First-class daughter

Chapter 1095 Kill

Chapter 1095 Kill
Chapter 1095 Kill
Seeing the sword shining with cold light, he trembled all over his body, his face was ashen, big drops of fear sweated down, he shook his head, and said in his mouth, "No, don't... Your Highness, Your Highness, please forgive me!" !"

Xu Guogong's legs and feet went limp, and he took two steps back, his face became very ugly, and his breathing became difficult——

He never imagined that at this moment, he would watch his son's head be chopped off in front of him!

However, Feng Ye had already issued an order, and he was powerless!
And Lian Siyue looked coldly at Xu Liang who was struggling on the chair, put his hand on his abdomen lightly, and stroked it slowly twice, with no expression on his face.

As soon as Xu Liang turned his head, he saw Lian Siyue's cold-blooded face and her expression of calmly watching him go to death, suddenly raised his head, and burst out laughing——

"Hahaha, Lian Siyue, you bastard, you got rid of Concubine Xian first, and now you got rid of me! You're just a scoundrel in your belly, what are you so proud of! Haha, your scoundrel Can you see his father, you still have to ask God, you just ask God to be merciful, so that His Royal Highness can be peaceful..."

Hearing this, Feng Ye's eyes flashed, he snatched the sword from the guard's hand, and slashed it down——

Immediately, only a sound was heard, Xu Liang's head was slashed off by Feng Ye, the blood splashed everywhere, Feng Ye's face, hands, and robe were all covered with blood.

His face was expressionless, but the hand holding the sword trembled slightly——Xu Liang, who had done more than failed, did not know if Siyue listened to his last words of cursing Feng Yunzheng just now?
Feng Ye looked at her, she only had an expression of indifference and resentment on her face, she didn't seem to think much about it.

Xu Liang's head fell to the ground, rolled a few times, and landed in front of Xu Guogong, his eyes were still wide open, as if he couldn't believe that he died under the sword of His Highness the Eighth Prince.

When Xu Guogong saw his son's head rolling to his feet, he immediately fell to the ground, his face pale, his hands trembling, stretched out, and then retracted.

The ministers in the palace were immediately startled by the bloody scene in front of them—His Highness Eight actually cut off his uncle's head with his own hands!

"Ah! Liang'er, Liang'er..." Xu Guogong finally got up, knelt on the ground, and shouted, "Nizi, Nizi!"

Lian Siyue stroked her belly and said calmly, "My child, mother has avenged you."

Soon, a eunuch hurried over, wrapped Xu Liang's head and body in straw mats and dragged away, and the blood on the ground was quickly washed away.

The smell of blood that filled the air was also smoked with mugwort leaves.

However, Lian Siyue didn't let it go, she waited quietly until the palpitations of everyone passed.

"His Royal Highness, Xu Liang died innocently, but Xu Guogong is also unforgivably guilty!" At this time, Zhang Yingzhi from the Criminal Department came out, cupped his hands, and said, "Xu Guogong knew that Xu Liang had violated the holy will and returned to Beijing privately. Your Highness, did not immediately send him back to the frontier, but instead kept it from the Emperor and His Highness the Eighth Highness, and even arranged for him to stay in the capital secretly, so that he was deceiving the emperor, and he still had His Majesty and His Highness in his eyes ?"

Zhang Yingzhi was known for being ruthless and selfless. In front of Xiao Zhenhai, the powerful Xiao Guogong, he didn't flinch at all. He said that if he wanted to arrest his son, he would arrest his son.

Xu Guogong suddenly raised his head, the paleness and gloom on his face hadn't passed yet.

"Master Zhang, my son Xu Liang has just been executed on the spot, aren't you satisfied?" Xu Guogong looked at Zhang Yingzhi with sharp eyes, and said.

"Xu Guogong, Xu Liang died because he deserved what he deserved, but this does not offset the charge of you deceiving the king." Lian Siyue said, with a faint expression on the corner of his lips, "If the Lord thinks that I What you said is wrong, you might as well invite the emperor to make a decision!"

"Nonsense!" Xu Guogong didn't have time to adapt to the grief of Xu Liang's death, and immediately argued with Lian Siyue, "You clearly know that the emperor's dragon is not in good health, and you still go to the emperor to complain.

Lian Siyue was not in a hurry, with a slight smile on his face, he said, "The emperor's dragon body is healthy, and this princess naturally keeps it in her heart every day, and dare not forget it. However, I am afraid that there will be people who take advantage of it The emperor's dragon body is ill, and he is doing some secret things."

"You! Lian Siyue, don't talk nonsense. I am loyal to the emperor and have no second thoughts. You take this opportunity to talk nonsense and gossip! The baby in your womb is safe and sound. I have paid my son's life to you , but you are aggressive, I think your purpose today is not to kill Xu Liang, but to attack me!" Xu Guogong said coldly.

Lian Siyue stared closely at Xu Guogong, and the cold corner of his eyes swept Feng Ye aside, and said, "His Royal Highness, should the Duke be punished for covering up Xu Liang's return to Beijing? His Highness will not Seeing that Xu Liang is dead, turn a blind eye to Duke Guo's crimes."

"His Highness, Xu Guogong deceived the emperor, if His Highness covers up, we ministers can only go to the emperor and the empress dowager to make a decision!" Zhang Yingzhi went further.

Feng Ye looked at Lian Siyue, she was calm, cold, but aggressive.

It is better to say that she is here for Xu's father and son, but she is clearly here for him today.

Feng Ye clenched the fist in his sleeve and took a light breath——

Today she rushed to the hall with a sword in her hand, and she was determined to knock down the Xu family and his son together.She deliberately made trouble to everyone. No woman would dare to break into the Golden Luan Hall with a long sword in her hand, but she dared to, and she didn't even frown.

For this alone, Xu Guogong and Xu Liang lost.

Finally, Feng Ye said, "Mr. Xu Guo knew that Xu Liang had returned to the capital privately, but he did not report it. Someone came and temporarily detained him in the dungeon. When the emperor's dragon body recovered, he would decide for himself. Since the king was appointed by the emperor to supervise state affairs, he I won't show favoritism, Princess Heng, please rest assured."

"Your Highness..." Xu Guogong's face was ashen, and when he was in full swing, he was thrown into the dungeon!

Feng Ye waved his hand, closed his eyes, and said, "Take it down first."

Xu Guogong was taken down.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for upholding justice!" Lian Siyue nodded and said.

All the emotion faded from Feng Ye's eyes, and he said, "Princess Heng, you are pregnant, step back immediately and go back to your residence."

"Yes, His Highness the Eighth Prince." Lian Siyue turned around and walked away step by step, a colder smile gradually appeared on that condensed face.

Feng Ye looked at her back and murmured, "I just happened to meet you."

(End of this chapter)

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