First-class daughter

Chapter 1098 Leave

Chapter 1098 Leave
Chapter 1098 Leave
"Hehe..." Feng Ye stood up with staggering steps, his whole body exuded a strong smell of alcohol, and the broken smile on the corner of his lips made Xie Jinran feel a burst of deep distress.

Feng Ye's body suddenly went limp, and he was about to fall to the ground. Xie Jinran quickly stepped forward, pressed his body against him, let him lean on, supported him tightly with both hands, and the handkerchief in his hand fell to the ground , was stepped on several times by him.

"Your Highness, Jin Ran really loves you so much, really loves you so much." Tears fell from Xie Jinran's eyes, and she said in a trembling voice, "I love the rebellious Eighth Prince with a smirk on his face the most. I don't Knowing what to do, His Highness will... be the same as before."

Xie Jinran has always been very restrained in front of Feng Ye. In order not to disturb him or make him feel the slightest pressure, she restrained herself like an emotionless person, only smiling slightly and listening quietly.

What he asked her to do, she did it seamlessly, no more and no less, and she would not do anything without his personal instructions, including when Xu Guogong told her to get closer to the Queen Mother, she also turned around and came Ask Feng Ye for his opinion.

As for the person buried in his heart, she never touched him, kept an appropriate distance, and even silently learned how to behave in the world like that woman.

She can do this step not only because she knows how to restrain herself, but also because she loves this man.

"I can't go back, hehe..." Feng Ye pushed him away, took the jug, and staggered forward, a look of desolation flashed in his eyes, and said, "I don't need to go back, my king, my king What is needed is... no, no, this king is talking nonsense, this king wants to go back, where do you want to go back? Hehe..."

He smiled, a little silly.

He walked into the gazebo, sat down, lay down on the stone table, the wine jug fell aside, he just closed his eyes, fell asleep slowly, and muttered something in his mouth.

Xie Jinran approached, and heard him say, "I want to go back to Yaocheng, to meet someone, to get a cloak, that cloak of birds and phoenix, smells like flowers..."

Yao City?Meet someone, get a cape?
When Xie Jinran heard these words, her eyes were full of doubts at first, but slowly, she understood:
It is said that when Princess Hengqin Lian Siyue was young, she lived in Yaocheng for a period of time due to serious illness. His Highness is now talking about Yaocheng. Could it be that they have known each other since they were in Yaocheng?He fell in love with her at that time?
There was a wry smile on Xie Jinran's face, and she signaled the servant outside the pavilion to take the cloak. She reached out to take it, put it on his body lightly, and murmured in a low voice: "Your Highness, you want to go back to Yaocheng. Do you know when I most want to go? I don’t want to go back, I just want to pass the time soon, and when the mourning days are over, I can marry you.”

Only at this time, Xie Jinran would show a trace of affection for him in front of Feng Ye.

She looked at him, he was lying on the table, he was handsome, with a straight nose bridge, and occasionally the corners of his lips squirmed, she raised her hand, and when she was about to approach him, she suddenly retracted it.

Then, after taking another look, he turned around decisively.

"Don't go!" Feng Ye suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

Xie Jinran's heart skipped a beat, and she turned her head abruptly.Feng Ye looked at her with a pair of bewildered eyes, he got up, raised his hand, covered the part below her nose, and stared deeply at her eyebrows and eyes.

It's really similar, but even though he was drunk, he already knew very well in his heart that this is not her, not her, no one can be like her, even a woman as smart as Xie Jinran is not as good as her.

Seeing the faint disappointment in Feng Ye's eyes, Xie Jinran quickly withdrew his hand and said, "Your Highness, you and I have not been officially married yet, this is really inappropriate! Jinran is leaving first, Your Highness please Take care."

As Xie Jinran said, he hurriedly turned around and stepped down the steps, leaving the gazebo.

She still has a little greed in her heart—I hope that one day, Feng Ye will only think about her without any other thoughts in his heart. Because of this kind of expectation, I don't want him to do anything to her at this time when he is in a complicated mood. .

Feng Ye saw her leaving in a hurry, and realized that everything was nothing.

The wind picked up and the wine sobered up.

I don't know if it's because she is about to give birth and her whole body has become extra sensitive, or because of something else, Lian Siyue still feels that something is wrong. She still feels uncomfortable because of Xu Liang's words before his death and the subtle expression on Feng Ye's face. stable.

Even Siyue was still thinking about this the whole morning, and the whole person seemed extraordinarily silent.

At noon, she called Wu Qiao and said, "Go and invite Master Zhang Yingzhi into the mansion, don't make it public, don't let anyone think that this princess is in charge, so as not to startle the snake."

She believes that her feelings are not groundless
"Yes, Princess." Wu Qiao took the order to go.

At the time of application, a farmer outside brought in a basket of vegetables, because I heard that the princess wanted to eat the freshest vegetables, and the princess liked the juicy vegetables very much, so she wanted to see the farmer and ask how the vegetables were grown from.

So, the farmer came to the front and back of Hengqin Wangfei, took off the hat on his head, knelt on the ground, and said, "My minister Zhang Yingzhi pays homage to Wangfei."

It turned out that in order to avoid the eyes and ears of those people outside, Zhang Yingzhi came in dressed as a farmer.

"My lord Zhang, as far as this princess knows, the grain and winter boots shipped to Shanhaiguan were delivered from Lingcheng directly by the order of His Highness the Eighth Highness. They should have left by now." Lian Siyue asked.

"Back to my lord, now is the worst weather in Shanhaiguan, the grain and winter boots have already been prepared, the Eighth Highness has issued an order a few days ago, to ensure the supply of grain and winter boots, this is the key to victory The reason is that our soldiers in the Central Plains are afraid of the cold, and winter boots are absolutely indispensable. If the feet of soldiers are frozen, their mobility will be damaged, which will give the Khitan people an opportunity." Zhang Yingzhi said.

"Xiao Zhenhai and his son must be well aware of this, and they will definitely use this to make a big fuss to attack the weaknesses of His Highness Ninth and His Highness Eleven." Lian Siyue said with his eyes focused.

"The supply of food, grass and winter boots is timely, and we have defeated the pair of dog thief father and son four times in a row. I believe His Highness Ninth Highness and His Highness Eleventh will also return triumphantly this time." Zhang Yingzhi said.

"Then if something goes wrong with the grain and winter boots, what will happen?" Lian Siyue asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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