First-class daughter

Chapter 1090 Begins

Chapter 1090 Begins
Chapter 1090 Begins
She must push through this deep darkness with one hand, so that the conspiracy and ugliness will have nowhere to hide!

Anyone who touches her child - die!

the next day.

Prince Heng's mansion, which had been quiet recently, suddenly became lively. Early in the morning, the gate of the mansion was bustling with people, making it look like a mess.

Nanny Tai yelled loudly, "There is a thief in the family, the old housekeeper for more than ten years, actually laid a black hand on the master, stole the jade Ruyi that the empress gave to the concubine, and gave it to the concubine outside, the concubine The empress was furious, and the empress was also very furious!
Today's application time, the concubine wants to let the housekeeper parade through the streets. After the parade is over, let the people on Zhengyang Street come and see what will happen to this kind of dog slave! "

"The concubine also said that this slave disrespects his master and deserves death. The concubine doesn't want his private money, and the concubine will give it all to the poor people."

Nanny Tai's words were heard by the people passing by from afar, and everyone on the whole Zhengyang Street knew that there was a damn slave in Prince Heng's Mansion, and he would parade in the streets today at Shenshi!

After a day's tea and dinner, everyone talked about this matter, and it spread quickly.

Inside Prince Heng's Mansion.

Lian Siyue sat on the large rosewood chair, with a soft cushion on the back, her face was calm and expressionless.

Qing Dai came in and reported, "Wangfei, Madam Tai has already spread the word, and now the people on Zhengyang Street are discussing this matter, and they are all waiting to see the butler be paraded in the street. Also, the people in the palace By the way, it has also been passed on, and the empress should know about it now."

"Yeah." Lian Siyue nodded, let's spread the word, the more this matter is spread, the better, and the bigger the trouble, the people hiding in the dark will be anxious and take action.

"Wangfei, in this way, will those people see through your plan and know that you are trying to lure them into the bait deliberately, so they can't hide?" Qing Dai asked.

Lian Siyue raised the corners of her lips slightly, and sneered, saying, "If you want to touch the child in my concubine's stomach, the more you think something happened, the more you can't sit still."

Just as he was talking, Wu Qiao came in, followed by the person in charge of pretending to be the housekeeper——

His hair was disheveled, covering almost half of his face, his clothes were ragged, his face had bruises, and his knees and arms were bruised.

He was exactly the same height and figure as the butler.

"Princess, he has excellent martial arts skills. If he is assassinated at that time, he can also be responsible for arresting people." Wu Qiao said.

Lian Siyue said, "Very well, when the time comes, remember to lower your head a little, appear a little scared, and don't show your true colors."

"Yes, princess." The man said.

Lian Siyue waved her hand and said, "My princess wants to take a good rest, you all go down, and when the application time arrives, parade the street on time."


Everyone retreated, and Lian Siyue calmly went back to the room, lay down to sleep, and didn't care that the matter had already been reported to the palace, and let others guess!

She doesn't show off her power because she thinks she is weak, so let's make a big fuss today, let everyone come and look at her Prince Heng's mansion, no ghosts and snakes can hide anything.

A luxurious carriage passed by Zhengyang Street. Seeing that the Prince Heng's Mansion, which had always been deserted, was suddenly so lively today, and the door was full of people, Xie Jinran had doubts in his eyes, and asked, "Shuyan, go and find out. What happened to Prince Heng's Mansion?"

"Yes, Second Miss." Shuyan nodded and said.

"Wait, remember, just inquire, don't intervene, understand?" Xie Jinran reminded, before finding out the situation, looking from a distance is the best strategy. He began to slowly learn some of his ways of dealing with people.

After a while, Shuyan came over and said, "Second miss, it turns out that the steward of the palace stole the jade ruyi that the empress gave to the empress. Because of this, the fetus was aroused, and the butler was going to be paraded in the street at Shenshi."

Parade?Xie Jinran's eyes flashed with deep thought, and he murmured, "The servants in the mansion stole something. It stands to reason that this is a scandal. The style of Prince Yiheng and Princess Yiheng doesn't know how to publicize this matter. Why is it like this today? What about fanfare?"

"Second miss, what you stole was a gift from the empress, and Princess Heng is going to give birth soon, so you must have done this because you were furious." Shuyan said.

"No." Xie Jinran shook his head and said, "Based on what I know about Princess Heng, she won't get angry. There must be some reason for this."

"Then what is it that the eldest lady wants to observe secretly?" Shuyan asked.

Xie Jinran thought for a moment, and said, "No, I must keep a good distance from this Prince Heng, and we must not be troublesome. However, I don't care about it, but I can go and see what His Royal Highness thinks. Let's go."

Xie Jinran put down the curtain of the carriage and ordered the carriage to move on.

"Yes, let's go." Shuyan said.

The onlookers were in public, and one person turned around and left quietly without making a sound.

He looked around, turned into a small alley, and then walked through several small alleys, avoiding eye-catching eyes, and walked all the way into a small house, knocked three times, and the door of the small house opened.

The person stepped in and saw a person standing in the house with his back turned to him, asking, "How?" The person's voice sounded not very calm.

"The timing of the parade has been confirmed," said the visitor.

The man shook hands and said, "I thought we had the handle on the butler, and he would kill himself when the Dongchuang incident happened. I didn't expect this old bitch to cause us such a big trouble!"

"Master, what should we do now? Do you want to assassinate?" the visitor asked.

"Yes, of course the assassination is necessary, and it must be successful. If the assassination fails, our plan may be exposed, and everything will be in vain. No matter what, we can't break the plan of the Eighth Highness. The Eighth Highness is full of ambition now!" The person said coldly Said in a low voice, a deep coldness flashed in his eyes, his fists were clenched tightly, and his teeth were clenched.

"Then what should we do?" The man in black asked, "If assassinated, there is a risk."

: "No matter how big the risk is, it must be carried out. Just follow the previous plan and start!" He ordered.

"Yes, master, I understand!"

The visitor got up and left.

The man turned around slowly, and a stern look flashed across his slightly old face!Lian Siyue will not let you succeed!

(End of this chapter)

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