Chapter 1205
Chapter 1205
The fate of a person in this life depends entirely on chance, just like the fallen leaves on the tree, falling rustlingly, some fall in the temple, which is a scene, and some fall in the latrine, and they are with the cesspit.

Feng Qianyue's illness was not good, so she fell into the latrine with a foul and disgusting smell.

After hearing this, Feng Yunzheng looked back, and his eyes fell on Lian Siyue. However, the expression on Lian Siyue's face was very calm, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

If ordinary people listened to it, they might feel sorry for this man's difficulty, but they can't even do it like a moon, not a little bit!

In her previous life, she knew that Feng Qianyue had a rough life experience, was not born well, and the emperor didn't like him. When he was a child, he grew up in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so being ridiculed was a cheap life.

So she loves him, is willing to give everything for him, seek justice for him, and marry him with the enthusiasm he should have. In front of him, she dedicates without reservation, just wanting to make him feel that he is loved So, someone hurts, not everyone abandons him.

After marriage, she treated him as everything. From beginning to end, inside and out, he was the only one. In order to protect him, she didn't care even if his face was disfigured.

Advising him and removing obstacles one after another together, he thought he would be moved and grateful, and she also thought he really loved him, those passionate words of love often echoed in her ears.

But what did she get in the end?
Outright betrayal, all kinds of torture.

When he finally got rid of all the humbleness and unbearableness in the past and ascended the throne, he began to eliminate the bad parts of his past life.

She didn't expect that she was also in this bad memory that he wanted to forget, so once the throne was consolidated, he would become her betrayer.

Abandoning her and her child, he would rather be with Lian Shiya, a woman who has done nothing for him, but is glamorous and so beautiful that people can't take their eyes off her.

Some people, it is true that he is suffering, but he never deserves the sincerity of others!
Feng Qianyue is like this, he only has power and status in his eyes, her sincerity is worthless!
Not only trampled on her sincerity, but also tortured her body and killed their common child. Why should this kind of person get any more pity from her.

She regretted that when the emperor bestowed the palace maid to death, he didn't kill him at the same time!
Feng Yunzheng continued to ask, "Then who is Feng Qianyue's biological mother?"

"He was not born in the palace. After the birth, the emperor brought him back from outside. Therefore, only the emperor knows who his biological mother is." Princess An Guo said, "However, what has the emperor done all these years?" He will tell me everything, but he won't mention Feng Qianyue's biological mother, maybe this is also a pain in the emperor's heart, so he doesn't want to be mentioned. It is also because of this that he looks down on Feng Qianyue."

"Does Aunt Huang know where Feng Qianyue was brought back?" Lian Siyue asked.

"Jicheng." Princess An said.

"Jicheng?" A thought flashed in Feng Yunzheng's eyes, and he said, "Auntie, the legendary Mrs. Zining is also from Jicheng."

"That's right, Mrs. Zining is also from Jicheng, but Mrs. Zining has never been in the palace, so I have seen Zining, but I have seen her portrait, which was drawn by the emperor himself. There is also a verse on it, "Overlapping tear marks and brocade characters, life is only love and death." She is the emperor's favorite woman." Princess Anguo said, "So, the emperor seems to be ruthless, and there are three thousand beauties in the harem, but in my heart I can only Take the next person."

"I was thinking just now whether Feng Qianyue might be Madam Zining's child, but the emperor loves Zining so much that he would never scold him for being a bitch, so Feng Qianyue is not Madam Zining child." Lian Siyue said.

"Since father loves Zi Ning so much, why didn't he come close to the palace?" Feng Yunzheng said, "Could it be that Zi Ning didn't like life in the deep palace and rejected father's kindness?"

Princess An Guo shook her head and said, "No, she is willing to go back to the palace with your father, but at the night before she was going to go back to the palace, she suddenly... died, that's why she couldn't come back. If she comes back, With the emperor's love for her, she is the queen of this harem, and there will be no one else.

Because of her death, the emperor was sad for a long, long time. "

"It turns out that the emperor has been so affectionate before." Lian Siyue said.

"Yeah, who hasn't been young, me too. When I was young, I felt that love is the most important thing in this world. For her, I was willing to give up my self-esteem, freedom, and power, but in the end I realized that self-esteem, freedom, Power is the most important thing, and the emperor is just a grown up emperor." Princess An said with emotion.

Even Siyue and Feng Yunzheng looked at each other quietly, and both of them had smiles on their faces: For them, self-esteem, freedom, and power used to be above everything else, but without mutual love, these self-esteem, freedom, and power would be lost. Also boring.

"I often thought later, if Zining hadn't died, maybe everything would have been different, and the emperor wouldn't be the current emperor." Princess An Guo murmured, "And I, maybe it wouldn't be me."

"Princess..." Even Siyue knew about Princess An. She married twice. The first time her husband was killed by herself, and the child she gave birth to also died. The second time her husband was taken from another woman. It was snatched, but this husband never forgets his former wife, Princess An, who has never conceived a child.

Although she is powerful and wealthy, she does not have a child who can take care of herself

When I first entered the princess mansion, I heard from Xueli that the son-in-law was ill yesterday, and I found out the old things of my dead wife, and was discovered by Princess An.

But this time, Princess An did not lose her temper, but silently closed the door for the son-in-law, and then never entered that room again.

People say that Princess Anguo is the most successful woman in the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the only woman who openly raises a group of male favorites, but who knows how sad she is.

"Don't talk about me, let's talk about Feng Qianyue, what else do you want to ask?" Princess An came back to her senses and said.

"Although Feng Qianyue is not Mrs. Zining's child, I always feel that he has something to do with Mrs. Zining. After all, he was also brought back by Jicheng. However, my father loved Zining so much at that time, how could he still be with Mrs. Zining?" What about other women giving birth?" Feng Yunzheng said.

"Hehe." Princess An Guo smiled and said, "Yun Zheng, you only have Siyue alone, so naturally you can't understand how terrible it is to be jealous of women. Your father only loves Zi Ning, but it does not rule out other people's love." Look at him, want to have his child. Look at Concubine Xu Xian, your mother, Concubine Feng De, Concubine Lian Shu, who would not want to have more children of the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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