Chapter 1092

Chapter 1092

Not only Xu Liang, but also Xu Guogong will die!
Lian Siyue turned around coldly, and ordered, "Invite Mr. Zhang Yingzhi from the Ministry of Punishment to come to the palace. This princess wants to see him."

Zhang Yingzhi belongs to the party of His Highness Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng, now is the time when these court ministers are needed, after all, it is inconvenient for her as a woman to go forward.

"Yes, I'll go right now." Wu Qiao nodded and said.

Back to Prince Heng's mansion, Zhang Yingzhi also arrived.

Seeing Lian Siyue, Zhang Yingzhi knelt down and said, "Meet Wangfei."

"Master Zhang, from what you've seen, what's the current situation in the court?" Lian Siyue asked directly without exchanging pleasantries.

"Since the emperor fell seriously ill this time, the situation in the court has changed. Some people have moved closer to His Royal Highness and Xu Guogong's faction. According to what I saw, Mrs. Xu was unwell two days ago and went to visit her. There are many more sick people." Zhang Yingzhi said.

Lian Siyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and said, "That's because everyone thinks that His Highness the Eighth Prince must be the candidate for the crown prince."

"Princess, the current court situation is indeed not good for His Highness Ninth Highness. We are also discussing it. His Highness Eighth Highness should not be underestimated." Zhang Yingzhi said, with a look of worry on his brows.

Lian Siyue nodded slowly, of course Feng Ye should not be underestimated, because of Feng Qianyue's success in the previous life, Feng Ye also ended up in a miserable end, but in this life, Feng Qianyue was exhausted, the biggest opponent was naturally Became Feng Ye.

Thinking about it now, the success of Feng Qianyue's previous life was not only caused by his character, but also had many accidental factors.If one were to truly compare the strengths of the two, Feng Ye would be higher than Feng Qianyue.

"Master Zhang, you guys make preparations. I want Duke Xu to fall from the horse tomorrow!" After a while, Lian Siyue raised her head and said, her eyes were already condensed with a cold look.

Zhang Yingzhi's heart trembled suddenly, "Princess? Xu Guogong fell from the horse?" Looking at Lian Siyue again, it was shocking to find the emotion in her eyes.

A woman who is about to give birth has such an aura!
"Yes, thinking about it now, it's really time for Xu Liang to come back." Lian Siyue said coldly, since Xu Liang wanted to harm her, then she would do the opposite, and then use Xu Liang to kill him by surprise. .

"Xu Liang?" Zhang Yingyi was taken aback.

"Yes, Xu Liang went back to Beijing privately and hid in a house in the suburbs of Beijing. Duke Xu must know about this matter. How should we deal with the crime of covering up?" Lian Siyue said.

"Xu Liang was demoted and punished by the emperor's decree. Xu Guogong shielded Xu Liang and returned to Beijing privately. , Xu Guogong is his grandfather, I am afraid that His Highness the Eighth Prince will cover it up, make a fuss on the surface, and let this matter go away."

"Oh, let it go? This princess will never agree!" Lian Siyue secretly clenched the handkerchief in her hand and said.

"Besides, I was thinking, that Xu Liang forced the housekeeper to attack you, the concubine, does the Eighth Highness know the truth? Could it be that he and Xu Guogong were behind the scenes to instigate him to attack the Ninth Highness, after all, the death of Concubine Xu Xian... It should be a heart disease of His Highness the Eighth Prince," Zhang Yingzhi said.

Will Feng Ye know the truth?Thoughts flashed across Lian Siyue's eyes, and she said, "If Feng Ye has such thoughts, I will let him go to hell!"

After a while, Zhang Yingzhi asked, "What's the princess' plan?"

"This requires Master Zhang to cooperate well." Lian Siyue said her thoughts again, and Zhang Yingzhi was shocked when he heard it, and then shocked!

This is really a miraculous woman, the other princesses are fighting each other in the back house, and then become female celebrities, and she is able to work for His Highness Ninth Prince in the back house, Zhang Yingzhi's admiration for Princess Heng is a little bit more.

He bent his knees, knelt down, and said, "Zhang Yingzhi is willing to look up to the Ninth Highness, Prince Heng, and Concubine Heng!"

On the Golden Palace.

In the early court time, there was no one on the dragon chair, Feng Ye sat on the chair next to him and was in charge of presiding over the affairs of the court, while the officials below handed in memorials and discussed court affairs as usual.

"The emperor please make the decision for the minister's daughter-in-law!"

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside, and a woman's voice was mixed with the noise.

Feng Ye paused with the hand on his lips—this voice was clearly all too familiar to him.

"Who dares to make a noise outside the Jinluan Hall, go and tie him up, and punish him severely!" Xu Guogong ordered with a sullen face.

"Wait!" Feng Ye stood up and stopped.

"Your Highness..." Xu Guogong looked at him puzzled.

"Your Highness, Your Highness..." At this time, an eunuch hurried in, knelt down at the entrance of the hall with a plop, sweating profusely.

"Who is making noise outside?" Xu Guogong asked with a frown.

"Yes, it's Princess Hengqin. The princess said that she has suffered a great injustice, and she wants to ask the emperor to make the decision. Since the emperor doesn't come to court early, His Highness the Eighth Highness should make the decision!" the eunuch wiped his sweat frequently, and said.

He had been a eunuch for many years, and it was the first time he saw a woman trespassing on the Golden Palace. What's more, she was pregnant.

What?Princess Heng?

The ministers were taken aback for a moment, and immediately discussed——

"Princess Heng is very good-looking, what are you doing in the hall all of a sudden?"

"Besides, she is pregnant now, so she dared to trespass into the Golden Palace."

After Zhang Yingzhi and the other two adults looked at each other, they said loudly, "Your Highness, Princess Heng has always been well-educated and understands righteousness. There must be a reason for her sudden move today."

Xu Guogong's scheming eyes glanced at Zhang Yingzhi, and there was a slight flash of thought in his eyes. Even a scheming woman like Siyue suddenly made trouble in the Golden Palace?Could it be that she found something?

No, it's impossible!This matter has just started, and not many people know about it, so it is impossible for her to get the news so quickly.

He and Feng Ye looked at each other, and the same question flashed in their eyes——

"Prince Heng held a sword in her hand. She walked in from the gate of Zhengyang alone, and she was pregnant with the flesh and blood of His Highness Ninth Prince. The servants, the servants really didn't dare to stop me, so I had no choice but to follow behind the princess... "

"Your Majesty, please make the decision for your daughter-in-law!" When the eunuch was speaking out of breath, Lian Siyue, Princess Hengqin, had already walked to the gate of the Jinluan Hall!
All the officials looked over one after another, and they were all taken aback, but Feng Ye suddenly stood up, and said softly, "Like the moon..."

I saw that Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue was wearing a white fur fox cloak with a gold inlaid jade button in front of her lapel, her big belly was sticking out, and she was holding a sword, walking over step by step. The words of His Ninth Prince Feng Yunzheng are clearly engraved on the sword.

The wind blew, and the edge of the robe slowly fluttered with the wind, bringing a burst of chill.

(End of this chapter)

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