First-class daughter

Chapter 113: Pick from Thousands of Miles 1

Chapter 113
Chapter 113
There is a problem with Shuhen glue
Liu Yanyu?
Lian Siyue stared at the portrait on the brochure, a girl, 15 years old, with a slight smile on her face, slightly pursed lips with shallow pear dimples, wearing a lake blue autumn dress, the neckline It is a white magnolia, holding a round fan in its hand, surrounded by several emerald butterflies—quiet and gentle, like a lily in the mountains.

Lian Siyue searched for the memories of her previous life in her mind, and suddenly remembered——

This is the granddaughter of Mrs. Liu in Duke Liu's Mansion. Mrs. Liu passed away early, and Mrs. Liu cherished this granddaughter, fearing that the surviving Lin family would treat her badly, so she brought her in her room to raise her.

Liu Guogong's ancestor was originally a military general, but later changed to a businessman. He was a rich man. Liu Guogong's eldest son, Liu Yanyu's father, Liu Chang, knew Yuan in the middle of the year and was his servant.

Although the power is average, the wealthy party seems like a good marriage for an idle prince, and this Miss Liu seems to be a weak willow, with flowers as her appearance and the moon as her god. She is an outstanding beauty.

Seeing that she seemed to be fascinated, Feng Yunzheng suddenly stretched out his hand and took the folder out of her hand, folded it up and put it on the table, and said with a smile:
"You look so seriously, what do you see?"

A slight embarrassment appeared on Lian Siyue's face.

Princess An Guo said, "Yun Zheng, this is a half-grown girl, why can't you see it?"

"Huanggu, why are you asking her these things in order to reach the age of Ji?"

"Who says you can't ask, I think this child's heart is as clear as a mirror, open and bright. Let's talk about it, what do you think of the marriage that this palace has found for Yun Zheng?" Princess An seems to be chatting about family matters, but she is clearly committed. The look of decision.

Lian Siyue said, "Princess has very good eyesight, and Miss Liu is outstanding in appearance, if you choose one, she is really the best among people."

"How does it match with Yun Zheng?" Princess An Guo asked again.

Lian Siyue glanced at Feng Yunzheng, then at Princess An Guo, and said, "It is His Highness the Ninth Prince begging for the concubine, but Siyue dare not speak nonsense, the princess should spare the courtiers, if you say something wrong, His Highness Ninth Prince will be angry gone."

Even Siyue talked with some girlish coquettishness, even if she said something wrong, it was hard to be held accountable.

"Old madam, this girl is really cunning. It seems that when she reaches the age of Ji, I will ask the emperor to arrange a good marriage for her." Princess An seemed to have a crush on Lian Siyue. I like it a little bit, and my face is pleasant when I speak.

Lian's mother hurriedly said, "I thank the princess very much, Yue'er should kneel down and thank you."

If this month's marriage is truly blessed by Princess An, the future is bound to be limitless.

"Thank you, princess." Lian Siyue bowed her head, an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of her drooping lips.

marriage?She was born again, and she never thought of being bound by the affairs of men and women, let alone marriage, all she wanted was revenge.

"Princess, this is the scar-relieving gel developed by Siyue. It has a miraculous effect on the scars on the face. I came here today to offer the ointment." Lian Mu, taking advantage of Princess An's happy mood, hurriedly signaled Lian Siyue to The ointment was taken out and presented with both hands.

"Shuhen glue?" Anguo's face showed a trace of doubt, He Xiang took the ointment and unscrewed the cap, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it, and said——

"Princess, the smell is like peach blossoms in March, and it smells good." He Xiang was the most trusted person in front of Princess An, so she used the silver pick to dab a little on her hands, tried it, and said, "It's ice cold, but it's also comfortable."

Princess An Guo glanced at He Xiang and said, "Take it."

"Yes." He Xiang put the jar into the wooden box and put it away, the princess seemed not too interested in Shuhenjiao.

"Princess..." At this time, a person walked in and said something in Princess An's ear, and saw Princess An's hand lightly squeezed, and the strange expression flashed across her face. With eyes as bright as the moon, she stood up and said, "I have something important to do today, so I will leave first. He Xiang will accompany the old lady to stroll around in the garden, and leave after lunch." The princess has left quickly.

Accompanied by He Xiang and several maids, Lian Mu was admiring the autumn scenery in the garden, while Lian Siyue was attracted by the crape myrtle tree in front of the porch, looking up at the clusters of flowers, swaying gently in the breeze , the flower shadow fell on her body, also swaying.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps, and before Lian Siyue turned his head, he felt a person standing behind him——

Standing behind Lian Siyue, Feng Yunzheng raised his hand over her head, with one hand, a crape myrtle flower was delivered to her, saying:
"Look at what you want, here you go."

Lian Siyue took the flower, put it between her nose, smelled it lightly, looked around, all the maids and nuns were surrounded by Mother Lian, she whispered:

"Does Your Highness plan to agree to this marriage?" If Feng Yunzheng agrees, then he will marry a wife and have children and continue to live a comfortable and idle life, and she will secretly help him to make his life stable and prevent Feng Qian Move him more.

Feng Yunzheng was not in a hurry, with a smile on his face, he said, "The emperor is good, I only gave one, and the empress's side gave me a headache. There were five, and I lost the chance to go to court. , but suddenly so much luck, I don't know whether to be happy or worried."

"Your Highness, don't you know which one to choose?" Lian Siyue raised her head and asked seeing his suave and suave appearance.

Feng Yunzheng didn't speak, but lowered his head, staring closely at the fat-skinned face in front of him, his eyes became hot unknowingly, but he concealed a trace of passion with his long and narrow eyelashes, with a meaningful expression on his face, he said— —

"Actually, I have chosen it long ago, and I will never change it."

"Who is it?" Lian Siyue asked.

"It hasn't grown up yet, so wait another two years." Feng Yunzheng dropped a crape myrtle flower from her hand, and sprinkled it into the pool, where two silhouettes were reflected in the water.

"..." Underage?Lian Siyue thought back in her mind, who could it be?In her previous life, she had never seen any woman beside Feng Yunzheng. Until the time she was cast into the cold palace, he was also unmarried and married, so she didn't know who he had ever been interested in.

"Don't think about it, I will be the first to tell you in the future." Feng Yunzheng interrupted her thoughts when she saw her concentrating.

Lian Siyue gathered herself together, and asked, "The princess of the Ninth Highness, why did you tell me first."

"I think so."

Feng Yunzheng narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and there was an inexplicable deep meaning on that picturesque face, Lian Siyue suddenly felt a strange feeling in her heart.

When the wind blew, the crape myrtle flowers on the wall fell to the ground, falling on their hair and skirts, and the air was filled with a light fragrance of flowers.

"You said, will the princess use the Henna Gel?" Lian Siyue asked, her mind returned to the Henhen Gel at this moment.

"No, it will be used." Feng Yunzheng's voice drifted away in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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