Chapter 1100
Chapter 1100
After hearing this, Princess An Guo held the handkerchief tightly, her face was very cold, her eyes showed a deep look, and she said, "The emperor has a deep relationship with my sister and brother. He is seriously ill in bed. This princess will never sit idly by. Who dares to hide the truth from the emperor, for the sake of selfishness, at the expense of the interests of the Great Zhou, this princess will never agree.

Siyue, since you came to me today, this princess has to investigate thoroughly. If it is true, I will do justice for the heavens! "

Lian Siyue finally breathed a sigh of relief. A person must not only be strong, but also know how to use the right time, place, and harmony. Now that she is pregnant, many things cannot be done by herself, so she must be good at using the people around her: Princess An is The best power available at the moment.

For one thing, Princess An's power is closely related to Emperor Zhou Cheng, so she will not sit idly by whoever is detrimental to Emperor Zhou Cheng;

Second, others don't know about Princess An's hidden power, but Lian Siyue knows it very well. It is the real power in the government and the public. It's just that she usually waits and sees, and won't take action easily;
Three, An Guo Princess had a covenant with Yun Zheng before, and she promised to help Yun Zheng. Now that the court situation is chaotic, it is time for An Guo Princess to make a formal decision.

"Princess, if you say that, Siyue is relieved. Siyue is pregnant, and it is very inconvenient. Going out like this will also feel physically and mentally exhausted, so I will leave everything to you, princess." Lian Siyue said.

"Hurry up and go back to the mansion. If there is anything in the future, just send a reliable person. There is no need to go there in person. It is also Yun Zheng's hope to give birth to your unborn baby safely." Princess An urged road.

"Yes, Siyue is following the princess' orders." Lian Siyue said.

After the two talked for a while, Lian Siyue left Princess An's mansion in a sedan chair.

After she left, Princess An immediately returned to the study. After concentrating for a moment, she let the big maid Xueli take care of her with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. She wrote a long letter, stamped her own seal, and sent a reliable guard to send the letter to her. A letter was delivered.

Two days later.

In the early morning, Zhang Yingzhi coughed frequently during the performance, his face was pale, and the hand holding the memorial was trembling. In the middle of the speech, he suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and the memorial fell to the ground, trembling all over. , looks very scary.

The ministers were startled, and they all stepped forward to check.

Feng Ye was stunned, and hurriedly said, "Go, pass on to the imperial physician."

Soon, the imperial physician came to take Master Zhang's pulse.

"Prince doctor, what's wrong with Mr. Zhang?" Feng Ye asked.

"Return to Your Highness, please allow me to examine Mr. Zhang's body." The imperial physician lifted up Zhang Yingzhi's sleeve, and saw a piece of white cloth wrapped around his arm, and a layer of yellow liquid oozed from the cloth.

The imperial doctor tore apart the cloth strip, and saw a wound about the length of a thumb inside, but when it was already pus and festered, upon closer inspection, there were four dental sounds.

The imperial doctor took a closer look, and after a while, he was shocked and said, "Master Zhang was bitten by a dog, the wound was pus, and he had tetanus!"

Bitten by a dog?
"Who knows when Zhang Yingzhi was bitten by a dog?" Feng Ye asked.

At this time, Master Xing of the Ministry of Rites said humanely, "Two days ago, the ministers and Mr. Zhang had a small gathering together. When they left the Tingfeng Building, a vicious dog suddenly rushed over on the street. At that time, only Mr. Zhang was holding it. It was a piece of pork leg. At that time, the vicious dog threw Mr. Zhang to the ground and bit the piece of meat. Although, the vicious dog was finally driven away, and Mr. Zhang was also bitten by the vicious dog at that time. Bite this position."

"Originally, we asked him to go to the doctor to see it, but Mr. Zhang didn't take it seriously. He also said that such a small wound is not a serious problem. If there is no need, we went to the doctor on purpose." Another elder of the Ministry of Rites, Mr. Wu, also stepped forward and said.

"At that time, the wound was not that big, so we didn't say much. Mr. Zhang tore off a corner of his robe and wrapped it around the wound. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, the wound festered like this! If I had known, I would have known it at that time." Master Zhang should ask the doctor to take a look." Master Xing regretfully said.

"It's just such a small wound, how could it be so serious?" Feng Ye asked, doubts flashed in his mind, Zhang Yingzhi's expression seemed a bit deep, as if he was thinking about something.

"Returning to Your Highness, this wild dog has been wandering around for a long time, and its whole body is very dirty, and its teeth are full of toxins. Although it is only a small wound after being bitten like this, the dirty poison has penetrated into the blood, skin and flesh due to the lack of timely treatment. , it will take a day or two to get sick." The imperial physician explained.

Feng Ye got up, walked over, lowered his head, and carefully looked at Zhang Yingzhi's wound. The original wound was not serious, but the whole area was red and swollen, with yellow pus coming out, and a fishy smell, which made people sick to the stomach.

"Send Mr. Zhang back to the mansion, the imperial physician should try his best to treat him. These days, Mr. Zhang should stay in bed at home and recuperate well." Feng Ye ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness!" the imperial physician nodded.

Several guards came in and carried the drowsy Master Zhang Yingzhi out of the Golden Luan Hall, and went straight back to the residence.

Above the main hall, there was an inexplicably tense atmosphere. For several days in a row, Xu Liang was executed on the spot, and Xu Guogong was detained in the dungeon. Now, even Mr. Zhang Yingzhi, who has always been stern and selfless, is sick.

After Zhang Yingzhi was sent back to the mansion, he heard that he was obviously unconscious. The wound from the dog bite turned out to be very serious. If he didn't treat well, he might even lose his life.

In order for Zhang's family to allow him to be diagnosed and treated in peace, some guests who came to visit were stopped outside the door, and only a few people saw him.

Prince Yu's Mansion.

Feng Ye was sitting in the study, thinking about what happened in the courtroom, Zhang Yingzhi was bitten like this by a dog suddenly, whether it was true or a conspiracy.After all, that day, in order to get rid of his grandfather, he was aggressive in the Golden Luan Hall that day.

Feng Ye can't trust anyone now, and he can't believe anything easily.

When the sun was setting, Yin Huai came to report and said, "Your Highness, I visited Mr. Zhang in the name of His Highness Eighth. He was hot-headed and talking nonsense. Zhang's family was very worried. The back of Mrs. Zhang's crying After passing the breath, it looks like he is seriously ill. Prince Heng also sent someone to visit and sent supplements and so on. "

"Where's that dog?" Feng Ye asked.

"The subordinates have also checked that dog. It is indeed a wild dog. It often forages in that area. I also asked the people around me and said that the wild dog did bite a middle-aged man holding a pig's trotter that day. In this way, this wild dog has bitten other people, and one of them was also infected with tetanus, and he died."

(End of this chapter)

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