Chapter 120
Chapter 120
Lian Siyue looked at her mother with a smile on the corner of her mouth, it was great, her mother was finally able to reprimand her aunt and concubine in a timely manner like a real mistress.

As soon as Da Furen's words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Aunt Xiao and Lian Shi Yafo seemed not to know her, their eyes widened in surprise.

And Lian Yanqing also showed a slightly surprised expression on his face. As his wife, she has never had any prestige, her actions are meek and lack of assertiveness, which made him extremely dissatisfied at one time, but now her threats have shocked everyone present.

Is this because——Yue'er?He nodded lightly with his hand on the back of the chair.

Lianmu's lips finally revealed a gratified smile, this eldest daughter-in-law finally looks like a mistress, this is the blessing of the back house
"Mother, I, I just misread it once. It's not as serious as you said." Lian Shiya said after recovering from the initial shock.

"Crack!" The lady suddenly slapped her palm on the table forcefully, and said, "Little concubine, you don't know the seriousness, but you still dare to talk back, kneel down!" She exuded the aura that only a mistress can have, and she immediately ordered Lian Shiya was taken aback, she had never seen her aunt lose her temper so much, her legs finally bent slowly, she knelt down, and said:

"That's what mother taught me."

The eldest lady gave her a cold look, and said, "As you say, the bow shoots the bird, and you will not be allowed to use the banner of the Prime Minister's mansion to do Lao Shizi's free medical consultation! Aunt Xiao, as a third girl Mother, not only did you not stop it, but you even encouraged me to do everything, starting today, you must stop at Qingquanyuan and think about it!"

"I..." This was the first time for Aunt Xiao to be scolded by the Da Furen in public. She was ashamed and angry, but she couldn't get angry and could only bear it.

Mother Lian expressed her position and stood beside the eldest lady, saying:

"The big room is right on point."

Aunt Xiao bit her lower lip, lowered her head, and said, "What the Da Furen taught me, the concubine should reflect on it."

Seeing the look of the mother and daughter who are obviously desperate but have to endure, even Si Yue lowered the corners of her eyes and sneered faintly, that's it, she wants to pull off the skin of the mother and daughter layer by layer, so that they have nowhere to hide !

Therefore, she will not patronize to appreciate their current embarrassment, but she has to skin them thoroughly, she said, "Since the third sister has been misdiagnosed, she must know what disease this white fox has in order to prescribe the right medicine. Doctor Lu , do you see what happened to it?"

"Miss, I just carefully checked the mess. It contains Zheer root and almonds. Mixing Zhe Ergen and almond powder will cause such a disease." Doctor Lu said cautiously.

"However, it is said in "Bielu of Famous Doctors" that folded ear roots grow in wetlands, and can also grow in the shade of valleys. Not to mention your yard, even the entire Xiangfu does not grow such things, let alone almonds. How could the white fox eat these two kinds of food at the same time?" Anyone who looked at Lian Jue's innocent and sincere face would think that he was simply concerned about the white fox's food and drink.

Hearing Lian Jue's question, Lian Shiya's expression froze, and her hand holding the handkerchief tightened.

"Mother, in this case, I need to find out the source of these two things, so as not to eat them by mistake again in the future." Liu Shi also seemed to be particularly concerned, and said.

Mother Lian asked, "Who is in charge of eating the white fox's three meals a day?"

"Mrs. Hui, it's Shaoyao. This servant let her in immediately." Nanny Song hurriedly walked out, and when she came in again, a maidservant in a green shirt followed behind her, with a look of trepidation on her face, she came in front of Mother Lian He knelt down on both knees, not daring to raise his head.

"Bold slave! How dare you tamper with grandma's white fox, who told you to do that?" Suddenly, Lian Siyue slammed the table and asked sharply, her eyes were cold, and she exuded a chilling aura .

She deliberately pre-empted the attack. If Lianmu waited for the interrogation slowly, this servant girl would still have a chance to make excuses. Her sudden questioning would definitely mess her up.

Sure enough, when she asked such a question, Shaoyao was flustered and at a loss, she couldn't help looking in the direction of Lian Shiya and Aunt Xiao, but Lian Shiya gave her a dark glare, and turned her gaze away.

"Miss asked you something, why don't you answer quickly?" Nanny Song bent down and twisted Shao Yao's arm forcefully.

"Slave, slave... I don't know anything. I only take care of the white fox's diet three times a day. I don't know anything else." Shao Yao cried out in pain.

"I don't know? Heh..." Lian Siyue sneered, and her eyes turned sharper, "Every day the white fox eats, the grandmother will personally ask about it. If you feed it accordingly, there will be no problem. You must have moved something secretly. Hands and feet are here, you dare to deny it."

Lian Siyue was a queen at one time and once commanded the harem. She possessed a kind of courage that could control the whole audience in an instant. For a moment, everyone in the room listened to her interrogation quietly, and no one called her. break her.

"No, no, I really don't know anything." Shao Yao couldn't say anything except denying it.

"Grandmother, father, since Shaoyao can't say anything, why don't you go to the house where the white fox lives, maybe you can find clues." Lian Siyue said.

"En." Lian Mu nodded, and promised Lian Siyue.

The group of people got up and walked to the fox house in the backyard. Nanny Song pulled Shaoyao up from the ground and pushed her to walk behind. She desperately wanted to meet Aunt Xiao's mother and daughter, but Aunt Xiao simply avoided it. out of sight of her pleading for help.

"Ah..." Suddenly, Lian Shiya called out softly, and everyone looked back. It turned out that for some reason, she accidentally tripped and her legs softened. Fortunately, the woman beside her helped her up in time.

Even a hint of sarcasm flashed across Siyue's condensed eyes, and she didn't even look back at her.

A group of people arrived at the fox house. They said it was a fox house, but it was actually a well-built wooden house. It was warm in winter and cool in summer, and was cleaned by a special person.

"I just vomited, give it some water." Lian Jue whispered next to Huang Cen.

"Yes, master." Huang Cen scooped up clean water from a wooden bowl and put it on the ground. The little white fox lay beside the bowl, licking the bowl with his tongue from time to time.

"Search, are there those two things in this house!" Mother Lian kept her expression tense, and she was already full of anger. Someone dared to do something to her pet. She realized that she must investigate this matter thoroughly.

"Yes." Nanny Song and Huang Cen led several maidservants and mothers-in-law to search the house up and down, inside and out, but found nothing in the end.

Then I checked Shaoyao's bedding again, but found nothing.In the end, Lian's mother simply ordered a thorough search of the entire Qing'an Courtyard, but no sign of zheergen was found. There were some almonds, but they were only eaten as snacks on weekdays.

Aunt Xiao and Lian Shiya breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, their expressions gradually relaxed.

(End of this chapter)

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