Chapter 1085

Chapter 1085

Feng Qianyue covered his bleeding hand, and returned to his own account with a condensed expression. That Qingfeng was sitting in front of the bed and flipping through the scrolls.

Her movements are more and more similar to the real Lian Siyue. If someone is not familiar with Lian Siyue, it is enough to confuse the fake with the real one. Her talent for imitation is particularly strong.

In fact, because of her poor family, she is not very literate, and the reason why she reads is to train the same habits and movements as Lian Siyue.

When she looked up and saw the blood on Feng Qianyue's sleeve, she panicked for a while, hurriedly put down the scroll in her hand, stood up, and said tightly, "My lord, what do you think of your hand?"

But when she was about to touch Feng Qianyue's hand, Feng Qianyue took a step back, looked at her coldly, and said, "Have you forgotten who you are?"

Qingfeng was stunned for a moment, and then remembered that he asked her to live like Lian Siyue at all times, without any other emotions and actions.

"Lian Siyue will never be flustered when encountering such a situation. Even if she is really nervous about this person, she will not show it on her face, and your performance just now makes me feel that during this period of time, you are right. Your dedication to meditation is all in vain." Feng Qianyue went to the table and sat down, with no expression on her face, and a cold breath all over her body.

Qingfeng bent his knees, knelt on the ground, endured the tears in his eyes, and said, "My lord, I was wrong, I deserve to die, but, Qingfeng suddenly saw that your hand was injured, and for a while, I couldn't help myself. That's it, the flaws have been exposed."

"Even if you forget to imitate Lian Siyue now, what you are doing is the real yourself, but I also like the you I saw for the first time in Zuixianglou. As a guest, I will not be moved, and I will not panic even when there is a thunderbolt. I like you." Feng Qianyue said.

Qingfeng prostrated on the ground and said, "Yes, Qingfeng knows."

He warmed her heart, but he still needed that cold her.

Feng Qianyue pursed his lips and said nothing, he bit the foot of the robe himself, pulled hard, tore off a piece of cloth, then bit the end of the cloth strip with his mouth, and bound up the wound with fists and circles,
Qingfeng watched from the side, and wanted to step forward to help, but without his permission, she dared not approach him——

"Should I ask the doctor to take a look?" After all, she felt that the way he treated the wound was too hasty.

"No, this little injury is nothing, we are not qualified to be weak, let alone get too close to anyone here, you should also remember this." Feng Qianyue said.

"Yes, I understand." Qingfeng nodded and said.

Feng Qianyue raised her eyes and glanced at her lightly, and said, "Come here, bandage me up."


Qingfeng was happy in his heart, but his face still showed no emotion. He got up and walked over, knelt down beside Feng Qianyue, and carefully bandaged him.

Feng Qianyue looked coldly, concentrated, and looked at her without blinking. She knelt at his feet, surrendering because of him.It had always been like this, if he wanted a woman's heart, it would be a breeze, even though he was so lonely now, Qingfeng was still determined to work for him!
However, he couldn't be happy because Lian Siyue!Even Siyue would never do this, and would not even look her straight once!
He really looks forward to having a chance to let Lian Siyue be alone with him for a while, can he melt her away!

"My lord, it's ready." Just as he was thinking, Qingfeng put his hand back and said, then got up and prepared to leave.

Suddenly, behind Feng Qianyue, he grasped her wrist and forcefully touched his arms——

"Ah!" Qingfeng was caught off guard, let out a soft cry, and fell into his arms, a cold smile flickered across his lips.

Then, he raised Qingfeng's chin, brought his lips together, and tasted it bit by bit.

Qingfeng's heart jumped up and down. After the last time and that time, the young master has completely conquered her. Now...

She stretched out her hand, wrapped her arms around his neck, leaned forward, and hung softly on his body.

Feng Qianyue looked at her reaction coldly, then with a flick of her long hand, she brushed all the things on the desk to the ground, wrapped her arms around her waist, threw her on the desk, and put her whole body under her body.

Soon, in Qingfeng's mouth...

Inside the account, the temperature rises, full of affection and intention.

Feng Qianyue is very tough, without a trace of emotion, her face is always as cold as Satan, and the woman under her has long been sunk, deeply trapped, unable to extricate herself.


Xiao Zhenhai lifted Xiao Hu's military tent, looked around without saying a word, his face was cold and frightening!

Xiao Hu's expression changed, and he asked, "Father, father, what are you looking for?"

Xiao Zhenhai turned his head abruptly, looked at Xiao Hu, and asked, "I heard that father, you and His Royal Highness had a conflict outside the account, saying that someone left? Is it your second brother?"

Xiao Hu bowed his head and remained silent.

"It's really him? I saw that you said some weird things to me today, and I became suspicious. I didn't expect him to come. Where is he, do you know?" Xiao Zhenhai grabbed Xiao Hu's clothes collar, pulled closer, and asked.

"...I, I don't know, I really don't know." Xiao Hu shook his head hastily and said.

"Why didn't you ask clearly!" Xiao Zhenhai lowered his voice and said.

"Second brother came and went in such a hurry, I didn't have time to ask anything..." Xiao Hu said, lowering his head.

"This rebellious son!" Xiao Zhenhai looked furious, "It's a pity that I didn't catch him. If I did catch him, I'll send him to the little prince immediately. If he doesn't obey, just kill him! His life, I live to torture me! Tell me, if there is his help, will our father and son lose four times in a row?"

"Father, in fact, I suddenly felt that what the second brother said made sense." Xiao Hu looked at Xiao Zhenhai with some trepidation, and said.

"Shut up! How dare you say it! If you say it again, I will kill you immediately! I regret it now. When your second brother was about to escape for the first time, I didn't kill him!

Next time I see him again, I want him to die by my sword! "

As Xiao Zhenhai said, he walked out angrily!
Feng Qianyue was not a vegetarian either, the sword shot over and brushed his arm, a deep gash appeared, and blood flowed out.

After he escaped from the barracks all the way, he got off his horse and went behind a tree. Leaning against the tree trunk, he tore off his robe and bandaged the wound.

Then, continue to gallop on the horse and gallop in the direction of going back.

In order not to worry Lingyue, he purposely stayed not far from the house for an extra day, and did not go back until the wound had almost stopped bleeding.

It's been three days, and it's been more than three full days since the time he and Ling Yue'er agreed on.

When he returned here anxiously, he found that there was no one in front of the house.

(End of this chapter)

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