First-class daughter

Chapter 118 Each holds a word

Chapter 118

Chapter 118

"Sister, let's go in." Lian Jue called out.

"En." Lian Siyue put his hands together with Lian Jue, and walked in.

In the room, Lian's mother smiled comfortably because the little white fox had found out the cause of the disease.

"Old lady, the eldest lady and the young master are here." At this time, there was an announcement from outside the door, and Lian Siyue walked in. Although her appearance was not as earth-shattering as Lian Shiyamei's, she had a unique charm , if Lian Shiya is a beautiful peony, then Lian Siyue is like a lotus flower.

And the graceful Lian Jue standing beside her makes the picture even more pleasing to the eye.

When Lian Shiya saw her, her originally happy expression suddenly changed, but she still called out together with the other sisters, "Elder sister, brother."

The two siblings walked up to the old lady together, knelt down and said, "Greetings to grandma."

Seeing this pair of grandchildren and grandchildren, even the mother was in a good mood, especially when she saw Lian Jue, she was even more happy. She found that this grandson was becoming more and more handsome and tall, with a noble and extraordinary demeanor exuding from his brows, and she felt very relieved in her heart.

She beckoned to Lianjue lovingly and said, "My good grandson, come to grandma quickly, let me have a good look."

"Yes." Lian Jue stood up, happily walked in front of the old lady, and said, "Grandmother, don't blame grandson for not coming to say hello every day these days."

"Don't blame, don't blame, you are busy practicing martial arts, how can grandma blame you." Lian's mother looked at Lian Jue with a kindness in her eyes, which is a kind of care that no other junior can get.

"Grandma, you are so kind to your grandson." Lian Jue's words made Lian's mother even happier, she said——

Mother Lian smiled gratifiedly, and even Siyue smiled too. When she habitually looked at the eldest lady, she found that her expression was a bit heavy, and she didn't mean much joy. She was slightly stunned. What's going on?

After hearing what Lian Mu said, Lian Shiya and Aunt Xiao glanced at each other, and a hint of jealousy flashed in their eyes.

"Master is here." A voice fell, and Lian Yanqing's figure also appeared at the door. Everyone stood up when they saw it. Lian Yanqing was still wearing court clothes. It seemed that he had just come to court. He walked in front of Lian's mother. , said, "Mother."

"It's just going down, why did you come here?"

"My son just heard that his mother's white fox was ill, so he came over to have a look." Lian Yanqing is a well-known filial son, and he is very concerned about his mother's affairs. When he returned to the mansion, he heard several servants talking about it. When the white fox was sick, he hurried over.

Mother Lian ran her hands along the white fox's fur and said, "I thought it was because I ran out in the middle of the night and caught a cold, and the two days of rainy weather made me suffer from the wind and cold. Fortunately, Shiya saw the clue, Otherwise, my heart, I don’t know when I can let it go..."

When Lian Yanqing heard that Lian Shiya had contributed, he couldn't help but nodded, as if seeing the obedient director from before, the well-educated daughter, he finally showed a satisfied expression on his face, and said to her, "Ya'er is still Not bad."

Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya were overjoyed when they heard Lian Yanqing's public praise. Lian Shiya knelt down and said, "Father, Ya'er will be more diligent."

"Third Sister is really the pride of our Prime Minister's Mansion, she has helped grandma a lot this time." Lian Siyue praised sincerely.

"Eldest sister, this is what a younger sister should do." Although she was so proud that she wanted to show off in front of Lian Siyue, Lian Shiya kept a modest and submissive expression on her face just right.

When Lian Siyue was about to go back to sit beside the eldest lady, a suspicious look suddenly appeared on her face, and she said, "Grandmother, can you let me see this white fox?"

Mother Lian nodded, and Lian Shiya's originally stretched expression tightened slightly, her eyes could not help but drift to Aunt Xiao, who shook her head lightly, signaling her not to be nervous.

Lian Siyue walked over, looked carefully for a while, and said, "Grandmother, I don't think this protector has contracted a cold, but just a disease with the same symptoms as the cold, so the third sister was misdiagnosed."

When Lian Shiya heard it, she couldn't help but find it funny, and said——

"Misdiagnosed? Sister, you don't know medical skills, and you can't even understand a book of "Golden Guilds and Essentials". Where do you get the confidence to make such a conclusion? Don't just talk about it. You want to make a joke."

Hearing Lian Shiya say this about Lian Siyue, Lian's mother frowned slightly, because she knew that Lian Siyue knew medical skills.

Even Siyue didn't refute, she hugged the white fox into her arms, and stroked it gently. After a while, the little thing that had been listless raised its head in her hand. Everyone didn't know what she was doing, so they all stared at her. her actions.

Then, she let the little white fox lie on her arm. The thumb, index finger, middle finger, and three fingers pressed and pinched its back at the same time. After pressing and pinching for a while, it changed to pat, and then pinched the position of its chin. , With a slight force, the little thing's mouth grew.

Lian Shiya saw her mysterious look, and said, "Sister, the white fox is already sick, so don't scratch and pinch it, be careful if you pinch it, you can..."

"Grandmother, father, look quickly, its upper and lower jaws are yellow, its tongue coating is red, and its inner lips are dry and cracked. This is not a sign of wind-cold, but the appearance of the disease seems to be consistent with wind-cold." After Ya finished speaking, she interrupted her, speaking calmly and firmly.

"Eldest sister, you don't know anything about medicine. You don't rely on guessing to practice medicine. My younger sister has been studying for seven years before she dares to open the door to see a doctor. This white fox is caused by the cold. Don't stop people from decocting medicine." Lian Shiya doesn't believe that Lian Siyue can see a doctor at all, she thinks that Lian Siyue is just deliberately making things up in order to demolish her.

"No, I'm sure, it didn't have a cold. If Third Sister gave it the wrong medicine, taking it would shorten its lifespan." Lian Siyue still insisted on her own opinion calmly.

"Eldest sister, what it has is wind-cold, my sister has seen so many people, I'm sure, it's got wind-cold." How could Lian Shiya allow Lian Siyue to show off her medical skills in front of her.

For a while, the two sisters held their own opinions, and neither was willing to agree with the other's point of view. Suddenly, even the mother didn't know who was right.

"Grandmother, father, and grandson have an idea. Since the elder sister and the third younger sister insist on their own opinions and are deadlocked, for the sake of Baihu, how about asking Doctor Lu to come and see?" At this time, Lian Jue stood up and addressed everyone. suggested.

"Mother, master, Jue'er's words are reasonable. Dr. Lu is highly respected. He has treated our Xiangfu for decades, and he has never made a mistake, which is enough to be believed." The lady also nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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