Chapter 1207 The unbearable past

Chapter 1207 The unbearable past

"Then I left in a hurry, but I didn't expect that after he buried his dead wife as scheduled, he wrote an article in which he yelled at the emperor, became drunk, and recited it on the street. When the emperor heard it, the emperor was furious and immediately ordered him to be executed.

In order to save him, I immediately forced him to marry me, and he became a son-in-law, so the emperor will spare him for my sake.He would rather die than surrender, and wanted to go with his dead wife, so I ordered someone to beat him unconscious and forcefully married me.

The big wedding on that day was really spectacular. The fire had the same name throughout the night, illuminating the entire capital, gold and silver covered the ground, and the illuminated torches scorched the trees along the way. Congratulations to Yuanyang for a hundred years.The wedding took place for three days and three nights.

Everyone thought that I snatched a son-in-law by coincidence, but who knew that Xue Renfu almost died in the past three days and three nights.

After the wedding, he treated me like ice, and I always felt that I owed her. After all, I was the one who killed his beloved.But I don't want him to be scolded by later generations as a heartless person who abandoned his wife in order to cling to the powerful.

So, I wantonly recruited male pets into the mansion and asked them to serve me. At the same time, because I love him and hate him, I recruited these male pets to anger him.

Hehe, who knows, he didn't care at all, these years, he just came here in a daze holding his dead wife's old things.And I also paid the price for my waywardness at the beginning.I am a lonely woman with power and wealth, but no one wants me. "

Princess An's normally firm and powerful eyes became melancholy and weak, with a deep bitterness on her face.

"However, the so-called male pets that the princess raises in the mansion are actually counselors raised by the princess. They advise the princess. This is why, no matter how the imperial power changes, the princess mansion will always maintain prosperity. This is also the way the princess protects herself. " Lian Siyue said.

Princess An Guo was slightly taken aback, then smiled, and said, "Siyue, you are really a smart person, you have seen it."

"It's not like the moon is smart, but after getting in touch with the aunt Huang, the moon gradually understands the character of the aunt Huang, and she is definitely not a luxurious and lustful person." Lian Siyue said.

"However, some people don't want to know me, and they don't want to know who I am for the rest of their lives." Princess An Guo said, sighing deeply, with unresolved worries in her eyes.

After hearing these words from Princess An, even Siyue sighed in every possible way. Everyone thought that Princess An was domineering. Because she fell in love with a man, she ordered the execution of the man's first wife and seized the man as her own. Then, It's really extravagant and lustful to have so many male favorites.

Even she saw Princess An in this way in her previous life. Who would have expected that there would be such twists and turns.

"Look at me, I'm really old. Not only have my heart softened, but I've even talked too much. I've been dragging you to talk so much." Princess An seemed to have come to her senses, and said with a smirk.

"If you say something, you will feel better. Aunt Huang trusts Siyue and is willing to talk to Siyue. It is Siyue's blessing." Lian Siyue said.

"Princess, it's time for you to rest. Don't forget what the imperial physician said last time." At this time, the palace maid Xueli walked into the pavilion and bowed.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and rest now." Princess An said with a helpless smile on her face.

"Is the princess not well?" Lian Siyue was startled slightly and said.

"Returning to the princess, the princess has always felt uncomfortable recently. The imperial doctor saw it and said it was a depression in her heart. She asked the princess to rest more and think about something happy." Xueli said.

"Hehe, Doctor Ma is also embarrassing me. In my life, there are too few happy things." Princess An Guo said seemingly indifferent, and she left with Xueli's support.

Even Siyue took a deep breath as she watched her going away. A woman seems to have obtained the most enviable thing in the world, but...

After a while, Xueli came back again and said, "Princess, the princess asked the servants to come over and tell you and His Highness the Ninth Prince to stay at the Princess Mansion for lunch. She will go and rest first, and we will meet again after lunch."

"Okay, I see." Lian Siyue nodded and said.

"The servant has retired." Xueli turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait!" Lian Siyue called out as if she remembered something.

"Princess?" Xueli turned around.

"Where is Consort Xue now? Can I go and see?" Lian Siyue asked.

"The son-in-law is in his own bedroom, I don't know if he is drinking or writing poetry." Xue Li said with a soft sigh.

"Can you take someone with you, and lead me there to have a look." Lian Siyue said.

A look of doubt flashed across Xueli's face, and Lian Siyue explained, "Miss Xueli, we all hope that the princess will take care of herself, well, don't you?"

Xueli nodded and said, "Follow me."

"Thank you, Miss, for leading the way." Xueli led Lian Siyue all the way to Xue Renfu's bedroom.

"Princess, the son-in-law is inside." Xue Li pricked up her ears and said, "Listen to the sound, the son-in-law should be playing the flute."

"Where does the son-in-law like to walk around?" Lian Siyue asked.

Knowing that Princess An trusted Lian Siyue, Xueli told some secret facts, saying:
"Princess, in fact, the son-in-law rarely walks out of this courtyard, and the princess rarely meets him on weekdays. It's just that the son-in-law has to show up at banquets, so that the princess can appear in front of others like a husband and wife, showing affection. After all If there are bad rumors before the emperor, it can't give people the feeling that the son-in-law and the princess have no relationship."

Hearing what Xueli said, Lian Siyue suddenly understood why Princess Anguo liked to hold banquets so much. There were flower viewing banquets, Cuju banquets, and moon viewing banquets.People in the world think that she likes to be lively, and likes the feeling that the juniors surround her.As everyone knows, she just wants to see him.

Lian Siyue listened attentively, this Xue Renfu was playing the song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix".

"I'll go in and have a look." As Lian Siyue said, she stepped into the son-in-law's bedroom, Xueli and other court ladies stood at the door and waited.

Walking into the hall, Siyue took one step at a time, looked around, and saw that the courtyard was deserted, only the melodious sound of the flute, and the fallen leaves on the ground fluttered with the wind.

"Who?" At this time, the sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and a deep voice came from the room, full of displeasure at being disturbed.

Lian Siyue's heart trembled slightly, but she still lifted her foot and walked inside.

(End of this chapter)

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