First-class daughter

Chapter 1215 Eye Blindness

Chapter 1215 Eye Blindness
Chapter 1215 Eye Blindness
"Your Highness has never harmed others, but those who want to harm His Highness have never stopped! Those who deserve to be killed, when I know who they are, I will definitely kill them with one blow!" Sijiu cried , while saying.

"However, His Highness has never said who did it. Judging by his appearance, he should know it in his heart, but he still refuses to believe it." Zhang Xi said.

"Who could it be? Is it the same person who tampered with the jade pendant?" Sijiu said.

Zhang Xi shook his head, "Probably not, the incident with Yupei is such a big deal, this person should hide immediately, and won't attack His Highness immediately."

"Now I just need to wait for His Highness to investigate carefully! I need to recharge my spirits and serve His Highness well." Sijiu wiped away his tears and said.

in the room.

Feng Jue was lying on the bed, and he could vaguely hear Sijiu's crying, but his eyelids were too heavy, and he couldn't open them even if he tried hard, so he fell asleep in a daze.

However, this sleep did not wake up until it was dark.

Zhang Xi stood outside the door waiting for His Highness's order.

After waiting for a long time without hearing Feng Jue's voice, he opened the door of the room and walked in.

I saw Feng Jue lying on the bed with his eyes slightly opened.

Zhang Xi was stunned, walked over, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Your Highness, it's already dark, we can set off? Is your Highness uncomfortable?"

"It turned out to be dark, and I said why I couldn't see it anymore." Feng Jue suddenly realized, and said, "Where did Sijiu go? Why didn't the lights go on."

Zhang Xi was taken aback for a moment, turned around, looked at the oil lamp shining on the table, and clearly lit the oil lamp, but His Highness...

His heart trembled suddenly, His Highness's eyes... Could it be...

Feng Jue sat up from the bed, stretched out his hands, waved forward, and said, "Zhang Xi, come and help me, let Sijiu lamp oil light up."

Zhang Xi stared blankly at Feng Jue, looked at his empty eyes, and those hands that didn't know where to put them, the circles around his eyes turned red instantly, and he said in a trembling voice, "Your Highness, the lamp oil... has already been lit."

The expression on Feng Jue's face paused, his hands froze in mid-air, motionless.

After he woke up, he felt that something was wrong. Usually, even in the darkest night, his eyes could sense the surroundings sharply. At that time, he was hiding in the Khitan barracks and often came out at night, so his eyes were particularly sharp.

However, he didn't want to believe it. He felt that his eyes were not as sharp as before because he was too tired and poisoned again!

But Zhang Xi said that the room was lit with lamp oil, but he couldn't see any light.

"Bring the lamp oil in front of me." Feng Jue said, his voice trembling.

"Yes, Your Highness." Zhang Xi stood up, brought the oil lamp on the table over, and placed it in front of Feng Jue, clearly reflecting the expression on his face.

Zhang Xi has never seen Feng Jue like this before, he has always been steady and calm, and he will never be a bit unsteady in the face of the turbulent enemy army.

But now, panic and fear were evident on his face.

"Your Highness..." he called tremblingly.

Feng Jue stretched out his hand a little helplessly, he felt the approach of the oil lamp, felt the heat of the oil lamp, but he blinked vigorously, but saw nothing.

He waved his hand.

"Ah, be careful, Your Highness!" Feng Jue almost touched the flame of the oil lamp with his hand, Zhang Xi hurriedly moved the oil lamp away, but Feng Jue was in vain, and he staggered a few steps forward.

Zhang Xi hurriedly put down the oil lamp and went to help him.

"Get out! This king can, this king can see it!" Feng Jue swung Zhang Xi away vigorously, and took a few steps forward frantically, but accidentally bumped into the vase, only heard a crackling sound, and the vase was hit It fell to the ground and broke.

Feng Jue fell to the ground with a slap, looking extremely embarrassed.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Sijiu who was outside heard the movement and hurried in.

But at a glance, he saw Feng Jue who had fallen to the ground and the broken vase beside him. Feng Jue was getting up from the ground staggeringly, reaching out to support the blue-faced chair, but because of a miss, he and the chair fell together. fell to the ground.

"Your Highness, what's the matter?" Seeing this, Sijiu didn't understand what it meant, and hurried up to help her.

"Don't come here!" However, Feng Jue yelled sharply, and got up from the ground in a mess, but tripped over the chair and fell to the ground again.

"Your Highness...eyes..." Seeing Feng Jue like this, Sijiu was stunned in the distance as if a basin of cold water had fallen from the sky. His Highness's eyes, this is, what's wrong with this?
He looked at Zhang Xi, who hurried out, "I'll call the doctor!"

"Ah!" Feng Jue rubbed his eyes vigorously, but it was useless, he couldn't see, he couldn't see, his eyes were pitch black, and he still couldn't see anything!
In a frenzy, he desperately pushed down the tables, chairs, storage racks, and vases in front of him. There was a crackling sound, and the room was suddenly in a mess.

And the one who was even more embarrassed was Feng Jue himself, he was staggering, his hands were stretched out in front of him, he couldn't see anything, he couldn't see anything.

"Your Highness, be careful!" Seeing him grabbing a broken vase, Sijiu hurried over.

But, it was already too late, Feng Jue's hand grabbed the broken vase with such force, so the palm of his hand was cut, drop by drop of blood dripped onto the vase, the ground, and his robe.

So shocking.

"Your Highness, put down the vase quickly, you've shed a lot of blood!" Sijiu didn't care about Feng Jue's stop, he hurried over, took out the vase from Feng Jue's hand, and threw it aside.

And Feng Jue's legs went limp, and he sat slumped on the ground, with a heartbreaking and pitiful expression on his face.

Sijiu's eyes became hot, but he didn't bother to cry, he quickly tore off the cloth from his body, and temporarily tied up the place where he was bleeding.

"Doctor Jia is here!" After a while, Zhang Xi hurriedly called over to Doctor Jia who was preparing medicine in the kitchen. When Doctor Jia saw the situation in the room, he was startled.

"Your Highness, let the doctor see what's going on?" Sijiu helped Feng Jue get up from the ground, and said, "Maybe, it's just a moment when you don't see it, it will be fine after a while, Don't worry, Your Highness, you will be fine .”

Zhang Xi also walked over and helped Feng Jue who had been hit hard, Feng Jue was weakly supported by two servants and sat on a chair.

Dr. Jia first ordered Sijiu to stop Fengjue's bleeding in the correct way, and then applied medicinal powder on the wound before bandaging it up.

Then began to feel his pulse, and opened the eyelids to check the eyeballs.

"How is it? Doctor Jia, this is temporary." Sijiu asked tremblingly, he couldn't imagine what would happen if His Highness really lost sight.

(End of this chapter)

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