First-class daughter

Chapter 1211 Stung by Bugs

Chapter 1211 Stung by Bugs

Chapter 1211 Stung by Bugs

"Then, then I..." A word was stuck in Feng Jue's mouth, but he couldn't say it for a long time. His face was flushed, and suddenly, he changed from a majestic prince back to a young one. Teenager feeling.

"What about you? Huh?" Seeing him stammering, Lingyue stared at him with watery eyes. Being looked at by her like this, Feng Jue felt even more flustered. Looked at a loss.

"Lian Jue, what exactly are you going to say?" Ling Yue asked curiously,

"Eleven, your eyes are so big, looking at me like that, I...I feel embarrassed." After a long time, Feng Jue choked out such a sentence.

"Then I won't watch it!" Ling Yue said, turning her back to him.

"Don't go!" Lian Jue mistook her for going away and walked in front of her, saying.

Lingyue raised her head, looked at the tall man, and asked, "Lian Jue, I'm not leaving, I'm waiting for you to speak, don't worry, speak slowly."

"I, I..." The general king who commanded thousands of troops to kill the enemy on the battlefield seemed clumsy at the moment, blushing, unable to utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"You what?" Lian Lingyue looked at him puzzled.

"I, I..." Feng Jue lowered her head, as if she had made up her mind, she took out a thick paper from her bosom, put it in Lingyue's hands, and said, "This is when I went to Shanhaiguan, you The ones that were given to me are all written, take a look."

He seemed to have picked up something hot, and after putting it in Lingyue's hands, he took a step back, his face turned even redder, and his earlobes were so red that they seemed about to bleed.

Lingyue was taken aback for a moment, and looked down at the things in her arms. With trembling hands, she flipped through the papers bound by him one by one. The words "positive" were written all over them, written one by one. .

The circles of her eyes slowly turned red, tears filled her eyes, her heart trembled, and she couldn't believe her eyes.

"You said at that time, I, I have written it all, and now I will give it to you." Feng Jue was a little at a loss, with both hands clenched into fists, and neither picked it up nor put it down.

Lingyue looked at these papers, didn't speak for a long time, blinked her eyes, and tears fell down the back of her hands with a thud.

Seeing her tears, Feng Jue panicked and said quickly, "Eleven, you, why are you crying? Did I make you angry? Shouldn't I show you this?"

"..." Lingyue shook her head vigorously, more tears fell down.

"Then you, you... don't cry." Feng Jue stepped forward, raised her hand, wiped the tears on her cheeks awkwardly, and comforted her awkwardly, "Don't cry, Eleven, if you cry, I'm going to be hurting here, hurting and hurting."

He pointed to his chest and said.

However, as soon as he said these words, Lingyue's tears fell even more fiercely, and she couldn't stop at all, clutching the thick stack of paper tightly in her hand.

"You, I..." Feng Jue hastily wiped away her tears again, and said, "Did I do something wrong to make you angry?"

"..." Lingyue shook her head vigorously again.

"Then, is it too late for me to give it to you?" Feng Jue's heart trembled, it would not be because it has been too long that Eleven will not admit it.

"..." Lingyue continued to shake her head, tears streaming down her face.

"That's because I gave it too abruptly?" Feng Jue asked tentatively. After all, she took out this thing without any psychological preparation, did she make her unhappy?
"..." Ling Yue'er continued to shake her head, her tearful eyes were fixed on the handsome man in front of her, and there was a trace of tension on her picturesque face.

"'s don't like me anymore?" Feng Jue asked, thinking of this possibility, he suddenly became nervous, it's not impossible.

"No." Ling Yue finally spoke, raised her head, and looked at Feng Jue with tears on her face.

"..." Hearing these words, Feng Jue heaved a sigh of relief, and asked cautiously, "Then what's wrong with you?"

"Because I'm happy, idiot Lianjue." Lingyue held a thick stack of papers in her heart, with tears hanging on her cheeks, but a smile bloomed in her eyes, and said.

"..." Feng Jue finally felt relieved when he heard this, and wiped away the tears on her cheeks bit by bit with his fingertips, and said, "I'm sorry, Eleven, I'm sorry."

"..." Lingyue finally burst into laughter and said, "Lian Jue, don't say sorry, I'm not angry at all, no matter what you do, I won't be angry, besides, you gave me this, I'm so happy Already!"

Hearing her silly words, Feng Jue smiled foolishly, scratched his head, and said, "It's as long as you are happy, but I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'm too abrupt."

Ling Yue hugged the thick stack of paper tightly and said, "Then you already gave it to me, and it's mine. Even if you want to go back, I won't give it back. Don't you regret it?"

"No regrets! I won't come back, this is yours, I have already given it to you!" Feng Jue said solemnly as if making an oath.

Ling Yue's face was full of smiles, her eye circles were still red, but she said happily, "Lian Jue, I'm really happy."

"..." Seeing her smiling so happily, Feng Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that her palms were covered with sweat.

God, it's harder to talk to girls like this than to fight a war.

"But..." Lingyue raised her head slightly and said, "Then, Lian Jue, you give me this, is there anything else you want to say?"

"Yes, I... hiss..." Feng Jue was about to say something, but felt a sharp pain in the neck, as if something had scratched it.

"What's the matter?" Seeing him like this, Ling Yue quickly asked with concern.

"It seems to be bitten by something again. Could it be a bug in the prison? I obviously have bathed and changed my clothes yesterday." Feng Jue stretched out his hand and scratched his neck, itching for a while.

"Show me quickly to see if there are bugs." Lingyue walked into the gazebo in the garden with Feng Jue, and put down the paper in her hand.

Feng Jue sat down on the chair, Ling Yue untied the cloak for him, put it on the upper table beside him, then walked behind him, first looked at the red and swollen patch on her neck, her heart trembled slightly, There was an inexplicable sense of foreboding.

"Where was I bitten just now, the exact location?" Ling Yue asked.

Feng Jue reached out and patted the left side of the neck.

"Let me take a look." Lingyue didn't care about the etiquette, and uncovered Lianjue's hair, and sure enough, there was a red and swollen area just below the ear, "It's exactly the same as the position on the back of the neck."

Feng Jue frowned, and said, "What kind of insect is this? It's so powerful that it sticks to me and won't go away. Could it be hiding on my head? But, it's obvious that my hair has been washed."

"Don't move!" Seeing that Feng Jue was about to reach out to touch again, Ling Yue said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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