing and left Xianheyuan together without saying anything more.

The couple walked on the corridor.

Mother Lian sighed deeply, and asked, "Are you really worthy of Rong?"

Lian Yanqing's heart trembled, "Mother, at least the position of Mrs. Xiangfu will be reserved for her forever, and she will not move."

"Do you think people care about the position of the mistress?" Lianmu shook her head with a wry smile on her face.

Lian Yanqing remained silent.

"That is also the person who married you when he was more than ten years old. All these years, everyone knows how much you have doted on Xiao Shi. She didn't say it. It's not that she doesn't mind or is not sad, it's because she At first, I also misunderstood her, thinking that she couldn't be a mistress, and everything was muddled, but later I realized that it was Xiao's obstruction that led to this situation.

It's the same for Yue'er, you know how well she behaved in Princess An's mansion today, I am really gratified now.And you, look at you today, it was Ya'er who made a big mistake, and you were going to teach her a lesson, but after listening to Aunt Xiao crying and saying a few words, you immediately ran to Xianheyuan to make trouble .

You also try to truly accept this daughter.

and also……"

Mother Lian stopped, looked at the son, and said, "It's not like you don't know the consequences of doting on your concubine and destroying your wife."

"But, mother, what if these are all Yue'er's schemes?" Lian Yanqing's words made Lian's mother's heart tremble, and she said——

"What do you mean by that?"

"Mother, although I have always doted on Aunt Xiao, but this time I came to find Yue'er not just because I believed her words, but because I think Yue'er seems suspicious." Lian Yanqing said in a deep voice.

"Suspicious? What's suspicious? Why can't I see it?" Mother Lian frowned and asked.

"Let's talk about it after my son checks it out. If Yue'er deliberately disturbs the peace of Houzhai, I will never let her go!"

Lian Yanqing's words made Lian's mother break into a cold sweat.

Moon?Is there a problem?

Prince Heng's Mansion.


Feng Yunzheng stood in front of the desk and was writing with a brush. His robe was white and spotless, and the border of the robe was a golden hollow border. He didn't tie his hair, and his long black jade-like hair was scattered. Compared with the daytime, at this moment Three points more lazy.

(End of this chapter)

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