First-class daughter

Chapter 1096 Doubt

Chapter 1096 Doubt
Chapter 1096 Doubt
Lian Siyue didn't look back from the beginning to the end, she knew that he was watching him, but now she was unwilling to look at him again!
As soon as she walked out of the Golden Luan Hall, Mother Li hurried up, knelt down, and said, "My lord, the empress heard about what happened in the Jinluan Hall, but it is inconvenient for her to show up, so she ordered her slaves to wait here, please You go."

Seeing that Lian Siyue was safe and sound, Nanny Li felt relieved.

"Let the queen mother worry about it, Nanny Li, you can lead the way, my concubine will go right away." Lian Siyue said.

All the way to the Changchun Palace, the queen came over in a hurry, seeing that Lian Siyue was about to kneel, she hurriedly supported her, and said, "Don't be too expensive, I heard that you broke into the Golden Palace with a sword in the early court , still kneeling on the ground, my heart is about to jump out!"

Lian Siyue expressed apology on her face, and said, "Because I was afraid that my mother would be worried, so I didn't tell her beforehand, which made her worry."

"I don't have anything to worry about, I'm just afraid that you are not healthy." The queen hurriedly asked someone to add a soft cushion to the chair before letting her sit down, and immediately ordered someone to bring Mrs. Tang over and put it in her hands.

"Mother, these days, some people have been secretly trying to deal with me, so I simply made a big fuss and made them all Qiao Qiao. I, Princess Hengqin, are not easy to mess with." Lian Siyue said.

"No one dares to provoke you if you do it like this." Seeing Lian Siyue's paunchy appearance, the queen was still shocked, "Which woman dares to do this to you?"

Lian Siyue chuckled, and asked, "Does the queen mother think that Yue'er is very tough, and she is frightened by Yue'er?"

"No matter how tough you are, you are also the best woman in the eyes of the queen mother. If it is not for protecting yourself and Yun Zheng's child, you are a woman, why do things so desperately. After all, it is hard for you." Tears were hidden in the Queen's eyes, and she said, "Thanks for your hard work, Yue'er."

Lian Siyue felt a strong warmth in her heart. Although she was fearless today and looked majestic, she was actually very tired after dealing with several smart men for more than an hour.

At this time, upon hearing the Queen's words, a deep sense of warmth surged in my heart.

"With a mother who loves her, Yue'er won't feel tired." She put her head close to the empress's arms, and said with a slight smile on her face.

"It will be fine, everything will be fine. I heard that the battle in Shanhaiguan is very beneficial to Yunzheng. I think Yunzheng will come back soon, and you and your husband will be reunited." The queen patted Lian Siyue lightly. back, comforted.

"Yeah, it will be better soon, and we will be reunited soon." Lian Siyue said while stroking her abdomen.

On this day, Princess Heng held a sword and trespassed into the Golden Luan Hall, forcing the Eighth Prince to cut off Xu Liang's head with his own hands, and spread the news that Xu Guogong, who had deceived the emperor, into the dungeon, spread throughout the palace.

The women in the harem were amazed when they heard this, who would have believed that a woman would dare to do such a shocking thing.

However, when the queen mother heard it, she was very displeased, and said to the people around her, "Even if Xu Liang and Xu Guogong and his son really made a mistake, it's not her turn to be a woman who broke into the Golden Palace to be aggressive. She just forgot her My own identity is gone! Still holding a sword, even Aijia can't go to the Golden Luan Hall."

"Queen Mother, I heard that Princess Heng didn't enter the palace, but just stood outside the palace, so it can't be considered that she broke into the Golden Palace." Mother Wen said from the side.

The queen mother's face became more gloomy, and she said, "Even so, the Ai family is very dissatisfied with her actions. The important ministers in the court made mistakes, and they have their own actions in the court. Why should she do this? If she didn't think about her pregnant If she is pregnant, the Ai family will pass her on immediately, and give her a good warning!"

Xie Jinran, who was on the side, was also shocked when she heard this incident. She paused and said, "Quiet the empress dowager, my servant heard that two years ago, when Princess Heng was in her boudoir, she led the government on horseback. The guard rescued Lian Jue, the young master of the Lian family at that time, who is now His Royal Highness the Eleventh. Thinking about it, the princess is a willful person, that's why she behaved like this."

"Men have men's affairs, women have women's affairs! Speaking of which, her lawless temperament is all accustomed to by Yun Zheng. A majestic highness, let alone a side concubine, even a concubine. She is the only one in the mansion, and she revolves around her day and night. Special pets will get used to bad habits, and now from Princess Heng, the Ai family has seen it again!" Said the empress dowager, frowning .

Xie Jinran didn't say any more, and just quietly listened to the Queen Mother complaining about Lian Siyue.In her heart, she began to think about another person - His Highness the Eighth Prince.

His Highness the Eighth Prince killed Xu Liang with his own hands, and then threw Xu Guogong into the dungeon. Was he so decisive to protect himself, or did he help Princess Heng out of selfishness?

After Lian Siyue had a rest in Changchun Palace, the queen arranged a sedan chair and took her all the way back to Prince Heng's mansion. Qian urged her to go back to take a good rest and never leave the mansion again.

While Lian Siyue was sitting in the dumpling, she began to calmly think about a matter that had been circling in her mind.

Today, before Xu Liang was about to be executed on the spot——

"Hahaha, Lian Siyue, you bastard, you got rid of Concubine Xian first, and now you got rid of me! You're just a scoundrel in your belly, what are you so proud of! Haha, your scoundrel Can you see his father, you still have to ask God, you just ask God to be merciful, so that His Royal Highness can be peaceful..."

Before he finished speaking, Feng Ye raised the sword in his hand and severed off his head.

What does it mean?
Can her children see their father and pray to heaven?

Xu Liang's expression was a little complacent, a little gloating, as if he knew something.

However, his words were cut off by Feng Ye's sword, and she couldn't hear them all.

Lian Siyue carefully recalled Feng Ye's expression at that time, thinking over and over again, what exactly was the meaning of Feng Ye's expression at that time?

He seemed a little afraid that Xu Liang would continue talking——

At that time, his expression was just a flash, and an ordinary person might not pay attention to it, but Lian Siyue noticed it.

Moreover, this strange feeling has been lingering in her mind, lingering.

Lian Siyue believed that this feeling did not appear for no reason.

She put her hands on her abdomen, slowly closed her eyes, and recalled over and over again the subtle expressions on Xu Liang's words, and Feng Ye's subtle expressions when he quickly cut off his head with a knife and a sword.

(End of this chapter)

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