Chapter 1099
Chapter 1099
Zhang Yingzhi was startled, suddenly raised his head to look at Princess Heng, and said:

"There is a saying in military strategists: Before the soldiers and horses move, the food and grass go first. This is the old rule of using soldiers since ancient times. Before sending troops, the most important thing is to prepare food and fodder. If there is a problem with these two, the soldiers will not have enough food and clothing The combat power has declined, and even if the commander is capable, the troops under his command will not be able to keep up, and the entire army will be wiped out. The princess suddenly asked, did you notice that someone would tamper with the grain and winter boots?"

"My princess is not sure if he will take this dark road, but if so, I will send him to hell with my own hands, so that he will never turn over!" As she said, she slowly clenched her hands , there was a trace of coldness in those long and narrow beautiful eyes, no matter who wanted to hurt Yun Zheng and Jue Er, she would never sit idly by!

In her rebirth, besides revenge, she was to protect these two people: her lover and her younger brother.

"Princess, who are you talking about...?" Zhang Yingzhi's voice trembled a little when he asked this question, "He has a lot of ambition in rushing to deal with food, grass and winter boots."

Lian Siyue focused, and said, "Master Zhang, you have to find out who this person is." Deep down in her heart, she didn't want him to be like this, because in the previous life, he was miserable and didn't end well.

"Princess Wang please give me instructions." Zhang Yingzhi said with a firm gaze. He had long admired the woman Princess Hengqin, so he was willing to serve her orders.

Lian Siyue stood up and said solemnly, "My lord, this princess is pregnant, and many things will not change. There is an extremely important matter for you to handle. Apart from you, this princess can't trust anyone else."

Zhang Yingzhi bowed and said, "My wangfei, please give me instructions. My minister Zhang Yingzhi is willing to go through fire and water for His Royal Highness and the wangfei, and he will do whatever he wants."

Lian Siyue signaled Qingdai to hand Feng Yunzheng's seal into Zhang Yingzhi's hands, and said, "This seal represents His Highness the Ninth Prince. You can take it out when necessary. At critical moments, Mr. Zhang will remember what my concubine said. .”

Lian Siyue explained the plan in detail, Zhang Yingzhi nodded from time to time, asked a few words from time to time, and finally said, "Princess, I understand!"

After Zhang Yingzhi left Prince Heng's mansion dressed as a farmer, he called Wu Qiao in, closed the door, and left her alone in the house.

"Princess." Wu Qiao didn't understand why Lian Siyue was so solemn all of a sudden.

"Wu Qiao, starting tomorrow, I want you to protect Zhang Yingzhi, Mr. Zhang." Lian Siyue said.

"Protect Mrs. Zhang? What about you, the princess? His Highness Ninth Highness reminds me not to leave you, the princess." Wu Qiao was stunned and said.

"I know His Highness Ninth Highness has orders for you, but right now, protecting Mrs. Zhang is more important than protecting this concubine. This is a matter of many lives.

This is Prince Heng's Mansion, if you are not here to protect this princess, just send more hidden guards here.

Moreover, this concubine has just made a big disturbance in the Golden Luan Palace, and no one dares to provoke her now, so you don't have to worry too much.Just follow my instructions, if His Highness Ninth Prince blames you in the future, I will explain to him. "Lian Siyue said.

"Yes, I'm under the orders of the concubine, and I will protect Mrs. Zhang well and fulfill my mission." Wu Qiao bowed and said.

"..." Lian Siyue nodded, "I believe that after this period of experience, you are already capable of being on your own. This princess is waiting for your good news."

"Yes, my concubine, please remember my concubine's entrustment." Wu Qiao said, kowtowed to Lian Siyue, turned and walked out.

Lian Siyue walked to the window, the sun in the sky was covered by dark clouds for some unknown reason, and it was gray. Seeing that a heavy rain was coming, the leaves on the trees in the yard had long since fallen off and were bare. stand still.

When the wind blows, the fallen leaves on the ground are blown up, and a few servants are cleaning, stepping on the leaves, making a creaking sound.

Lian Siyue stared at the sky not far away. After a while, her eyes narrowed, and she turned around and said:
"Come on!"

"Princess." Qing Dai and Mother Tai came over, waiting for orders.

"Prepare the sedan chair, if this princess wants to go to Princess An's mansion." Lian Siyue ordered.

"Yes." Nanny Tai hurriedly put on the cloak and walked out of the yard with her arms.

There was no expression on Lian Siyue's face.

Soon, a sedan chair set off from Prince Heng's Mansion and headed all the way to Princess An's Mansion.

Arriving at the princess mansion, Princess An was very surprised to see Lian Siyue with a big belly, and said, "You are making a big fuss in the court, the princess was so scared that I ate a bowl of rice, Siyue, you are so shocking that you even The princess was surprised.

Today, you actually came to my house, you... Are you a woman who is about to give birth?If you have something to do, just send a servant over to say it, and this princess will agree to it.Why bother to run by yourself.After your child is born, you will be a demon king in time in the future. "

Princess An Guo had never seen anything in her life, and she was really taken aback by Lian Siyue.

"Princess, Yue'er has something important to ask, so I really dare not come to the door in person." Lian Siyue said.

Seeing Lian Siyue's serious expression, Princess An knew that she really had something very important to do, so she turned her face away, ordered her left and right, and said, "You all go down, this princess wants to talk to Princess Heng If not, no one can come in without the permission of this princess."

"Yes." All the servants retreated one by one.

"Siyue, what's the matter, you have to come and tell this princess yourself, is there something wrong with Xu Guogong?" Princess An Guo asked in a deep voice, with a deep look in her eyes.

Lian Siyue suddenly knelt down, knelt on the ground, and said, "Princess An Guo, please save Yun Zheng's life!"

Seeing that she was kneeling, Princess An immediately stepped forward, helped her up, and said, "You came to ask me with a big belly, and you didn't hesitate to kneel down. It seems that the matter is urgent. Tell me, this princess once promised Yun Zheng, I will take good care of you, this princess keeps her word."

"Thank you, princess, the princess really has to come forward for this matter, so Lian Siyue came to plead." Lian Siyue continued, "Princess, I am very worried that there will be problems with the supply of grain and winter boots at Shanhaiguan. If something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous, I'm afraid Yun Zheng and His Highness the Eleventh will deserve their lives."

Princess An was startled when she heard this, and stood up abruptly, "What did you say? Are you worried that there will be problems with the supply of grain, grass and winter boots? Why did you say that suddenly? Did you get some bad news?"

"Siyue has no definite evidence yet, and has sent people to investigate, but just in case, I need to ask the princess to come forward secretly..." Lian Siyue then told Princess An of her thoughts, including when Xu Liang died. said those words.

(End of this chapter)

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