First-class daughter

Chapter 1202 Don't scare the snake

Chapter 1202 Don't scare the snake
Chapter 1202 Don't scare the snake
Brother Jiuwang and sister are here?

Feng Jue immediately quickened his pace and walked into the mansion. Before entering the door, he saw Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue sitting side by side inside, with solemn faces, as if thinking about something.

"Brother Wang, sister..." He walked in quickly.

"Jue'er is back." Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue stood up quickly.

"Jue'er, are you okay?" Lian Siyue asked with concern, and looked at him carefully.

Feng Jue looked at the woman in front of him, with a smile on his lips, and shook his head, "It's okay, the jailer has been very polite to me in just a short time."

On the way back just now, Zhang Xi talked about what happened in Yuqing Palace today. His sister believed in him wholeheartedly and defended him, which moved him very much.

My sister has always defended her. At that time, he was plotted against. My sister, a woman, ignored the gossip and led the nursing home to look for him regardless of the danger. Today, he thought that his sister didn't believe him. He really shouldn't.

"That's good. I've ordered my servants to prepare meals. You can eat some later. You haven't eaten anything since noon." Lian Siyue said.

"I don't think they would dare to mess around, you are a majestic general king." Feng Yunzheng said.

Lian Siyue saw the cloak on Feng Jue at a glance, with doubts in his eyes, and asked, "This cloak looks new."

Feng Jue looked down and said, "The empress mother ordered the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make it. When I came out, the maid of the Ministry of Internal Affairs brought it over, so I came back wearing it."

As he spoke, he took off the cloak and handed it to the butler.

"Well, that day I heard from my mother that I will make you a cloak to control the cold." She nodded and watched the housekeeper take the cloak inside.

After Feng Jue sat down, Feng Yunzheng asked:

"The reason why we came all night was to ask, when you asked Liu Yiyu to polish the jade pendant, did you encounter any suspicious people in Baoyu Pavilion?"

"Suspicious person?" Feng Jue focused, thought about it, and said, "I have been to Baoyu Pavilion three times in total, the first time I went to find Liu Yiyu and asked him to make a jade pendant, and the second time I went to get the jade, but Liu Yiyu said It was not completed as scheduled, and the third time was today. After I went to get the jade, I went directly to the palace. During these three visits, no suspicious person was found. Baoyu Pavilion mainly consists of him, a few apprentices, and a substitute He took care of the women in Baoyu Pavilion."

Feng Yunzheng nodded and said, "That's right, I have ordered Night Breeze to temporarily arrest these people."

"Brother Jiuwang, sister, according to what you can see, who is trying to provoke our relationship, could it be Brother Eighth Wang?" Feng Jue asked.

"No." Lian Siyue shook his head, "It's Feng Qianyue, he's back, and Liu Yiyu was once his."

"What, Feng Qianyue..." Feng Jue was very shocked and astonished, "He is so bold, Father gave him a killing order, even if there is no father's hunting order, the three of us will never let him go! "

"I've decided that because he came out, since he's back in the capital, I can't tolerate him continuing to hide in the dark and make trouble! This time, I will settle all the debts with him!" The expression on Lian Siyue's face changed. In the cold, those eyes that look like millennium glaciers released the certainty that must be won.

"Brother Jiuwang, sister, I don't know something. Since you have confirmed that Feng Qianyue did it, why didn't you tell the queen mother about it today, and didn't you report it to the emperor?" Feng Jue asked.

"Because..." Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue looked at each other and said, "We suspect that Feng Qianyue is not alone, otherwise, the timing of Liu Yiyu's death would not be such a coincidence, someone must have tipped him off at that time , and this person is in the Imperial Qing Palace, if we tell the Empress Dowager about this, we will only startle the snake and let him take precautions. It is better to pretend that we don't know that Feng Qianyue has returned, and then discuss it in the long run, and put Feng Qianyue's Let’s get to the bottom of it, let’s talk.”

"So, have Brother Jiu Wang and sister already thought of a solution?" Feng Jue asked, he also wanted to see Feng Qianyue quickly, get rid of him, avenge Lian's family, avenge his sister, and return There is...revenge on Xiao He.

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Yes, I've already thought about it."

Feng Jue couldn't wait, and asked, "What is the method, my brother would like to hear the details!"

"The reason why Feng Qianyue came back is nothing more than two reasons. First, his son is in our hands and we are raising him. He will definitely do everything possible to get the child back; second, he is not reconciled and wants to get rid of him." Me." Lian Siyue said.

"What does sister mean... use his son, and you, sister, to lure him out together?" Feng Jue said.

The corners of Lian Siyue's lips raised slowly, and said, "I know Feng Qianyue, he has an unimaginable endurance for ordinary people, he can endure loneliness, verbal abuse, insults, and even illness.

Because he has been excluded and neglected since he was a child, he knows how difficult it is to get out, so even if he is in a cesspit, he will choose to eat dung without hesitation in order to survive.A person like this has been refined so far that it is not so easy to lure him out without extraordinary means. "

Feng Jue's eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam of light slowly overflowed from those confused eyes, "I understand! I really can't wait to find him immediately, cut his body into pieces, take his head, stand on the city wall, and let him die." The world will curse forever!"

Feng Yunzheng looked at the sky, and said, "Yue'er, we should go too. Jue'er just came back, so it's good to rest. We have been waiting for a long time to deal with Feng Qianyue, so we are not in a hurry for today."

Lian Siyue nodded and said, "Jue'er, please rest, let's go first."

"Okay, I'll take you out." Feng Jue said.

When he turned around, Lian Siyue saw that he was scratching his back with his backhand. He must have been locked up in a prison and was bitten by mosquitoes, so he told him, "Let the servants use moxa balls and maple leaves to boil water to bathe and go to the body." mosquitoes."

"Sister, don't worry, Sijiu is doing all these things." He said, scratching the back of his neck again.

"Je'er, you are going to add a mistress to your mansion. With a mistress, the palace will be like a palace, and the man will be like a man." Feng Yunzheng stretched out his hand, and patted Feng Jue on the shoulder, He smiled and said, "Brother, when I was never married to Yue'er, I always felt that Prince Heng's mansion was deserted and life was so-so, but after having Yue'er, it was completely different, and the family was like a home."

Feng Jue lowered his head, a layer of embarrassment appeared on his face, and the roots of his ears turned red, and said, "Brother Nine Kings..."

"Okay, don't laugh at him, go back quickly, there is still someone waiting eagerly in our house." Lian Siyue tugged at the corner of Feng Yunzheng's clothes and said.

(End of this chapter)

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