First-class daughter

Chapter 1097 Midnight Dream Chapter

Chapter 1097
Chapter 1097
Until returning to Prince Heng's Mansion, Lian Siyue still couldn't figure out why.She simply put it aside for the time being, and don't think about it yet.

On this day, she lay down to rest early, got rid of Xu Liang, and watched Xu Guogong being imprisoned in the prison, she felt very at ease in her heart.

In the dream, she saw Yun Zheng again.

This time, there was no darkness, no killing, no conspiracy. They sat and talked in a place full of peach blossoms. Yun Zheng painted her black eyebrows. The silver brocade robe is boundless in style.

Speaking of happiness, he hugged her into his arms and whispered in her ear, "I love you, my Yue'er."

She stretched out her hand, wrapped her arms around his neck, stuck to his hand, and described his beautiful and flawless facial features with her slender hands——

From the eyebrows, the eyes, the nose, to the lips, every part was carefully brushed, and then she fell asleep in his arms contentedly, listening to him softly coaxing her to sleep in her ear.

After she woke up, she seemed to have eaten candied fruit, a slight smile appeared on the corner of her lips, and her heart was full of joy.

Lian Siyue found that she hadn't felt so happy for a long time. It was just a dream that made her feel so sweet. God knows——Yun Zheng, I miss you so much, I miss you hugging me so much. Troubled things.

In our two lives, we have experienced too much.

When it was almost dawn, she got up with the support of Qingdai and Taimao. For some reason, it seemed that just overnight, her movements became more clumsy. Even when she lowered her head, she couldn't see her toes. There are still gaps in the arms and legs, and the back is still thin, and only the belly is fat.

She teased herself and said, "Whether I am like a ball or not, I can roll around on the ground."

Qing Dai said, "Princess, you are really optimistic. The little prince and princess who will be born will be as strong as you."

like her?
When Lian Siyue heard this, she paused slightly, who was she like?Her previous life?Her in this life?

No, it was her in the past and present life. She has experienced the most terrifying darkness, the most tragic betrayal, and the most painful experience, and she has become as strong as she is today.

What she experienced, only she and Yun Zheng knew.

"No, don't be like me. I hope that he will be favored forever and always be bright and romantic." Lian Siyue looked at herself in the mirror, with a look of hope on her face, said.

"Princess, speaking of it, you really frightened us slaves." Mother Tai still had lingering fears when she recalled what happened yesterday. I almost fainted twice, and the servants are also unable to stand on their legs."

"Yes, Wangfei, if His Highness the Ninth Prince were here, I would know that you are like this, but I would be so heartbroken." Qing Dai now recalled that when Wangfei went to the court alone yesterday, the back that showed no hesitation was deeply shocked. For her, it will be engraved in her heart forever.

"If His Highness the Ninth Prince was here, the princess wouldn't be made to work so hard. Those bastards, His Highness the Ninth Prince will send them to hell, and they will never be reborn!" said Nanny Tai.

Lian Siyue heard these words from the two servants, a smile slowly appeared on his face.

Feng Ye stood quietly under the tree, with the wind blowing, his face was as if cut by a knife, he reached out and broke off a branch and put it in his hand, and with his hand, the leaves fell one by one.

He looked at his hands—

Killed the woman who had conceived a woman for him, killed the child, and now killed his uncle, Xu Liang deserved to die, but it was still his uncle, and it was up to others to say.

However, he was terrified before he died yesterday, and almost said something he shouldn't have said.

He is not as obvious as Feng Qianyue, but on this road to power, he has unknowingly killed many people.

These hands are already stained with blood.

"Yin Huai, bring the wine, I haven't had a drink for a long time." Feng Ye ordered.


Yin Huai quickly brought a jug of wine and a jade cup, while Feng Ye took the jug, raised his head, and the fine liquid flowed out from the mouth of the jug.

He opened his mouth, and immediately felt a strong mellow aroma. At that moment, he closed his eyes and let the wine paralyze him.

After drinking a jug of wine, Feng Ye's cheeks turned red, and his body smelled strongly of alcohol. Holding the jug in his hand, he staggered a little for two steps, then his legs softened, and he sat down, leaning his back on the tree.

His eyes gradually blurred, as if he saw someone, and there was an illusory smile on his face.

"Ha ha……"

He picked up another jug ​​of wine and continued to drink.

At this time, not far away, a figure came slowly. When she saw Feng Ye's figure, she stopped and her eyes fell on him. An unspeakable loneliness and loneliness.

She raised her hand to signal the maid beside her to step back, and walked towards Feng Ye step by step.

Gradually, when Feng Ye heard what was coming from behind him, his face was filled with joy, and he suddenly turned around, "Yue..." The word "Yue" that came to his mouth swallowed hard when he saw Xie Jinran's face. go back.

Is he insane, is he a demon?How could even Siyue appear behind him, it would never be possible!

Now, we have completely embarked on two roads, and the future may be accompanied by bloody storms.

Although Feng Ye didn't call out that name in the end, from the shape of his mouth, Xie Jinran knew what she wanted to call. She pretended not to notice, stepped forward, bowed slightly, and said, "Your Highness, do you have something on your mind? I see yours." Your complexion is not very good, why don't you take a good rest and don't think about anything else."

Her eyes were full of concern, without any doubts or questions.

In this way, Feng Ye's original wariness was involuntarily let go, the sadness in his eyes was no longer hidden, a trace of bitterness appeared at the corner of his mouth, he raised his head, poured it in, and said:

"That's right, there seems to be a big rock in my heart, I can't breathe, I don't know whether I got it or lost it, or... I never started."

Xie Jinran listened carefully, and said, "Your Highness, whether you get it or lose it, it is a feeling in your heart. If your Highness feels that you have it, then you have it. If your Highness feels that you have lost it, then you have lost it. Your Highness , It doesn't matter whether you get or lose, the most important thing is that His Highness is happy and comfortable."

Although this kind of conversation won't give Feng Ye the desire to have a deep friendship for the time being, he is still willing to listen to Xie Jinran's words.

The wine jug in Feng Ye's hand slipped down, and he slowly spread out his palm, which was full of wine, but in his eyes, it turned into blood.

(End of this chapter)

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