First-class daughter

Chapter 119 Finding the Truth

Chapter 119 Finding the Truth
Chapter 119 Finding the Truth
Dr. Lu please come?Lian Shiya never thought that things would develop in this direction. She just wanted to use Lian Mu's most cherished little white fox to show off in front of everyone, and then get Lian Mu's affirmation. She suddenly panicked and said:

"Brother, mother, it's just a trivial matter, why bother Dr. Lu and his old man, if the elder sister thinks that the prescription I prescribed is wrong, why don't you give me a prescription to see." Lian Shiya still thinks that Lian Siyue has no If she couldn't prescribe the medicine, she would shoot herself in the foot.

However, Aunt Xiao couldn't stand anymore. She had a premonition that the development of things seemed to deviate from her original idea, but she was an aunt, so she had no part to speak at this time. If she forcibly participated, it would make people Doubt that they have ghosts in their hearts.

"Third sister, you just said that this white fox is grandmother's favorite thing, so how can it be a trivial matter? We should ask Dr. Lu to come and check it before drawing conclusions." Lian Siyue said.

Lian's mother looked at Lian Xi and said, "Xi'er, you should go there yourself and ask Doctor Lu to come over."

"Yes." Lian Xi got up and walked out.

The rest stayed and waited. Even the mother's expression was no longer as relaxed as before. She pursed her lips tightly, while the rest dared not make a sound. The old lady didn't send a servant to invite Dr. Lu, but Aunt Lianxi was dispatched, which shows that she has begun to think about the seriousness of this matter.

Lian Siyue walked back to Da Furen and Lian Jue and sat down, and gave them a reassuring smile.

Even Shiya sat back in the seat just now, and Aunt Xiao, who was standing behind her, shook her shoulders and signaled her not to be nervous. Even if Doctor Lu finally proves that Shiya's diagnosis was wrong, it's okay, but it's just that she is not good at learning. It's just that it's cheap, even Siyue, she likes to interfere in everything, it's really hateful!
When she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt something strange in the back of her head. She turned her head and found that Lian Siyue was looking at her quietly. That gaze seemed calm, but it made her feel a bit of chill. I was stunned, and my heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Lian Siyue withdrew her gaze vaguely, and when she raised her eyes, she found that Lian Yanqing, who was sitting across from her, was looking at her with a meaningful gaze, as if she was exploring something, she was slightly taken aback— —

Why is he looking at her like that?
After a while, Doctor Lu was led in by Lian Xi.

"Old Madam, Your Excellency..." After entering, he bowed his hands respectfully to Lian Mu and Lian Yanqing, and then greeted all the ladies.

"Doctor Lu, I'm sorry to trouble you." Lian Yanqing nodded to him.

"Yes." On the way here, Lian Xi had already told the whole story. Doctor Lu knew that he was asked to come here today to judge whether the diagnosis of the eldest lady or the third lady was correct.

He stroked the back and abdomen of the little white fox first, and then began to check the mouth. The order of the checks was the same as that of Lian Siyue just now. Immediately, Lian Shiya's face became a little ugly.

Dr. Lu signaled Huang Cen to bring a dish, put it near the little white fox's mouth, put his finger on its chin, gently pushed it, the little guy opened his mouth, and spit out a small ball of white booty. bowl.

"Doctor Lu, how are you?" Mother Lian asked, leaning slightly while leaning on the back of the chair.

"Mrs. Hui, this little white fox is not suffering from wind-cold, but a disease with symptoms very similar to wind-cold." After a while, Doctor Lu came to a conclusion.

Immediately, everyone in the room changed their faces, especially Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya, the atmosphere was extremely awkward.

"Pfft." Suddenly, Lian Nianxin, who had been speechless all this time, laughed out loud. Although the sound was not loud, it was clearly heard by everyone.

"Hey, what happened to our living Bodhisattva Sai Guanyin today, but I missed it." Hu said gloatingly, "Nurse Song, hurry up and ask the dining room to turn off the stove for decocting medicine, don't fry it, If you eat it indiscriminately, you don’t know what will happen.”

Seeing this situation, even Shi Ya's beautiful face was blushing, and she clenched the chair tightly with both hands.

Aunt Xiao tightened her veil even more, and said, "Even Hua Tuo sometimes misses it, and Miss San is also kind."

"Who knows if it's out of good intentions? This guy knelt at the door for a whole month before dawn. He didn't know how to resent him. Xu thought about putting a needle in the old lady's heart, and secretly vented his anger on the white fox. " Mrs. Liu has always been aggressive, and she speaks without restraint, not to mention that now everyone knows that Aunt Xiao has the final say in this Prime Minister's mansion, and naturally began to lean towards Lian Siyue.

The well-arranged plan turned out like this, even Shi Ya was about to cry, and hurriedly argued, "Second Aunt, Third Aunt, you can't wrong me like this, my heart for grandma can be learned from the sun and the moon!"

"Don't tell us that, we don't want your heart." Hu snorted coldly, turned his head away, and waited to see the good show.

"Grandmother, I..." Lian Shiya was really dumb after eating Coptis chinensis, unable to express her suffering.

Lian's mother's face was a little tense, she frowned and glanced at Lian Shiya, and said, "Okay, don't talk about it, it's because I didn't drink the medicine, so turn off the medicine stove."

In order to maintain her image, Lian Shiya wanted to continue to defend herself, saying, "Grandma, I have no problem with my medical skills. I have treated so many people, but today I just... just misjudged."

She made a mistake at first, but she still didn't want to admit it, Lian Mu's face finally didn't tense up, her face darkened, and said: "If you are not good at learning, you should stop your boasting and sing about Nao Shizi Sai Guanyin, what kind of medical fairy is that?" The empress and princess in the boasting palace did not boast like this, and I don't know how others will squeeze our Xiangfu behind the scenes. On the contrary, Xiangyue, who is obviously good at medicine, even treated my cold illness, but never said anything. "

When Lian's mother said this, Lian Shiya was immediately ashamed and angry, and she resented Lian Siyue even more in her heart. She originally wanted to please her grandmother, but in the end she was scolded, but she could only swallow it silently.

Aunt Xiao looked at Lian Yanqing with her anxious water eyes, a layer of mist flickered in them, she looked very pitiful, but Lian Yanqing still pursed her lips tightly and did not speak, the coldness in her eyes gradually became serious. Speaking, Aunt Xiao had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak for Lian Shiya:

"Old lady, the third lady is just not good at learning, she really treats you kindly."

"Such a serious matter, how can it be perfunctory to deal with such a serious matter! The third girl often puts up a big battle at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and gives free medical treatment to the people in the whole capital under the name of hanging pot to help the world! If this If she accidentally sees the fate of a human being, she will lose face not to mention it, and it will also damage the reputation of the Xiangfu and your prestige, and it will also implicate Concubine Shu. If the emperor blames it, who can bear the blame? Aunt Xiao He Sanyatou is fooling around with the career of the master and the future of the concubine Shu!" Suddenly, the lady who had been holding back tightly held the back of the chair and said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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