Chapter 111
Chapter 111
With cold eyebrows downcast, he recounted everything that happened after returning from Princess Anguo's Mansion to Prime Minister's Mansion. Feng Yunzheng continued to write while listening.

It wasn't until Leng Mei finished speaking that he put down his pen, smiled brightly, and said, "When dealing with someone who intends to harm me, you must hit him hard and fast. Don't give the other party a chance to breathe. She's getting more and more proficient."

Originally, he was very worried about how she would survive in front of this wolf-like Aunt Xiao after her rebirth, but now it seems that his worry was unnecessary. Like him, she has experienced the most painful torture and pain in the world Betrayed, he learned clever calculations and schemes.

"What she wants to do, let her do it, and you help her. If you can't do it, come to me in time, and I will do it." Feng Yunzheng ordered again.

"Yes, this subordinate obeys the order." Leng Mei nodded and accepted the order. After a moment's pause, she said again, "Miss seems to be trying to find a way to save the concubine Liang. It seems that she wants to help His Highness."

Feng Yunzheng listened with surprise on his face——

In her rebirth, she didn't ignore him, she still missed him!He suddenly felt a surge of excitement in his heart. After he died, did she know it too?

Did you cry too?
"Do you know? At that time, I was never afraid of death. I was afraid. After I died, no one would say a word for her. Then she was really pitiful."

Feng Yunzheng's eyes were a little dazed, and he said something he didn't understand, with a hint of doubt on his cold brows——

"Your Highness, what death... who is going to die?"

At this time, Feng Yunzheng had recovered from the memories of that previous life, and his face recovered a touch of coldness and firmness. He said:
"In her Jiji year, this king will definitely return to the court and turn things around! This time, I won't wait too long." 】

Now, the first step he intends to do is to let the emperor reappoint the abolished prince Fengming as the prince, and beat all the princes, especially Feng Qianyue, by surprise.

"Night Breeze!"

He summoned Night Breeze into the study and ordered, "Go find this person, and give him this letter after you find it. Be sure to bring him to this king within three days."

"Yes." Night Breeze took the order, put Feng Yunzheng's handwritten letter into his arms, and went out in the dark.

In the evening, Lian Siyue didn't sleep, she sat in front of the desk and wrote something intently, Qingdai added oil to the candle twice, and didn't put down her pen until dawn.

Seeing her yawning, Qing Dai stepped forward and said, "Miss, what do you want to write, you have to stay up all night, if this continues, it will be bad for your health."

But Lian Siyue, as if she didn't hear Qingdai's nagging, kept frowning, and muttered, "Why do I always feel something is wrong? This is the prescription Dong Shen gave me back then, but Why are you always unreliable?"

"Miss, what are you writing?" Qing Dai was extremely curious.

Lian Siyue rubbed her eyes with her hands, yawned, stretched again, and said, "It's the first time my head feels blocked, I'm going to take a rest."

After speaking, he got up and went back to the boudoir to sleep, but got up again after only two hours of sleep, and continued to write. He even took a few bites of breakfast, and opened a long list of books for Jiang Maids like Xiang and Bai Wei found a table full of medical books and read them one by one.

Then, let Lian Jue go out and buy her a lot of medicinal ingredients, grind them one by one, and then mix them together to make a transparent ointment.

After such a continuous sleepless night and forgetting to eat and drink, the smoldering between her brows still couldn't dissipate, she frowned and said, "

"The smell is always wrong, and there are always two things missing. I can't remember what is wrong. It seems that I have to find Dong Shen."

It turns out that even Siyue has been making something called "Shuhen Glue" for the past few days. In the previous life, in order to protect Feng Qianyue, she risked herself to stand in front of him, but a brown bear bit off a piece of her face. Flesh, leaving a horrible and ugly scar on his face ever since.

Later, she met Dong Shen, who was hailed as a miracle doctor at that time, and she devoted herself to learning medical skills from Dong Shen. Dong Shen also specially developed a transparent ointment called Scar Gum for her, which was applied on the scar several times a day. The scar gradually faded away.

However, before she had time to use up a box, Feng Qianyue put her in the cold palace, and then she was tortured endlessly, and she no longer cared about the soothing glue.

Now that I think about it carefully, the scars on her face are old, thick, hard and ugly, but after using only half a box of scar gel, it has faded a little. It can be seen that this scar gel has a miraculous effect on scars.

Then, if the scratches on Princess An's face were covered with Shuhen glue, they would definitely recover soon. Lian Siyue estimated that Lian Siyue would go to Princess An's mansion to plead guilty again in one or two days. The healing glue was made and sent to the princess mansion.

Dong Shen, Dong Shen, Dong Shen...

Lian Siyue sat at the desk, recited the name silently, and recalled his past life. At this time, Dong Shen was about forty years old, but he had not yet become famous in the capital, so he must not be in the capital——

Dong Shen is from Huaizhong, so he has to go to Huaizhong to find him.

