First-class daughter

Chapter 1206 Princess Affair

Chapter 1206 Princess Affair
Chapter 1206 Princess Affair
Feng Yunzheng smiled a little shyly, and said, "What my aunt taught me is that I became confused all of a sudden."

"Auntie, don't blame him, he is always slow in this regard." Even Si Yue laughed.

"Look, it's great that you are like this. Who said that the more people in a family, the better?" Princess An said, looking at the two of them.

The two looked at each other and said, "Auntie said so."

"Auntie, did Emperor Father tell you how Mrs. Zining died? She was fine, and she was about to enter the palace, but she died suddenly. There must be something strange about it." Feng Yunzheng asked about this crucial matter. question.

"It was poisoned to death. I guess it was done by Feng Qianyue's biological mother, but the emperor never said it. The jealousy between women is no easier than that of you men on the battlefield. The smoke is still full of gunpowder and blood flows like rivers." ’” An Guo Princess said.

"My thoughts are the same as Aunt Huang's." Lian Siyue nodded, "Only in this way can I understand why the emperor hates and hates Feng Qianyue so much, and keeps saying that he was born as a bitch."

Feng Yunzheng also nodded, and said, "That's right, because Feng Qianyue's biological mother killed Mrs. Zi Ning in order to win the favor of the father, the father hated Feng Qianyue in every possible way after being heartbroken. I know who Feng Qianyue's biological mother is, and she has such a great ability to conceive with his father's flesh and blood when his father loves Mrs. Zi Ning so much."

"In short, it won't be a simple woman. Looking at Feng Qianyue's temperament, I know that a simple woman cannot give birth to such a son." Princess An said.

"It makes sense." Feng Yunzheng nodded.

"Okay, I know what I know, and I've told you almost everything, so you can think about it slowly." Princess An said with a sigh of relief.

"If Aunt Huang doesn't dislike it, Siyue would like to stay with you for a while longer." Lian Siyue knew that Princess An was worried, so she stepped forward and said.

"It's too late for me to be happy that you are willing to accompany such a boring woman like me. How could you dislike me?" Princess An said with a smile.

"Aunt Huang, then you guys talk, I will retire first." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Go, two horses have come to my mansion, you go and have a look, pick one you like and take it back." Princess An said.

The horse that Princess An mentioned is definitely not an ordinary horse, it must be a rare breed like a sweat-blooded horse.

Lian Siyue took Princess An's hand and walked in the garden.

Princess An Guo sighed slightly, showed a wry smile, and said, "I don't know if it's because I'm getting older, but my heart has suddenly softened recently. I've begun to turn a blind eye to things that I couldn't bear in the past."

"Sometimes, it's not that I want to let others go, but I actually want to let go of myself, and I don't want to have a bad life." Lian Siyue said with deep feeling.

When she was just reborn, how much she wanted to grab Feng Qianyue and ask why she did this to her?Why don't you miss the old love, why don't you let her live, and torture her like that!
But later, she figured it out, what's the use of thinking about it?It's better not to think about it, just take revenge fiercely!

But now, those emotional bits and pieces of the previous life don't exist in her memory at all.

"Yeah, let yourself go. I, it's been more than ten years. It's time to let me go. It's pointless to persist." Princess An Guo said slowly. Just an ordinary woman.

And maybe talking about the emperor's past with Lian Siyue and the others today touched a certain string in her heart, making her involuntarily have the desire to talk.

"For so many years, I know that I owe him. I was too self-righteous at the time, thinking how great my love was, and thinking that he would be flattered because I loved him. Who knows, I have disgusted him so much. It has been more than ten years , and didn't even look at me a few times."

When Princess An Guo said this, desolation spread in her eyes, and that face full of power and status looked a little older at the moment.

Lian Siyue stepped forward and held Princess An's hand.

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Princess An's lips, and said, "At that time, I was young, because I was the Princess An who was respected by everyone, and I was not a law-abiding person, knowing that he was a married man. , I still go to him when he is studying, discussing poetry, poetry, court affairs, he is very insightful, I admire and fascinate me.

At that time, whenever he saw me, his eyes shone with brilliance. The feeling of happiness and excitement couldn’t be concealed. He didn’t promise me because I was An Guo. On the contrary, I deliberately misinterpreted some classics. When he meant it, he would get angry and fight with me, blushing.

If he hadn't been forced by me, maybe he would have made some achievements in the court, instead of thinking about his dead wife all day long, drunk and dreaming, and seeing and hating me. "

When Princess An Guo said this, the circles of her eyes were slightly red, and there was a mist in her eyes. Lian Siyue supported her and sat down in the gazebo.

In fact, at that time, I thought he liked me too. When he looked at me, his feeling couldn't deceive anyone. It was only because he already had a family, so he didn't dare to accept me.

So, at that time, I did a wrong thing.

I went to find his wife, and I told her that if I want him to be a son-in-law, then I will be the main wife, and I can tolerate her existence, but she can no longer be the main wife, because I am a princess, and there is no reason to do so. For the concubine, I asked her to be the concubine, and I promised not to drive her away, and made her brother an official. She said at the time, okay, thank you for your grace.

I thought she agreed, and when I got back, I asked the emperor to issue an imperial decree to be my parents.

Who knew, after I left, this woman actually... hanged herself.

The next day, when I came to the door with the imperial decree, he was hugging her cold body and crying loudly in the room. He pointed at me and yelled at me, calling me a femme fatale, saying that even if he guarded her body for the rest of his life , and will not go back to the princess mansion with me to be a consort, saying that the most regrettable thing in his life is getting to know me, which caused him to lose the person he loves the most.

I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that she would hang herself, she promised me with a smile, I thought she accepted, so I happily went back to ask the emperor to issue an imperial edict, I explained to him, but he didn't listen, He also tore up the imperial decree on the spot, saying that even if he was ordered to kill everyone, he would not follow me!

I was too young at that time, and I was a high-ranking princess. I was also angry at the time when I was insulted like this. I said that I would only give him three days to deal with the matter of his dead wife, and then follow the imperial edict. I get married! "

(End of this chapter)

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