First-class daughter

Chapter 1201 Deep feelings

Chapter 1201 Deep feelings
Chapter 1201 Deep feelings
Her deduction was correct, Feng Ye had already regarded her as someone in the same boat, and acquiesced in her actions today.

There was a smile on the corner of her lips, Shuyan came over and whispered, "Second Miss, Aunt Ningxue from the House of Internal Affairs is here."

"Please come here." Xie Jinran said in a deep voice.


After a while, Ning Xue came, met Xie Jinran, bowed and said, "Girl, thanks to your help last time, the queen mother's clothes have been sent over, and there is no flaw at all. Nanny Wen also said that the lapel is small and chic." , I praised the servant's craftsmanship, and the servant came here to thank the girl."

"You're welcome, as long as the problem is solved." Xie Jinran stepped forward to help Ning Xue up.

"In the future, if you need Ning Xue's help, please give me your orders." Ning Xue said.

Xie Jinran looked around, lowered his voice a little, and asked, "You must have heard about the matter of the Yuqing Palace today, did you take the cloak that the empress is going to give to His Royal Highness the Eleventh?"

Ning Xue shook her head and said, "Probably because of the matter of the little princess and the little princess, the empress was too anxious and forgot about the cloak, and didn't send anyone to get it."

"Yeah, such a big thing happened today, the Empress probably forgot about it, it stands to reason that Her Majesty the Eleventh has already been released from the prison, Ning Xue, if you want the Empress to treat you well Impression, let me teach you, you can take the initiative to send the cloak to His Highness the Eleventh, just because of the empress's kindness, at this time, His Highness the Eleventh will definitely be grateful when he receives the cloak from the Empress." Xie Jinran said.

"Miss is very right, thank you for your guidance, servant girl will go right away." Ning Xue thought that Xie Jinran taught her a way to please her master, and she was overjoyed for a while.

"Go, I'm going to rest too." Xie Jinran said with a smile, appearing very approachable, making one feel that she was not arrogant and indulgent because of being loved by the Queen Mother, but was more humble.

"Second miss, Miss Ningxue really admires you." Shuyan said.

"Perhaps, His Highness the Ninth Highness needs a strong and terrifying woman like Princess Heng, but His Highness the Eighth Highness absolutely needs a low-key and humble woman like me who can hide herself at any time. The story between me and her has just begun. .” Xie Jinran’s eyes shone with her own ambition.

"Second Miss is wise, and now, even Nanny Wen has begun to win over you." Shuyan was very proud of her young lady.

"By the way, how did you do what I told you to do?" Xie Jinran asked.

"Second Miss, don't worry, Xie Zi bought it and secretly put it in His Highness Eleven's cloak without anyone noticing it." Shuyan replied.

Xie Jinran nodded, with a faint sneer in his eyes, "Princess Heng trusts His Highness the Eleventh Highness, and His Highness the Eleventh also trusts Princess Heng. The relationship between the two is very good, but His Royal Highness The Eleventh may not trust the Empress. Wait ten Once His Royal Highness finds the scorpion hidden in the cloak, he will suspect that the queen wants to get rid of him secretly. This time and time again, once, twice and three times, the trust between them, the relationship between Prince Heng's residence and Prince Ming'an's residence, will always be broken This person's heart is actually the one that cannot stand the test. Today, Princess Heng's words are convincing in Yuqing Palace, and one day, her heart will also be shaken."

"Just wait for Ning Xue to send the cloak over." Shuyan said.

Xie Jinran nodded and said, "You did a good job."

"Second Miss, when the servant girl returned to Xie's house, the servant girl said everything you asked the servant girl to convey to the master, and the master said that he will do as you said, Second Miss." Shuyan said.

"Our Xie family doesn't have enough influence in Beijing. Grandfather and father don't have much influence in the court. I will formally become Princess Yu in the future. I will need the help of my mother's family. I have to find a way to get my grandfather and father promoted, so that They hold real power in the court, otherwise, I can only be the cautious 'Miss Jinran' next to the Queen Mother forever." This is what Xie Jinran is most worried about now, even if she becomes the official Princess Yu in the future, Ruomu If the family has no power, it will always be gossip.

"Based on the second young lady's current status in front of the empress dowager, let me tell the empress dowager..."

"It's absolutely impossible. Once I say this, the empress dowager will think that I don't know how to advance or retreat, and I still have to rely on my grandfather and father to make meritorious deeds. That's why I came up with such a method." Xie Jinran said.

"Yes, this servant understands." Shuyan benefited a lot.

"Okay, go down and rest, the queen mother will wake up in the middle of the night and call me." Xie Jinran said, entering the hall.

in the cell.

Feng Jue sat cross-legged on the cold stone bed and closed her eyes.

After a while, the door creaked, and Jiang Keji walked in, signaling the jailer to open the cell door, and Feng Jue slowly opened his eyes.

Jiang Keji stepped forward, knelt down and said, "Your Highness, you can go out now."

Feng Jue hurriedly got up and asked, "How are Cheng Jun and Wan Jun doing now?"

"Return to Your Highness, the imperial physician said that he is out of danger." Jiang Keji replied.

Only then did Feng Jue let out a long breath, and said, "That's good, I finally feel relieved."

"Your Highness can go out." Jiang Keji said.

"Have you found the murderer?" Feng Jue asked.

Jiang Keji shook his head, "Not yet, it was Princess Hengqin who tried to protect His Highness in front of the Empress Dowager in Yuqing Palace, and the Empress Dowager decided to release His Highness first."

"Princess Heng is trying to protect the king?" Feng Jue's heart trembled slightly after hearing this, didn't she say that she doubted everyone?After being stunned for a while, it suddenly dawned on me that saying that sentence must be a strategy of my sister at that time.

Although the two of them have different identities, deep down in their hearts, they are still like brothers and sisters.

With a smile on his face, he bent down and got out of the cell door, feeling a wonderful sense of enlightenment.

Walking outside the cell, two maids came forward and said, "Your Highness, this is the material and shape chosen by the empress herself, and ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to sew the cloak for Your Highness."

Seeing the cloak, Feng Jue walked over, reached out to touch it, and said, "Mother, don't worry, I will go to thank you at dawn tomorrow."

Two court ladies stepped forward and put on the cloak for Feng Jue.

"Your Highness, Sijiu and Zhang Xi are waiting outside the palace, I will send you out of the palace." Jiang Keji said.

"En!" Feng Jue walked out of the palace wearing the cloak given by the empress.

Along the way, his brows slowly frowned. Someone must have interfered with today's incident and wanted to deal with him, but that person should never have moved his thoughts on his nephew and niece!

The coldness in his eyes slowly deepened.

All the way back to Prince Ming An's Mansion, the housekeeper ran out, bowed and said, "Your Highness, His Highness Ninth Prince and Wangfei are waiting."

(End of this chapter)

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