First-class daughter

Chapter 1212 Keeping a Secret

Chapter 1212 Keeping a Secret
Chapter 1212 Keeping a Secret
Lingyue lifted his hair on the other side, and there was also a red bump there, "What kind of bug is this? It has bitten several places."

Looking at it, Lingyue felt chilly in her heart, so many redness and swelling connected together.

"I'll go back and apply some more medicine, and let the servants clean up the entire palace, and throw away everything I touched yesterday." Feng Jue frowned and said.

"Well, we must clean it up, I think the bite is serious." Lian Lingyue said worriedly.

"It's nothing, it's just a few bugs, don't be afraid, this spring, when the cell is humid, and when mosquitos breed, it's normal to be bitten." Feng Jue didn't think too much.

Ling Yue picked up the cloak and put it on Feng Jue again.

"Ah..." Suddenly, she felt something move in the direction of her palm, she was startled, and the cloak in her hand fell to the ground.

"What's wrong?" Feng Jue hurriedly stood up and asked anxiously.

Lingyue's face turned a little pale, she opened her hand to look, and suddenly, there was a bitten pinhole-sized mark on her palm, which turned red after a while.

Feng Jue was taken aback, and looked at the cloak on the ground suddenly. He bent down, picked up the cloak, gradually grasped the brocade on the back with both hands, and tore it apart forcefully!

Suddenly, a palm-sized brown multi-legged reptile fell out of the cloak, as if frightened, the insect quickly crawled into the nearby grass.

"Ah!" Ling Yue screamed, and hid in Feng Jue's arms in fright, her face and heart felt numb, her face was pale, and her body was trembling with fright.

Feng Jue hugged Lingyue tightly with one hand, while pulling out the dagger at his waist, he swung it out with a swipe, and stabbed the reptile's back impartially, so that the reptile couldn't move anymore.

"This, what is this, it's so scary, why is it inside your cloak." Lingyue asked with a trembling voice, trembling with fear, almost going limp!
Such a worm is really terrifying!And it was hidden in Lian Jue's cloak!

Feng Jue supported Ling Yue'er to sit down, walked forward step by step, lowered his head, and picked up the dagger, the reptile was on the dagger, and sticky brown juice flowed out.

"Ah..." Lingyue was so frightened that her legs went limp!
"Don't be afraid, you're already dead." Feng Jue said, but his voice was extraordinarily cold.

"What, what is this? It's too scary, it stung you like this." Lingyue summoned up her courage and asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a slightly poisonous scorpion. Although it's not very poisonous, but if you bite too many times, your body will be poisoned." Feng Jue said in a deep voice, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing the poison in his eyes. A frightful coldness,

"Then, who gave this to you? Did the worm be sewn in on purpose, or did it crawl in from somewhere accidentally?" Ling Yue asked,
"There are no scorpions in the palace, so it didn't crawl in by accident, but was sewn in on purpose." Feng Jue said, her lips turning pale.

"Then...who made this cloak for you." Lingyue felt a chill down her spine. The person who made this cloak is really terrifying, and his heart is to be punished!It's so harmful.

"Yes..." It was from the empress, the empress of the cloak, and he still wore it to thank him.

"Who is it?" Ling Yue asked tremblingly, "Such a vicious scheme makes one's hair stand on end when one thinks about it. We must find this person."

Thoughts flashed across Feng Jue's eyes, he turned around, held Ling Yue's shoulder, and said, "Eleventh, only you and I know about this matter, don't tell anyone, and don't ask me now, who did it."

"Lianjue? But, don't brother Jiu and sister want to tell?" Lingyue asked.

Feng Jue paused, then nodded, and said, "Yes, don't tell them, only you and I know about this."

Seeing that he was so determined, Lingyue nodded and said, "Okay, I know, I will keep it a secret and not tell anyone, but Lian Jue, you must not be in danger, you have to be good."

Feng Jue nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll let you know after a while."

"Okay." Ling Yue looked at the scorpion on the dagger, her face was still pale with fright, and her feet were weak.

Feng Jue put the dead scorpion, together with the dagger, into the cloak, folded the cloak, put it in his hand, and said, "I'm going first, remember what I said, don't tell anyone."

"Yeah! I remember! Be careful!" Lingyue's heart was still pounding.

With a serious face, Feng Jue took the cloak and walked out of the gazebo quickly, leaving Prince Heng's mansion.

Lingyue sat on the chair, recalling the situation just now in her mind, she still had palpitations, and the feeling of fear permeated her heart.

It's dangerous!
The way of harming people is really hard to guard against. Chengjun and Wanjun's jade pendants have just had an accident, and there is a terrible scorpion in Fengjue's cloak.

Therefore, Lian Jue has to put up 12 points of energy so as not to be plotted against by others. It's really hard work for him like this!

When Lingyue was thinking about it, Feng Yunzheng and Lian Siyue had already walked over from a distance.

"What about Jue'er, why are you alone?" Lian Siyue walked in and said.

"Oh, he, he has something to do suddenly, so let's go first." Startled, Lingyue stood up abruptly and said.

Lian Siyue frowned, seeing her suddenly startled, couldn't help feeling strange, and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing, I was thinking about something, my sister suddenly spoke, which startled me." Ling Yue said, avoiding Lian Siyue.

Lian Siyue was stunned, there is something wrong with this girl, why is she like this all of a sudden?

And Feng Yunzheng saw the stack of papers on the stone table at a glance, a smile appeared on his face, and said, "I know why Ling Yueer suddenly behaved like this."

"Why?" Lian Siyue raised her head and asked.

"Here, I received the gift." Feng Yunzheng pouted, and Lian Siyue realized that it was a stack of papers with the word "正" written on it. He suddenly realized it and smiled, "So that's it, Ling Yue'er This is embarrassment. No wonder Jue'er didn't have time to wait for us."

"Ninth Brother, you're used to laughing at me!" Ling Yue quickly picked up the stack of papers, put them in her arms, and said with a flushed face.

"Haha..." Feng Yunzheng laughed heartily, "Ling Yueer, does this count as keeping the clouds open and the moon shining?"

"Hehe..." Lian Siyue also understood the meaning of these "positive" characters, and couldn't help laughing, "It's also called turning the clouds to see the sun, suddenly seeing the light."

Lingyue blushed even more, and said, "You all laugh at me."

"Alright, you're going to go to Ningde Mountain Villa tomorrow, are you ready?" Lian Siyue asked.

(End of this chapter)

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