First-class daughter

Chapter 115 Believe in the Heart

Chapter 115 Believe in the Heart
Chapter 115 Believe in the Heart
Lian Shiya was very unwilling to hear that Lian Siyue was praised by Lian Siyue like this, and thought to herself why this bitch, she was the one who got such praise in the past.

But she said more submissively in her mouth, "Grandma's lesson is that the elder sister is high-spirited and upright, and understands righteousness. She is a model for younger sisters to learn from. In the future, Shiya will learn more from elder sister."

"Okay, don't pursue this matter any further, and you don't have to be grounded anymore. You two, stay and have breakfast with me before you leave." Finally, Lian's mother said.

"Yes." Lian Siyue and Lian Shiya stood up at the same time and saluted.

After breakfast, the two talked and laughed together and left together.

After leaving Lianmu's room, and then turning around a chasing corridor, Lian Shiya took the lead in letting go of Lian Siyue's hand, and her expression returned to indifference.

"Today's set of clothes is very suitable for you, third sister. In the past, I always saw that you were dressed magnificently and extravagantly, so I thought it was the best. I didn't expect that the clothes like this really belong to third sister." Lian Siyuejing Quietly admiring her makeup, said.

Lian Shiya's face turned cold, and she wanted to say a few words, but when she saw the green shadow behind Lian Siyue, and thought about those maids whose hands and feet were broken that day, she felt a surge of fear— —

Backed away, and said, "Sister, what do you mean by this? Are you saying that I, a concubine, don't deserve to wear good clothes, so I can only wear this kind of shabby cloth shirt?"

Lian Siyue frowned slightly, and said with a smile, "Since the third sister doesn't like this kind of cloth shirt so much, why bother to wear it, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

"Eldest sister, don't be too complacent. It's just a few words of praise from my grandmother. In the past, my grandmother's praise for me was far more than that! Since my grandmother was willing to forgive me, it showed how much I was in her heart, not because You said a few words for me. Just watch, grandma and father will love me again!" Lian Shiya was not always willing to be compared by Lian Siyue on Lian's mother's side.

"I don't doubt this at all. After all, the third sister is very good at dancing with long sleeves. Otherwise, how could she have been favored by thousands of people by virtue of her status as a concubine?" Lian Siyue continued to smile.

"I know you're mocking me, but I won't take it to heart, as long as the elder sister is happy." Lian Shiya seemed to have figured something out, and she was no longer angry with Lian Siyue's words, she seemed very upset degree of appearance.

Lian Siyue looked at her leaving back, the chill in her eyes grew even worse.At this time, she turned her head and saw a servant girl sweeping the floor with her head bowed on the other side of the corridor, wiping her eyes while sweeping, she was crying silently.

This person is... Lian Siyue recalled all kinds of past lives in her mind——

"Yuzhu?" When the maid was wiping her tears, she heard a voice suddenly, she looked up and saw Lian Siyue's face, she was so frightened that she quickly knelt down on the ground and dropped the broom aside.

After returning to Qingquanyuan and listening to Lian Shiya's narration, Aunt Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief in these days, and said, "Since the old lady has forgiven you, you just need to be more obedient in front of her in the future. There is me on my father's side, so you don't have to worry too much."

As for Lian Yanqing, Aunt Xiao was sure of winning, she knew that as long as she had that magic weapon, even if Lian Yanqing's impression of Da Furen changed, his heart would always be with her.

"It's just that I didn't expect Lian Siyue to be there, and my grandmother said she wanted me to take her as a model. Thinking about it, I feel really uncomfortable." Lian Shiya was unwilling to reconcile, she clenched her fists tightly, and said, hanging on the table.

"Ya'er, those who achieve great things don't care about trivial matters. You can see Siyue if you see it. You don't need to worry about it. The most important thing now is that you find a way to get back to your original position." Aunt Xiao comforted.

"However, now that my grandmother is admiring her, I'm tied up. I don't even dare to wear those gorgeous clothes in the past. I wear more plain clothes than my fourth and sixth sisters. How can I return to my original position. "Lian Shiya was at a loss, she loved beauty since she was a child, and Aunt Xiao would not let her wear those carefully sewn silks and satins, which made her life worse than death.

After pondering for a moment, Aunt Xiao said, "I have already found out. The reason why the old lady made a sudden visit to Ziyun Courtyard and took away my right to the rear house was because her little white fox suddenly disappeared and ran away. After entering Ziyun Courtyard, my aunt and Nanny Song chased them all the way and found that even Siyue was sick, which alarmed the old lady. Tell me, how could such a coincidence happen? Little white foxes don’t go to so many places, just I just went to her place."

Lian Shiya was taken aback, "Mother, what you mean is that this was deliberately arranged by Lian Siyue to force you to hand over the real power in the back house and return it to her mother?"

"That's right, I understand now, this Lian Siyue is extremely scary, she takes every step she takes, leaving a pit for you at every step, if you make a slight mistake, you will fall into her trap."

"It's really evil. What did she go through in Yaocheng? Did someone teach her behind her back? Why did she completely change a person? She used to be like a soft persimmon that we rubbed round and flattened, and she was happy all day long. Yes, I don’t even know if I got into trouble, but now, she’s like a hedgehog, we can’t get close to her, and that maid, Luzhi, is a devil, I’m afraid when I see it.” Even Shiya couldn’t think about it the more she thought about it. clear.

"It's useless to think about it now, she is our worst enemy, we have to be on guard at all times, we must not be careless, and now it depends on which of you can get the old lady's favor and curtain."

"Auntie, what should I do now?"

"The little white fox, she can use it, and you can use it too. You can use it to further gain the affirmation of the old lady. With the affirmation of the old lady, it will be much easier for you to do things in the future." Aunt Xiao said sinisterly.

"Then how to use it?" Lian Shiya's eyes lit up immediately, and she asked.

Aunt Xiao walked to the door and looked at the gloomy sky outside, it was about to rain.

"Nurse Dong, come in." Aunt Xiao called out.

At You time, the sky was pitch black, and the heavy rain poured down, as if it was about to collapse, accompanied by a burst of thunder that pierced the sky from time to time.

"It's raining again." Lian Jue stood in front of the window sill and leaned over to fiddle with the pot of crabapple flowers. Some of the petals had already fallen and spread on the soil. When he retracted his hands, his palm was stained with water.

Looking at the dense rain curtain outside, he was a little dazed, and there was a touch of melancholy in his watery eyes.

Lian Siyue put down the scriptures in her hand, raised her head and caught the unusual emotion in Lian Jue's eyes.

"Je'er..." She got up and walked to his side, "Do you have something on your mind?"

Lian Jue's hand paused slightly, turned around, looked at Lian Siyue, seemed to have a thousand words, but he didn't know how to say it, he was a little anxious, "Sister, I am willing to tell you anything, I don't want to hurt you You have a secret, but, but... I, I don't know how to say it, and I... can't say it, but, no matter what, you have to trust me and my heart."

(End of this chapter)

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