Chapter 114
Chapter 114
Autumn has passed, and even the crabapple flower in front of the moon window has fallen into mud, and the bleakness of early winter has already begun to appear, and a month has passed in a flash.

As usual, Lian's mother sat on the sour pear wooden chair with eyes closed and meditated, twirling a string of Buddhist beads in her hands, and meditating on Buddhist scriptures. The maidservants filed in and brought hot tea soup and sweet-scented osmanthus sugar steamed new chestnut flour cake in front of her.

As soon as she picked up the pastry and chewed it twice, she coughed. Lian Xi hurriedly stepped forward, patted her back skillfully, and said, "Slow down."

Mother Lian coughed for a while before she finally calmed down, her cheeks were flushed, she threw the remaining pastry back into the plate, and said, "This is something wrong with me, it's really hurting me."

Nanny Song opened the door curtain and came in with pear water, saying, "This is a chronic disease, old lady, don't worry, the more anxious you are, the more you will be panting."

"Hey..." Mother Lian sighed deeply, her brows furrowed together.

At this time, Lian Siyue stood up and said, "Old Ancestor, can you show me your hands?"

Under Lian Mu's suspicious gaze, Lian Siyue picked up her hand, opened the palm, and rubbed it thoughtfully with her fingertips, then picked up the other hand, rubbed it again, and asked road:

"Are grandma's palms and feet always cold?"

"No, even in summer, it's still cold, especially in the middle of the night, the soles of the feet are so cold that I can't sleep." Nanny Song replied on her behalf.

Lian Siyue thoughtfully pressed Lianmu's palms several times again, and said, "The cold hands and feet all year round are caused by the blockage of the meridians and the cold of the liver vessels, which leads to the lack of yang energy in the kidneys, and the colder the weather When I go away, the palms of my hands and feet will still be red, and when it is severe, I will feel pain."

Mother Lian nodded in agreement and said, "You're right, it always hurts when it's the coldest winter."

"Grandmother, turn the back of your hand upside down and show it to your granddaughter." Although she didn't know what Lian Siyue was going to do, Lian's mother followed suit.

Lian Siyue pressed the crease between the back of her hand and her wrist, Lian's mother only felt a sharp pain, and her hand couldn't help shrinking back.

"This is Yangchi point. Yangchi point is an important point that controls the blood flow in the whole body. If you feel pain when you press it, it means that this point is blocked. Frequent stimulation can slowly make the blood flow smoothly and make the body gentle."

After Lian Siyue pressed for nearly a quarter of an hour, Lian's mother really felt a warm current slowly penetrate into the palm of her hand, and then spread throughout her whole body.

Then Lian Siyue asked Huang Cen to bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone to write something on the rice paper. After finishing writing, he handed it to Nanny Song, saying, "After each massage, use fresh ginger and shred it. Stir fry the pot, and wrap the soles of the feet with cloth strips every night before going to bed. At the same time, drink fresh ginger with honey water every morning, and pour fresh ginger and salt into the hot water to soak the feet every night. , after a period of cold illness, it can relieve the effect, this is the specific usage and dosage."

At this time, even the mother felt that the soles of the feet were gradually warming up. She frowned and opened her mouth, and she couldn't help saying happily, "It really works, and I feel much warmer now. I think only the third girl can do medicine. I didn't expect the big girl I will too."

Lian Siyue sat back in her seat and said modestly, "The granddaughter just likes to ponder. Seeing that the third sister likes to study medicine, she also secretly learned some. In the past, there was a girl in my yard who had cold hands and feet and fainted during the night watch." In the past, I tried this method for her, and it got better after more than half a year."

She just said a few words in such an understatement, but in fact, she was indeed proficient in medical skills in her previous life.

Lian's mother suddenly felt that the eldest granddaughter was like a treasure, and the more she dug it, the more she felt happy, so seeing Lian Siyue's eyes became more loving, and she no longer paid attention to Lian Yanqing's statement that Yue'er had a scheming heart.

At this time, Fu Ling, a maid from outside, came in and said, "Old Ancestor, Miss San was asking to see her outside, and Yinshi came here."

This has been Lian Shiya's visit to Yinshi for a month in a row to pay her respects.

Lian's mother, who was originally smiling, tensed her face when she heard Lian Shiya's name, and said, "Let her go back."

After hearing this, Fu Ling resentfully prepared to reply, but was stopped by Lian Siyue.

She said to Lian Mu, "Grandmother, the third sister has been here for a month, and she is sincere. Why don't you see her and listen to what she has to say? If you don't see her for a long time, I'm afraid that outsiders will say that grandma is not big enough and caress about the younger generation... "

"That's right, old madam, apart from coming to Qing'an Courtyard to kneel this month, the third miss has spent the rest of the time copying scriptures in the nunnery. The servant saw that she had already copied a thick stack." Fu Ling who came to report He also said that Lian Siyue couldn't help but look at her more.

Mother Lian sighed slightly, and said, "It is obvious that she made a mistake, and I punished her reasonably, but you think I care about her, I just want to use this matter to beat her up, let her know that people can't be opportunistic, and want Keep your feet on the ground. Well, let her in."

"Yes." Fu Ling walked out, and after a while Lian Shiya came in, she saw Lian Siyue at a glance, she was suddenly taken aback, she had been kneeling outside, why didn't she see Lian Siyue coming in?You know, the last thing she wants is to see this most disgusting eldest sister at this moment.

However, she couldn't leave now, so she could only kneel on the ground respectfully, with her forehead on the ground, and said, "Shiya has come to apologize to grandma."

Lian Siyue noticed that her makeup today was not as gorgeous and high-profile as in the past. She was wearing a light purple sweetheart collar embroidered with plum blossoms, a lady's skirt, and a white silk bamboo leaf stand-up jacket. With a circle of exquisite green calyx plum embroidery, and only a silver hairpin inserted obliquely on her head, the whole person exudes a simple and quiet atmosphere.

Sure enough, Lian's mother nodded when she saw her outfit, and said, "Straighten up and talk."

"Yes." Lian Shiya straightened up on her knees, and when she looked closely, she found that her face was a little haggard, and there was a layer of dark circles around her eyes. It seemed that she had trouble sleeping and eating these days.

After her eyes met Lian Siyue, she quickly moved away, and a faint smile appeared on Lian Siyue's face, and suddenly there was a big change, probably because someone gave her instructions behind her back.

"You knelt outside every day for a month, just to ask for my forgiveness?" Lian Mu asked.

Lian Shiya held back tears, shook her head, and said, "It's my granddaughter's fault, so I dare not ask grandma to forgive me. Grandma made me kneel for two months, three months should be right, my granddaughter will never complain .only……"

She paused, and looked at Mother Lian nervously with teary eyes, "I'm just worried that grandma will get angry because of me, and the granddaughter's crime will be serious, so I kneel here just to beg grandma not to hurt herself, I I will continue to reflect in the nunnery, copy the scriptures every day, and pray for my grandmother and father."

Lian's mother had always liked Lian Shiya, a granddaughter, but now seeing her reflect on herself like this, she couldn't help but soften her heart, and said, "Your eldest sister is a good child who understands righteousness. She has suffered a lot for the reputation of the prime minister and the safety of the house. If she hadn't pleaded for mercy, I wouldn't see you today, you have to follow her in the future and use her as an example to spur yourself, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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