Chapter 1084
Chapter 1084
Xiao Zhenhai's reaction was completely within Xiao Hu's expectations. After being reprimanded, he didn't say anything more, and Xiao Zhenhai didn't continue to discuss with him how to conquer the generals of the Great Zhou Army, and drove him out of the military tent. .

Xiao Hu returned to his military tent in a muffled voice, and said to Xiao He who was hiding in the corner, "I guessed right, I just started to test my father, and I have already been scolded bloody by him. So, second brother No matter how good your method is, if your father is unwilling, there is nothing you can do. Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue are the two obsessions in my father's heart. Unless you can get rid of both of them, my father will not leave of.

Get rid of Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue?
"Actually, the two of them once let me go. If not, I'm afraid I would have died in the Lianxiang Mansion." Xiao He recalled that he escaped from the water prison and went to the Lianxiang Mansion to seek revenge and assassinate Feng. The situation of Yun Zheng and Lian Siyue came.

"They spared your life?" Xiao Hu was slightly stunned, unable to believe it, "Lian Siyue hates the Xiao family so much, why would they let you go once? I've never heard you mention it."

Xiao He simply told the story of how he went to seek revenge that day, failed to seek revenge, and was finally let go.

A trace of surprise appeared on Xiao Hu's face, and he finally said, "It turns out that they treat you differently, second brother."

"Actually, I don't know why they let me go." Xiao He said, at that time, it was not difficult for them to get rid of him.

"Second brother, what about Lian Lingyue? You two should be together." Xiao Hu suddenly remembered that Lingyue was here, so he asked.

There was a slight flash of affection in Xiao He's eyes, "Ling Yue'er, it's been a day overdue, are you worried about me, or, when I'm not around, you have already silently remembered the past?"

"Second brother?" Seeing Xiao He startled, Xiao Hu asked again.

"No, we are not together. He was rescued by Ye Feng, Feng Yunzheng's subordinate, and that was the last time I saw her. These days, I have been with the person from Xixia." Xiao He said .

With the previous lesson, he didn't intend to let any member of the Xiao family know Ling Yue'er's whereabouts.

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought that you would be with her after working hard." Xiao Hu said.

"Third brother, let's not talk about this. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, for fear of being suspected, I will leave as soon as it gets dark. If you don't want to die, you must keep in mind what I said to you today. I will come back when the time is right, and at that time, you will take my father away with me. When we arrive in Xixia, we will start again!" Xiao He patted Xiao Hu's shoulder vigorously, solemnly Entrusted.

Xiao Hu nodded, and said, "I see, second brother, be careful, don't let your father see you, what he often says now is, it would be great if your second brother was here, he If I see you, I will try my best to keep you here."

"Well, you should also be more careful." Xiao He gathered the helmet on his head, trying to cover his face as much as possible, so that the whole person was not very conspicuous.

When it was dark, Xiao Hu led Xiao He, who was in disguise, out of the military tent together. Xiao Hu checked the situation of the soldiers all the way at night, while approaching the exit as if nothing had happened.

All the way down, it was quite smooth, Xiao He was regarded as an ordinary soldier, no one doubted it.

Seeing that he has reached the exit that is convenient to leave.

Someone suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Hu, and said, "It's so late, and General Xiao still doesn't forget to inspect. It seems that this time he has made up his mind to turn defeat into victory, and it's shameful."

Xiao Hu took a look at Feng Qianyue, took a step forward, skillfully blocked Xiao He, and said, "Your Highness the Fourth Highness has won the award. Caring about the physical and mental health of the soldiers is what a general should do."

Standing behind with his head down, Xiao He couldn't help but be slightly taken aback when he saw Feng Qianyue, he's here too?However, his appearance had changed too much, if Xiao Hu hadn't called him Fourth Highness, he would not have recognized him all of a sudden.

"General Xiao has done what he should do, and I'm afraid he should have done what he shouldn't do." Feng Qianyue said indifferently, looking at Xiao He who was standing behind with his head bowed.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao He immediately and decisively pulled out the sword from Xiao Hu's waist, and without giving anyone any time to react, he stabbed Feng Qianyue's heart with his sword.

Feng Qianyue was taken aback, so fast?Immediately took a step back, "Go!" With an order, several soldiers rushed forward, but Xiao He's sword still slipped past Feng Qianyue's arm.

Immediately, the sleeve snapped into two, blood gushed out, and a stabbing pain came.

Xiao He didn't stop, and counted his swords again, and immediately the two guards who had just made a move were cut in front of them.

"Catch him!" Feng Qianyue said sharply, enduring the pain in his arm with a icy chill in his eyes.

Seeing that his second brother was besieged by people, Xiao Hu kicked his feet hard, and thick dust flew up, immediately blinding everyone's sight. He said in a deep voice, "Go!"

Seeing that Xiao He had stepped onto the steed, Feng Qianyue snatched the sword from the guard's hand, and shot towards Xiao He's back forcefully, only to see Xiao He dodge, and the sword brushed past his shoulder.

Without any hesitation, he kicked the horse's belly, galloped away, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Feng Qianyue covered her bleeding hand, and gave Xiao Hu a cold look, "General Xiao is quite courageous to let go of the person the young prince wants to arrest."

Xiao Hu said, "Could it be that Your Highness wants my second brother to stay? Your Highness wants to gain the support of the little prince, but between you and my second brother, I'm afraid the little prince will still choose my second brother.

If my second elder brother stays to listen to the young prince, I'm afraid the first person to deal with is you. Who made you bully his beloved woman?You brought her all the way from the capital to Youzhou, and made her suffer so much. With how much my second brother cares about her, do you think he will just let it go? "

"...Hmph!" Feng Qianyue snorted coldly, turned around and left, leaving only an indifferent back.

Xiao Hu let out a sigh of relief, just now Feng Qianyue threw the sword, and it didn't hurt the second brother's vitals, so he must have seen blood.

It's the seventh day.

Xiao He was still missing.

Ling Yue'er took Lian Yan with her while she waited, the more she waited, the more anxious she became, Xiao He is not a person who does not keep his word, something must have happened to him!

How to do it?

She was unarmed and didn't know where he went. Even if she wanted to know his whereabouts, she could do nothing but fall into panic and endless waiting.

At this moment, she was sitting silently at the door, looking into the distance, expecting that a horse would suddenly appear there, and there was a man on the horse, waving his hands and shouting loudly, "Ling Yue'er, I'm back!"

However, I kept looking at the sun, but I couldn't see that figure.

(End of this chapter)

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