First-class daughter

Chapter 1213 Let's see the good fortune

Chapter 1213 Let's see the good fortune
Chapter 1213 Let's see the good fortune
"Sister, don't worry, I'm ready." Ling Yue said.

Lian Siyue held her hands and said, "Ling Yue'er, I can only open a door for you, but what to do after entering the door is all up to you, do you understand what my sister means?"

"Sister." Lingyue nodded and said, "I understand the good intentions of you and Brother Jiu. I am no longer the Lingyue'er I used to be. I will seize every opportunity. Lianjue is so good, I can't be thrown away. Too far, I will try to keep up with his pace."

"Sure enough, love is the best catalyst for a person. Yue'er, do you remember that you told her to study hard before, and she either said it hurts here or there." Feng Yunzheng couldn't help but teased from the side.

Lingyue blushed and said, "Ninth Brother, you, don't embarrass me. If you embarrass me again, I will take my sister with me, hum."

"Don't!" Feng Yunzheng quickly raised his hands in surrender, "I won't talk about you anymore, please don't break up our little couple."

"Okay, since Jue'er has already left, let's go back too. We will enter the palace tomorrow morning, and we haven't seen Cheng Jun and Wang Jun all day and night, so I'm thinking hard." Lian Siyue said.

"Then sister, I'll go back first." Lingyue walked out of the gazebo holding her stack of papers.

Lian Siyue looked at her back, thoughts flashed in her eyes, and said, "Do you feel that something is wrong with Ling Yue'er?"

"Suddenly heard the confession of the man we like. It would be like this. When we broke our hearts, I didn't sleep for three days and three nights after I came back. I can't believe it's true. It's no exaggeration." Feng Yunzheng said.

"Really?" Lian Siyue turned her head and thought for a while, and said, "Maybe, after all, this girl has liked Feng Jue for a long time, now that Feng Jue gave her these, I'm afraid she will be so excited that she won't sleep all night."

this head.

After Feng Jue took the cloak and hurried back to Prince Ming An's Mansion, he asked Sijiu to immediately invite Dr. Jia, who was close to him, to come over.

After the doctor came over, Feng Jue asked Sijiu to close the door, and asked the doctor to show him the bite marks on his neck.

The doctor was taken aback, and said, "Your Highness was bitten so badly, where did this bug come from, it bites continuously."

Sijiu was startled when she saw it, and said, "Yesterday there was only one place, and the medicine was applied, but today it's full, it's really scary, does your Highness still have bugs on his body?"

"It wasn't bitten by an ordinary bug." Feng Jue unfolded the cloak, and saw that there was a dagger on the cloak, and the tip of the dagger was stuck on the back of a reptile.

"Scorpion?" Immediately, Doctor Jia and Sijiu were startled, and Sijiu's face turned pale, and asked, "Your Highness, where did the scorpion come from? It's so scary."

"Doctor Jia, look at the species of this scorpion. I have been stung so many times. Is it possible that I have been poisoned? I have been feeling dizzy since just now, and my chest is still a little sick." Feng Jue said, Calm, without any rush.


Dr. Jia first checked the shape, size, and color of the sap from the scorpion, and then raised the Feng Jue to diagnose the pulse, carefully observed the place where he was bitten, his face turned pale, and said, "Your Highness, you, you have been poisoned."

After hearing this, Sijiu bent his knees and knelt down on the ground, "What, what should I do? Your Highness, you are poisoned, what should you do?"

"Is there still help?" Feng Jue asked, feeling dizzy even more.

"Caomin first cleans the place on the neck for Your Highness, and squeezes out the poisonous juice inside." Dr. Jia said.

However, Feng Jue grabbed his hand, looked straight into his eyes, and asked, "I ask you, will I die?"

Dr. Jia was sweating, and said, "Yes, it depends on His Highness's luck. It would be fine if he got stung. Your Highness has already been bitten several times. Just looking at the blood at the bite mark, it has turned black."


Feng Jue slowly let go of his hands and sat down on the chair.

But Sijiu stood up abruptly, grabbed the doctor's hand, and said, "What are you talking about, our Highness has just returned from the battlefield not long ago, and such a bloody storm is fine, how can a reptile bite a few bites?" , It depends on good fortune! Doctor Jia, are you a quack doctor!"

"Brother Sijiu, Your Highness has been kind to me. Why don't I wish His Highness well, but..." Doctor Jia looked at Lian Jue, and said, "This is not an ordinary reptile, but a scorpion."

"Scorpion, scorpion..." Sijiu looked at Feng Jue, only to realize that his face was not as good-looking as usual, and there were some signs of paleness.

"Sijiu, go and ask Zhang Xi to come in." Feng Jue always looked very calm, and ordered.

"Yes." Sijiu hurried out.

After a while, Zhang Xi walked in, knelt down on one knee, and said with a worried face, "Your Highness, how could there be a scorpion biting you? Could it be that there is such a poison in the cell?"

"Don't say anything about this matter. This king will investigate carefully, so don't panic. The doctor said that it depends on this king's fortune, but he didn't say that he would die immediately." Feng Jue said.

"But, Your Highness..." Sijiu was extremely worried. The so-called good luck meant that there was a possibility of death. How could he accept it.

"Don't be so! Zhang Xi, go check it out immediately. Where can this kind of scorpion be found in the capital? Forty-ninth, you go to Prince Heng's mansion quickly, and give the hairpin I bought last time to the second lady of the Lian family. You said it was my gift, but at the same time, you asked her to take the pill and powder prescribed by Dr. Jia separately, and she was bitten too, but the bite was very light."

Feng Jue ordered.

"Yes, Your Highness, the humble (slave) will go now." The two had no choice but to accept the order.

"Remember, don't say anything." Feng Jue ordered again.

"Yes!" The two clearly left Feng Jue's side with orders.

"Your Highness, Caomin will clean up the poisonous blood on your neck first." Dr. Jia said.

"Yeah." Feng Jue went out of the brocade robe, Dr. Jia tied his hair up, took out a needle, and stabbed it with each needle, the black blood suddenly came out.

Dr. Jia quickly let Feng Jue lie on the chair, the black poisonous blood dripped drop by drop, Feng Jue's face gradually turned pale, fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his hands trembling by his side .

"Your Highness, just lie down like this for a while, and the grass people will apply medicine to you." Dr. Jia said from the side, seeing the black blood, his heart also trembled.

And Feng Jue slowly closed his eyes, thinking about the cloak in his mind:

After he came out of the prison cell, the maid of the House of Internal Affairs presented him with a cloak, saying it was a gift from the Empress. He was grateful and put it on.

The next day, when he went to Changchun Palace to thank him, the queen asked him if he liked it, which meant that the robe was indeed a gift from the queen.

And this scorpion...was he also secretly put it in?
(End of this chapter)

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