First-class daughter

Chapter 1091 It was him

Chapter 1091 It was him
Chapter 1091 It was him
Shen time.

The gate of Prince Heng's mansion opened slowly, and several guards walked out of the mansion in unison, standing on both sides of the gate, and then, they saw the housekeeper, guarded by two guards, come out with his head bowed and his hair disheveled He seemed to be very frightened, trembling all over, and the word "thief" was written all over his face in black.

While cursing, the servants in the mansion threw rotten vegetables and rotten eggs at the butler, who staggered and nearly fell several times.His face and hair were all sticky with dirt and garbage. He was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground, but was picked up immediately.

The nursing home escorted the housekeeper and walked on Zhengyang Street.

Mother Tai shouted loudly from the front, "Big fellow, take a good look at this slave who committed crimes below. Your Highness and the princess treat her well, but they have caused such troubles to make the house restless, and the princess is depressed. I can’t sleep even if I eat. The concubine said that today I will punish you severely to make an example to everyone else. The stolen goods this slave has stolen have been exchanged for copper coins, and anyone who sees them will have a share!”

Saying that, Mother Tai raised her hand, and the copper coins in her hand flew into the crowd. Immediately, everyone came to pick them up, and more and more people gathered.

No matter whose servant did something scandalous, the master must have covered it up, dealt with it in private, and let it out quietly, but this Princess Heng did the opposite, she revealed the matter herself, and she didn't mind at all, she is humane , "As expected of the woman of His Highness Ninth Prince, she is truly extraordinary."

In the dark, the man in black raised his bow and arrow and pointed it in the direction of the butler. But more and more people surrounded the butler tightly. He raised his arrow several times, but he couldn't aim at the target.

Seeing the butler's position getting farther and farther away from him, sweat came out one by one on his forehead. The master ordered that the butler must be captured today and killed on the spot.

I can't control that much anymore, I would rather make a thousand mistakes than let one go.

He put the arrow feathers on the bowstring at the same time, narrowed his eyes slightly, and let go of his hands, the arrow feathers flew out, but at this moment, the butler suddenly staggered and fell to the ground, and the arrow went sideways. He shot in the shoulder of a man next to him who was anxious to pick up money.

All of a sudden, the area was in chaos. Seeing someone being shot by an arrow suddenly, everyone screamed and fled in all directions, or crouched on the ground not daring to move.

Seeing this, Grandma Tai quickly sprinkled a lot of copper coins, and the street was in chaos, with people running for their lives, people grabbing money, screaming, crying, and howling.

But the housekeeper took advantage of it and ran away. Seeing this, the man was overjoyed, a god-sent opportunity!

He immediately pulled the black cloth covering his face, turned over from the roof, took advantage of the chaos, and quickly rushed into the chaotic crowd, passed through the crowd, caught up with the butler, and grabbed the butler's hand Hand, as soon as the hand was turned, the dagger was about to stab at his body——

"I have something important to report!"

The butler knelt on the ground with his knees bent, bowed his head and said.

The man saw that his whole body was trembling, his face was panicked, not to mention that his whole face was smeared with ink, but it had been cut to pieces, bloody and bloody, and he couldn't even see his original appearance clearly.

This Princess Heng's method is really cruel, a woman who is pregnant in her womb is able to do this kind of cruelty!

"It's a very important matter, about Princess Heng!" He said anxiously, pretending not to know that this man was holding a dagger in his hand, ready to stab him to death at any time.

The man looked around, hesitated for a moment, saw the hidden guards there began to evacuate the crowd, and said in a deep voice, "Follow me!"


He led the housekeeper all the way back to the original small courtyard. The "housekeeper" bowed his head, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and a stone fell from his sleeve without anyone noticing.

All the way to the previous house, after confirming that no one was following him, he knocked on the door and walked in. The butler suddenly fell to the gate as if his legs were limp.

The man quickly picked him up from the ground and pushed him into the house.

After entering the house, they went directly to a hidden room on the second floor. After knocking on the door and entering, the two stood hand in hand.

"Master, Butler Liu brought it here. He said he has something to tell you about Princess Heng."

The man standing at the window door has a deep back, turned around slowly, his eyes were cold, he looked at the killer, his eyes were cold, and said, "I told you, no matter what, don't come here, wait until I contact you , how dare you disobey my order?"

"Master, because he was talking about Princess Heng, I was worried about something going wrong on the way, and was arrested by the people of Prince Heng's mansion, so I brought him here. Don't worry, master, I saw it, and no one followed me."

The so-called master looked at the butler with his hands lowered, "You said something about Princess Heng, what is it?"

"Return to master, Princess Heng..." Butler Liu said cautiously.

"You're not Steward Liu!" Suddenly, the man said sharply.

What?The killer was taken aback.

"Quick, go!"

He flung open the door—

But Lian Siyue was standing at the door with a big belly, behind him were dark guards holding long swords,

Her face was cold, without a trace of expression, her eyes were like a cold blade, cutting her life into two halves, this imposing appearance did not look like a person who was about to give birth,
"Master Xu, since you have returned to the capital, why don't you stay in Xu Guofu properly? Why are you with the housekeeper who made mistakes in my mansion? Why, the housekeeper has nowhere to go. Have you come to ask Master Xu for help?" Like the moon looking at Xu Liang in front of her——

This is Xu Guogong's second son. He once colluded with Concubine Xu Xian and almost killed Lian Jue. That time, Concubine Xu Xian was thrown into the cold palace, while Xu Liang was stripped of his title and demoted to a commoner.

A while ago, news came quietly from the frontier, saying that Second Young Master Xu had sunk into the water and drowned to death. The body was recovered only five days ago, and his body was already festered and he couldn't see clearly.

Lian Siyue felt that this matter was strange, and asked Wu Qiao to pay attention to whether there was Xu Liang among the people in the capital while paying close attention to Xie's family.

as predicted……

Xu Liang was flustered at first, and then he argued, "You've got the wrong person, I'm not from Xu Guofu."

With a slight smile on Lian Siyue's lips, she looked at the housekeeper and said, "Tear it off."

"Yes, princess."

I saw that the "housekeeper" slowly tore off the tattered skin on his face, revealing a young and intact face.

Xu Liang gasped, his face turned pale.

Lian Siyue said coldly, "The housekeeper is doing well, he said everything so that I can meet Mr. Xu so smoothly, the crime of returning to Beijing without permission by feigning death is not a small crime, and even forced me, Prince Heng The housekeeper killed the baby in the womb of the princess, this time, how should I die will make me feel better."

(End of this chapter)

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