However, just when she was about to find a way to find someone, Luzhi had already put the formula of Shuhenjiao in front of her.

"This is..." A rare surprise flashed in her eyes, and she moved faster than her?

"Dong Shen originally said that he had never developed Hemorrhoid Gum, and he had never heard of such a thing. Later, the master used a little trick and locked him in the pharmacy for three days and three nights, and he figured it out. Let’s see, miss, if it’s the case.” Luzhi said, Dong Shen certainly doesn’t know about the Shuhenjiao now, and according to the time trajectory of the previous life, the Shuhenjiao happened eight years later.

Lian Siyue took the formula written by Dong Shen himself, looked down, and compared the formula she wrote with it, only to find that there were two things missing in her formula——

The same is fish bone glue, and the same is white otter marrow.

She immediately showed joy, and immediately told Qing Dai, "Go and find these two things, grind them into the finest powder, and I will make it again."

This time, it will definitely be a success, and the hen-soothing glue can come in handy.

"Yes." Seeing that her young lady finally showed a smile on her face, Qing Dai also relaxed, and went out quickly to find what she wanted.

Lian Siyue put down her pen and ink and the formula, looked at Lu Zhi meaningfully, and said, "I was thinking, it's time to meet your master's true face, this time he helped a lot again, so I should show something."

In fact, it is not difficult for her to investigate the person behind the scenes from the perspective of Luzhi. She said that the search for Dong Shen this time came so timely, which shows that this person knows her very well.

It's just that she didn't do that, because the "master" gave her a good feeling, and she wasn't in a hurry to find the answer.

"The master said that when the eldest miss reaches the age of Ji, he will take the initiative to find him openly. Now if the eldest miss really wants to thank you, she should sleep well and eat well. He doesn't want anything else."

And the year of Ji?

Lian Siyue was taken aback, the tone in these words...why does it sound familiar?

This afternoon, Lian Siyue prepared it several times according to the correct formula, and finally finished the Shuhen Gel with the same smell and color as the previous life, so she ordered someone to find a delicate box to put it in.

After solving this big problem, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and slept soundly from the afternoon until the next morning.

And early in the morning of the next day, Sijiu brought a basket of fresh lotus pods, still stained with dew, and placed them in the yard gracefully. Bai Wei and Mother Tai were helping to pick off the lotus seeds.

"This is..." Lian Siyue was very curious when she saw this basket of vibrant things.

Sijiu hurriedly put down the lotus pod and stood up, walked in front of Lian Siyue, bowed, and said——

"A few days ago, on the way to the academy, the young master passed a lotus pond and saw that the lotus pods were growing very well. He said that the eldest lady loves to eat lotus seeds, and when the lotus seeds grow the best, he will pick them for the eldest lady to eat.

He went to ask the farmer yesterday and said that these two days are the best days for harvesting lotus pods, so today he took the servants to pick lotus pods before dawn. Originally, he was going to send them over in person, but Mr. Wei wanted to check his homework today. , the young master asked me to carry the lotus back. "

Even Siyue looked at these green lotus pods, because she was usually not as bright and cheerful as her sisters, and the maids and women in the yard were also a little more silent, so whether it was Ziyun Yard or Xianhe Yard, they were always somewhat lifeless. This piece of fresh green gave her a bit more vitality.

Look at these maids, they look very happy to be stripped one by one.

"Miss, do you want to try it?" Qing Dai packed a few peeled lotus seeds on a white plate and brought them to Lian Siyue. The flesh of these lotus seeds was white and fat, plump and tender. Take a bite in your mouth, and a stream of juice flows into your mouth, it is really sweet and refreshing.

"Send some to the old lady, the second lady, the third lady, and the fourth lady." She ordered.


"Miss." At this moment, Nanny Song happened to come.

"Nurse came just in time, and was about to send lotus seeds to grandma." Lian Siyue handed the plate in her hand to Qingdai, and said.

"These lotus seeds are fresh in color and full of luster. They look really good." Nanny Song said with a smile.

"Yes, I have never eaten such sweet and delicious lotus seeds..."

"Miss, the slave came here at the order of the old lady. The old lady said that she would go to the princess mansion again to plead guilty to the princess. She asked the lady to go with her." Nanny Song explained her intention of coming.

Sure enough, she did not guess wrong at all, the old lady wanted to go to the Princess Mansion to plead guilty. These days, even Yanqing and Lian Mu are closely following the news from Princess An, as Lian Siyue said, the face of Princess An It has always been a heart disease for them. If there is even a little scar left, they can't afford it, so they have trouble sleeping and eating day and night.

Now, the old lady decided to go to the princess mansion again.

Lian Siyue said, "Grandma, wait a moment, I will come after I change my clothes."

(End of this chapter)

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