Chapter 1200
Chapter 1200
The queen mother's face was gloomy, and she said, "No, you didn't think much about it. This Princess Heng is too strong. Now that the Changchun Palace controls the harem, what the old woman of the Ai family says is becoming less and less useful."

"Empress Dowager, Jinran is talking too much." Xie Jinran said with some panic.

"This Lian Siyue, and... her younger sister, the Ai family doesn't really like it very much, but there is no way, Yun Zheng is the only one who loves her, and she gave birth to a pair of children for Yun Zheng, so the Ai family can't help it." Don't give her a little face." The Queen Mother frowned slightly.

"Empress Dowager, you are broad-minded and a blessing to the younger generations." Xie Jinran said at the right time.

"However, the Ai family will never allow Lian Lingyue to marry into the Ming'an Palace. There is no reason for the two promising princes to be taken over by the two daughters of the Lian family. Isn't it going to become Lian Lingyue after the Great Zhou Dynasty? Is it the big week at home?" the queen mother said angrily.

"However, Jin Ran heard that His Highness Eleven didn't take the roster you gave His Highness the Eleventh last time, and went to Prince Heng's mansion to see the Second Miss of the Lian family." Xie Jinran said.

When the queen mother heard it, she became angry, and said, "What kind of talk is this? One is unmarried, and the other is to live under the fence. Feng Jue always goes to Prince Heng's mansion to see no one at home. It's just too nonsense! Spread the word, and the royal family will lose face." He Cun, what is his identity?
This Lian Lingyue, when he was in the palace, made the emperor unhappy, but now he is a member of the Lian family, and he is still so restless, seducing a prince who is in the sky, the purpose is nothing more than to fly to the branch to become a phoenix again. "

"Empress Dowager, allow your slaves to talk a lot. This can explain why Princess Heng trusted His Royal Highness King Ming An so much in Yuqing Palace today. She wanted to marry her younger sister into Prince Ming An's mansion and marry Ming An." Prince An's Mansion is a strong alliance. Although their Lian family was destroyed by the fire, they still have a younger brother, Lian Yan. The servants also heard that Princess Heng invited Wei Taifu to give the young master of the Lian family a special trip. It's time for class. If the two sisters are both princesses, the rise of the family is just around the corner." At this time, the nurse Wen who was serving at the side said.

Xie Jinran raised her eyes slightly, meeting her gaze, she nodded towards Xie Jinran.

"Besides, Empress Dowager, let's not forget another thing. His Royal Highness the Eleventh grew up in Lian's family, and has an extraordinary relationship with Princess Heng. Although he doesn't seem to move around much on the surface, this There must be feelings. His Eleventh Highness is the Eleventh Highness of the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, not the Eleventh Highness of the Lian family."

Nurse Wen pinched the instep of the queen mother and said, she has been with the queen mother for many years, and what she said on weekdays is also very useful.

"You are right, regardless of whether the poison on the jade pendant was caused by Feng Jue or not, Lian Siyue openly defended Feng Jue in Yuqing Palace today, regardless of Ai's face, and demanded that Feng Jue be released on the spot. It shows her ambition, she wants to use Yun Zheng and Feng Jue to revive their Lian family! It is embarrassing that the Lian family was destroyed in a sea of ​​flames, but if you don't express your sorrow for the family, let the two sisters do whatever they want!" The eyes of the queen mother Showing displeasure, and her concerns about her status and power.

And Xie Jinran has been with the queen mother for many days, and has already figured out her thoughts.

After serving the Queen Mother, Xie Jinran and Nanny Wen walked out of the bedroom one after the other.

"Miss Jinran, His Highness the Eighth Prince is already waiting for you outside the hall." Nanny Wen stepped forward and said.

Xie Jinran bowed slightly to Nanny Wen, and said with something in his words, "Thank you, Mammy."

Mother Wen understood, and said, "Miss is deeply loved by the Empress Dowager, and she is also the prospective princess of the Eighth Highness. She is a servant, and I thank you for not despising me."

Xie Jinran took a step forward, held Nanny Wen's hand, and said, "Mommy, then we need to be of one mind."

"Naturally." A smile appeared on Nanny Wen's face, she opened her hand, and there was already a gold bracelet in her palm.

The Empress Dowager has disliked Princess Heng for a long time, she was almost sent to death once, so naturally she chose to be with Miss Jinran.

Xie Jinran walked outside, and from a distance, he saw Feng Ye standing under the moonlight, with his back to her, the moonlight was like water, he was tall and tall, exuding a cold and unruly demeanor, wrapped in a purple brocade robe, mysterious and noble .

There was a smile on the corner of her lips, she lowered her head, walked over, and said softly, "Your Highness."

Hearing this voice, Feng Ye turned his head, looked at her, and said, "You're here."

Xie Jinran raised his head and said, "The Queen Mother has already fallen asleep, so I have time to come out. Your Highness is so late, why haven't you returned home yet?"

"I want to see you." Feng Ye said.

Xie Jinran's heart trembled slightly, a blush appeared on his cheeks, and he said, "Your Highness misses you, Jinran is flattered."

Feng Ye looked around and said, "This king has already settled Guo Zhenchang's matter, you don't have any contact with him and the Guo family in the future."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness." Xie Jinran said with guilt on his face, "I didn't expect this to happen. This Guo Zhenchang is really useless."

"I am clear about your thoughts, but you don't want to contact the courtiers. The Queen Mother's thoughts are swaying from side to side. You just need to win over the Queen Mother." Feng Ye said.

"Yes, Jinran has memorized it. Don't worry, Your Highness, Jinran will be careful." Xie Jinran said, "However, what does Your Highness think about what happened tonight?"

There was a hint of thought in Feng Ye's eyes, and he said, "The person who poisoned the jade pendant must not be Feng Jue. First, he has a close relationship with Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue. Second, it is such an easy trick to see through. It is impossible to be so stupid, so in this matter, someone should want to destroy the relationship between Ming An Palace and Prince Heng's Palace, and kill two birds with one stone."

"Who could it be?" Xie Jinran asked after thinking.

Feng Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking of the carrier pigeon in the mansion a few days ago, could it be from Khitan?
"However, no matter who it is, what that person does is in the interest of His Highness." Xie Jinran said.

Feng Ye nodded, "Since there is such a person, let's not act rashly for now, just wait and see what happens, and reap the benefits."

"However, I don't understand one thing. Your Highness, you said that the emperor has actually left an edict to establish the crown prince. Why hasn't it been announced until now?" Xie Jinran asked.

"I'm also puzzled by this matter. Maybe the emperor is still waiting and watching, so we have to be more cautious." Feng Ye said.

"Yes, I understand." Xie Jinran nodded.

"Go in quickly, I have to leave first, Feng Yu is still waiting for me outside." Feng Ye said.

"Your Highness, be careful in everything." Xie Jinran watched Feng Ye leave, and let out a soft breath.

(End of this chapter)

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