First-class daughter

Chapter 1214 The Queen of Doubt

Chapter 1214 The Queen of Doubt

Chapter 1214 The Queen of Doubt

Brother Jiuwang and sister are very trustworthy, but what about the queen...he is not close to the queen, and being adopted to her, calling her mother queen also means father emperor.


Various thoughts emerged in Feng Jue's mind. He remembered his own life experience. From the moment he was born, he was shrouded in conspiracy. Because of fate, he guessed the Lian family and became the son of the Lian family.

Not only Concubine Xu Xian, but also the adoptive mother of the Lian family, Rong Shi, once secretly drugged Lian Yan because he was afraid that he would rob Lian Yan of his status and wealth.

It's just that Rong's sister is the biological mother. If he told this matter, it might damage the relationship between the elder sister and the biological mother. Therefore, he also told Sijiu to shut up and not to mention this matter to anyone, and he himself Pretending not to know.

To this day, my sister still doesn't know about it, but he already knew about it at that time.

Also, when he first moved into Prince Ming An's Mansion, the Empress Dowager sent people, Concubine Xian sent people, Concubine Shu sent people, even Concubine Feng Gui, who had no son, tried every means to send people to his side.

To report his every move, he must be extremely careful, so as not to be caught by others.

Later, he gradually became stronger himself, and executed a group of people with some methods, and only then did he gradually have his own heartfelt people.

The process was so difficult and terrifying.

What about the Queen?Is it also one of these people?
Brother Jiuwang doesn't have any idea about the throne, but doesn't the queen either?Did she regard him as brother Jiuwang's most hated enemy, so she killed him?
"No!" Feng Jue suddenly opened his eyes and shook his head vigorously, Feng Jue, what are you thinking?She is Brother Jiuwang's biological mother, sister's mother-in-law, and Chengjun Wanjun's imperial grandmother. If you doubt him, you doubt Brother Jiuwang and sister. Queen's Hand, come to drive a wedge between you!You must not be fooled!
"Your Highness, it's ready, please sit up." Doctor Jia said at this time.

"..." Feng Jue sat down, Dr. Jia had already let out the poisonous blood, and applied medicine to the bite mark and wrapped it with gauze.

"Your Highness, go and rest, don't be busy anymore, Caomin asked the servant girl to decoct the medicine." Dr. Jia said.

"Well, you go." Feng Jue waved his hand, and when he stood up, he felt dizzy. The maid at the door hurried in, supported him, and said, "Your Highness, be careful."

"No problem." Feng Jue waved away the maid's hand, turned around and walked out the door.

"Bang!" However, he became dizzy for a while, and his head hit the door frame hard. Suddenly, he fell back and fell to the ground, unable to open his eyes for a long time.

"Your Highness!" Seeing this, several servant girls rushed forward and hurriedly helped Feng Jue up from the ground.

Feng Jue opened his eyes, only to feel a little dark in front of him.

"Quickly, go and decoct these medicines for Your Highness, take them quickly." Dr. Jia hurried forward, supported Feng Jue, and handed the medicine to the servant girl below.

Feng Jue was supported by Dr. Jia back to the room. Once on the bed, he fell on the bed as if unable to hold on, touched his eyes, and said, "Doctor Jia, will this continue?"

"Your Highness just injected so much blood, and his body is weak, so he was dizzy, rest first, and wait until you eat it." Dr. Jia said, he never dared to say that Feng Jue would be fine, so he had to say do.

Feng Jue closed his eyes, Dr. Jia stepped forward, took the quilt to cover him, and said, "Your Highness, please rest, Caomin is watching."

"Yeah." Feng Jue nodded feebly, the feeling of dizziness and discomfort finally got better.

After about half an hour, Sijiu came back first, saying that the second lady had already taken the medicine and applied it, and she was in good condition, nothing happened, so Feng Jue was relieved, and he also told Ling Yue'er that she would go tomorrow In Ningde Mountain Villa, look for the imperial physician who accompanied the princess.

"However, the Second Miss was very worried, and kept asking the slave about His Highness's condition, but the slave almost couldn't handle it anymore." Sijiu said, "Also, the Second Miss also gave me a letter to bring to Your Highness."

Feng Jue stretched out his hand, took the letter paper, and unfolded it, but his vision became a little blurred, and the words on it overlapped occasionally.

It took him a lot of effort to read the contents of the letter.

After reading it, he put the letter on his chest, with a smile on his face. Eleven urged him in every possible way in the letter, showing her concern, which made him feel very good.

After a while, Zhang Xi also came back.

"How?" Feng Jue sat up and asked, he found that it took a while to become clear when he looked at Zhang Xi and Sijiu.

"Your Highness, I have secretly inquired about this scorpion. It is from a farmer in the suburbs of Beijing who raises these poisonous insects. Those farmers raise these poisonous insects to sell to pharmacies as medicine." Zhang Xi said.

After hearing this, Feng Jue said, "When it gets dark, the two of you will go with me. I want to ask some questions in person. Take cover and don't startle the snake."

"Your Highness, you are not feeling well, why don't you ask me in a humble position." Seeing Feng Jue's complexion, Zhang Xi said worriedly.

"No, I want to go in person." Feng Jue insisted.

At this time, the servant girl came over with the already fried medicine, Sijiu quickly took it, and asked the servant girls to go down, and he would feed Feng Jue the medicine.

After drinking the medicine, Feng Jue lay back on the bed to rest.

Zhang Xi and Sijiu quietly left his room, walked out, and closed the door.

As soon as he walked outside, Sijiu couldn't help crying, and said, "My Highness is really pitiful. He has endured so much. He was harmed by his adoptive mother before, and now he doesn't know who is harmed by him! After all, everything is healed , and it became like this again.”

Sijiu said, tears streaming down his face.

"Shh!" Zhang Xi hurriedly said, "Sijiu, keep your voice down, don't be heard by His Highness, it will make him unhappy."

Sijiu understood, left Fengjue's room all the way, and only dared to cry when he went to the garden outside, "God, don't keep torturing our highness, let this useless slave suffer for your highness! "

Feng Jue has been by Sijiu's side since he was a child, Sijiu is only three years older than him, the two grew up together, Sijiu has long regarded Feng Jue as the closest person, and Feng Jue has always been Everyone treats him well, how can he not be sad when such a thing is reported now?
"The key is to find out who is killing His Highness behind his back. It happened twice in a row. Once it was the jade pendant poisoned, and this time it was the cloak. There are so many people who want to kill His Highness," Zhang Xi said.

(End of this chapter)

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